Mha Eri - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Eri: Hey Mr. Aizawa? Where do babies come from?

Aizawa: Go ask Mic.

Mic: Ask me what?

Eri: Where do babies come from?

Mic: Oh, that's easy! Bungy-jumping when the rubber breaks!

Shinso: [Laughing so hard he's choking]

Aizawa: [Spits out his coffee]

Eri: I don't get it.

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3 years ago

Color Palette Series day 11: Eri (My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia)

Color Palette Series Day 11: Eri (My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia)

Color Palette Series Day 11: Eri (My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia)
Color Palette Series Day 11: Eri (My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia)
Color Palette Series Day 11: Eri (My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia)

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5 months ago


More Low Quality Memes I Made Years Ago
More Low Quality Memes I Made Years Ago
More Low Quality Memes I Made Years Ago

More low quality memes I made years ago

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5 months ago

He’s the mother of my children 🥰

Hes The Mother Of My Children

See, he agrees.

Izuku Is Such A Mother.
Izuku Is Such A Mother.

Izuku is such a mother.

I can’t.

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3 years ago

Dad Mic and Eri HCs.

Mic baby proofing himself for Eri- his spiked elbow pads specifically cause Eri's head is at his elbows. Like corks UASHDOUAH- CORKS ON THE SPIKES.

That picture of the punk kneeling down so this kid could touch their spikes? Mic and Eri. Mic and Eri. Idk with his shoulder pads or his hair UAHSDOAUH- THAT IS ALL.

Eri actually loves the spikes, they’re like her horns :D!

To be honest, Eri was scared of Mic at first, but after the festival- she's really drawn towards loudness- yknow? And Mic loves music, is loud, really fucking bright- he's like a personified concert!

Mic: Hey there ankle biter! (loving)

They bond over their love for music. He's gonna try and get her to go out more and join him in his DJ gigs or something- OR he practices his gigs with her as his audience as to not overwhelm her


His energy is so good for her- having a very verbal person around helps her be more confident. Him and Mirio, big hypemen

Mic is also a very physical person. So Mic would pat her head and squish her cheeks if she lets him of course!

In return she reminds him to relax his face- that Present Mic smile must hurt a bit to keep up. Both physically and emotionally- Gentle hand to cheek papping to get him to chill

He helps her learn more Japanese and maybe English. One of his favorite things to do with her is read her stories- he NAILS- and I said N A I L S all the voices

ALTERNATIVELY- he teaches her JSL in case she goes non-verbal

Definitely. Eri goes to Mic when she wants something later on

“Mr Mic..? Can I have another candy apple?”

“What did Aizawa say?”


“Then why’re you asking me, kiddo?”

“Because Mr Aizawa can’t tell you what to do”

Mic goes still. He’s sweating bullets: ITS A TRAP- ITS A TRAP- ITS A T R A P, YAMADA- YAMADA ITS A TRAP.

She got the candy apple.

Mic is chaotic parent. Defo the most willing to bend the rules out of all the UA staff


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3 years ago

MomNight and Eri HCs!

This is my corner of the internet where what I SAY GOES. SHUSH.

Midnight never wanted kids. She had an image to maintain.



As the only female in the staff, Midnight INSTANTLY was determined to be Eri's role model (before you say 13- I've never seen such a nonbinary character in my entire life dawg. 13's gender is literally void.)

She is the babysitter. Aizawa, Mic and All Might are all exTREMELY BUSY with their fuckin schedules so Midnight fills in!

Midnight gives the best gifts! She understands what Eri likes best without needing much explanation


Eri thinks she's so pretty but doesn't exactly know how to talk to her after being basically only exposed to dudes up to this point

Eri attaches herself to Midnight when she sees her genuine smile- like the small closed eyed one

It reminds her of her mom :,)

Its also the one of the reasons Eri doesn't smile like Aizawa or Mic. Imagine this 6 year old with either of their smiles- I dont know which would be scarier tbh-

She's got colored nails! SHE ALSO WANTS COLORED NAILS!!!

Eri learns so much and ends the day with pastel pink fingernails with small stickers on them. She spends a lot of time just looking at them, a small smile on her face.

When they spend time together, she tells her funny stories about Mic and Aizawa when they were students


These stories help her laugh more- she was previously scared of laughing at adults, yknow?

Aizawa and Mic are glad for that but goddammit Kayama- SHE DID NOT NEED TO SEE THEIR YEARBOOK PHOTOS-AUSDHAOUH


Midnight calls her sugar(cube) or like other sweet nicknames



Someone fucks with Eri, bro-

Midnight is known to knock people out with her quirk.

Not this time.

Hands are f l y i n g.

She's just- "hold my earrings, my shoes too- thank you, sugar"

Midnight basically helps ALL the girls feel comfortable about their body, Eri is NO DIFFERENT.

Midnight also will also make sure Eri doesn't feel self conscious about her scars. Eri isn't because of Aizawa and Midorya but she appreciates it none the less!


For every event. Midnight helps her get ready.

Imagine Eri having a date. You have to get vibe checked by ALL the teachers but when I say Midnight gets serious. She gets serious.

Just as terrifying as Mic. I honestly think Aizawa trusts Eri's judgement and doesn't bother getting involved in this so yeah!

Eri goes to her for the best advice on life being a girl in general

Sometimes that means telling the truth but Eri admires the realness Midnight brings to the table.


Midnights taking her away from the teachers dorm so that they can have a spa day or something

Be financially irresponsible for a good day

"Um- Kayama-san... I love this but- I don't know... This dress is really- expensive..."

"SUGARCUBE- DARLING, NO, YOU LOOK GORGEOUS. TAKE IT- I'LL PAY." Midnight says holding 5 more dresses she thinks suit Eri

Straight up when Eri comes home from school one day, there's just a pile of bags on her bed and a note "Little something from your favorite aunt ♡"

Eri still kept that handheld mirror Midnight gifted her at her first Christmas :D

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3 years ago

After the War Arc

Two thoughts I had- MANGA SPOILER WARNING!


After cleaning himself up, Hizashi goes to the hospital with Toshinori. After making the medical decisions on behalf of Aizawa and checking on him- he left after hours. He left to go to Nemuris apartment. To pick up Sushi.

He brings Sushi to UA, tries explaining the situation to Eri as best he can.

"Hey, there, anklebiter... Remember Ms Midnight...? She- she wants your help! Think you're up to it, kid?"

"This is Sushi. He's- He's Ms Midnight's cat- Yeah! Like the cats on the clothes Mr Aizawa got for you! We have to take care of him for a while, right, Eri? I'm going to have to be away for a while too but the other teachers will stay right here to help."

He has enough energy to pretend to be Sushi- he has to. For Eri. Hizashi puts on a goofy voice and makes Sushi wave a paw "Hi there Eri! I can't wait to become your new friend!"


Hizashi starts looking at Aizawa weirdly. Giving him side glances. Avoiding eyecontact. Eyes fast. Aizawa thinks its because he lost an eye and a leg and doesn't pay any mind to it. Hizashi does it because he's thinking of the fact that Aizawa's supposed to be dead. It was for Shota. Not Oboro.

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3 years ago



So it's canon that Mic teaches Eri English and Eri calls him "Mr Mustache" or "Mr English" while she calls Midnight "Miss Art"


Vlad King -> Mr Excersize

Ectoplasm -> Mr Song

Now since Eri draws and is learning English, Mic buys her


THE ENTIRE SET and she draws her own versions of Ms Art, Mr English and/or Mr Mustache, Mr Excersize, Mr Song and many more

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7 months ago

She's our daughter Erasermic x adopted daughter


Quirk ( healing hands, detect life and summon fighters) (Skyrim)

It has been two weeks about to be three since y/n got a phone call that her mother/father/guardian disowned her because they didn't want her to be a hero but she went to school to be a hero anyway.

Y/n sighed as she laid in her bed in her dorm room. It was Christmas break and she was one of the few students who stayed at school instead of going home. Y/n was about to try and sleep when a knock on her door startled her. Y/n slowly made her way to her door, once she opened it partly she peeked out to see Mr Aizawa and Mr Hizashi she opened the door more "Mr Aizawa Mr Hizashi how can I help you?" Y/n asked Mr Hizashi smiled "Well little little listener how would you feel about coming home with us for the holidays?" Mr Hizashi asked y/n froze and lifted a eye brow "Huh?!" Mr Aizawa shook his head as Mr Hizashi chuckled "They're closing the dorms because a pipe froze and busted on the bottom floor so the students who are still here are either going to a hotel or with teachers. We'll have Eri and Shinso and we heard you were still here so we thought we'd ask" Mr Aizawa said with a shrug (nothing bad will happen all are trustworthy)

"are you sure?" Y/n asked Mr Hizashi smiled "of course! If we didn't want to we wouldn't have asked!" Mr Hizashi said smiling brightly, y/n swore she might go blind "sure I won't mind. Let me go pack" y/n said turning away from the door and walking over to her closet and packing a weeks worth of clothes, y/n also packed a blanket into her suitcase and grabbed a pillow, before walking out her dorm room door and closed it. Mr Hizashi smiled again before side hugging her "This will be the best break of your life let's go!" Mr Hizashi said as he grabbed one of Aizawas and y/ns hands and took off to the elevator. Once they got to the bottom floor y/n saw Shinso and Eri sitting on a couch "Y/n!" Eri yelled as she got off the couch and ran towards her y/n smiled before letting go of Mr Hizashis hand and bending down to catch the fast approaching child. Eri giggled as she ran into y/ns arms and hugged her, Shinso walked up to everyone "Hey y/n" he sounded so tired "Hi Shinso didn't sleep well?" Y/n asked Shinso shock his head "naw but I'm ok. Are we ready to go?" Shinso asked everyone nodded Y/n had put Eri down and they started walking outside as Eri held both Mr Hizashi and Mr Aizawas hands. "Any idea about what we're doing this week?" Y/n asked the tired boy "Nope do you?" Shinso replied y/n shock her head "we'll find out soon enough" y/n said with a Chuckle as the reached the back of Mr Hizashis car Shinso nodded. Y/n and Shinso put their luggage in the trunk before getting in the back seat, Aizawa had already put Eri in. Once everyone was in and buckled up Mr Hizashi moved the mirror to look at us "Alrighty my little listeners are y'all ready for a awesome week?!" ERI, Y/N and Shinso nodded and said yes and Mr Hizashi has crunk up the car before pulling out of the schools parking lot.

This will be a amazing week

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9 months ago
Can We Talk About How Cute That Lil Baby Is? Like, She Is So Smol And So Determind?? A Cutie Pie. We

Can we talk about how cute that lil baby is? Like, she is so smol and so determind?? A Cutie Pie. We must protect da baby at all cost !!

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4 years ago

Aizawa: for TWO WEEKS I have done my best to raise you. Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about raising children? No! Should I have picked up a book on parenting?? PROBABLY??

Aizawa : where was I going with this? I had a point.

Shinsou and Eri: We love you dad


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4 years ago
Happy Valentines Day!My Store Is Finally Open Once Again!! Pre-orders Are Open For The BNHA Pair Stickers/buttons
Happy Valentines Day!My Store Is Finally Open Once Again!! Pre-orders Are Open For The BNHA Pair Stickers/buttons

☆Happy Valentines Day!☆ My Store is finally open once again!! Pre-orders are open for the BNHA pair stickers/buttons and the Midnight charm (+ stickers!) !! PREORDERS CLOSE 2/24 5pm EST ! And for this sale only, if you purchase more than $25, you get a little valentines goodie bag! :D  (as now we cannot ship to the UK but if you see your country isn’t available to ship to (that isn’t the UK), please let me know and i’ll add it!)


(my links!)

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8 months ago

I think it’s kind of interesting that two of the most horrific cases of torture and abuse to people that Aizawa loves (Eri and Oboro) come about almost directly because of his quirk

The doctor and All for one where after Aizawa’s quirk that day that was the whole reason they were there and Chisaki didn’t get his idea to make quirk erasing bullets till he heard about, then saw erasure in action. And both times Aizawa is told this horrifying information to his face years after he’s too late to do anything about the horrors.

And that must be so frustrating to have a quirk you grew up being told was shit be so interesting to all the wrong people.

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7 months ago

Hello again...Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any anime (can be series or movies) or manga or if you want, from any media that you love? Thanks if you want to answer.....(Hope you don't mind to get an same from the same person)

Hello again!

Of course I don't mind keep the questions coming. :D

As for my top 5-10 anime moments this was honestly a little easy cause if something clicks for me it tends to stick with me for a long time but here are some just off the dome.

One piece: I actually read this is the manga but in the Skypiea arc during the fight with Enel when Luffy rings the bell and Noland's ancestor hears it, confirming that his ancestor wasn't a liar and then you see the giant silhouette of luffy in the sky that was and still is definitely one of my all time favorite one piece moments. I don't like the whole of Skypiea I feel like it went on for a little too long but the emotional arc of that arc is definitely my favorite. Runner ups;

Raising their X arms for Vivi

Burning down the WG flag for robin

Luffy putting his hat on Nami's head

Bellamy seeing Luffy again in Dressrosa and saying he believes now

Obviously when ace gets free in a cloud of fire

saying goodbye to the going merry

On the sea train whenLuffy tells Zoro to cut it and Zoro just smiles like a maniac and cuts it

Luffy stopping Doffy from stepping on Law

That one shot from the anime where gear 5 luffy looks like a demon coming towards lucci

Any time a sword comes down and zoro is right there to block it

I really like the phrase drums of liberation I don't know what to say One piece has been going on for a long time and Oda is very good at drawing moments.

FMAB: Obvious one and a little basic but the moment where greed just before he fades away looks out at the crowd of people and goes "yeah this is enough" jesus christ.

Mob Psycho: This one actually has like 3.

The first is at the end of season 1 when reigen gets mob's powers and tells him he doesn't have to fight that he is a child and it's not his responsibility to make up for the faults of adults and then immediately goes on to just shame the adults of the evil organization because like y'all are kidnapping and torturing kids because of some childhood trauma? grow up and get a real job. Hilarious.

In season three after dimple brainwashes Mob to leave as he goes on fighting the fake mob in the broccoli and that just a beautiful sequence that I dont relaly want to spoil but when Mob gets home and it really just clicks that dimple was his first friend god it was beautiful

And finally obviously I would be remise to not include Reigen running after a ramapaging ???? as the world literally falls away and is destroyed around him.

Weathering with you: If you haven't watched this I genuinely recommend it was made by the same studio and directer that did Your Name. But yeah the scene where they are falling out of the sky holding hands it would be impossible if it did not make this list.

How do I put down the whole of My Neighbor Totoro?

Boy and the Heron: I don't want to spoil the movie but the scene at the end when Mahito has to get out of the tower as it implodes and his last talk with the girl saying I'll see you in the future god this doesn't make sense but watch the movie its a beautiful sequence.

Demon Slayer: Of course the set your heart ablaze scene has to make the list. But the line that really stuck with me is when he told Tanjiro to always keep his head up no matter what people think about his journey to save Nezuko. He hadn't even gotten a chance to properly talk with either of them before shit went down but he saw the good she did he saw how hard they fight and he is the first person to say out loud that I believe you I think what you are doing is good and kind and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God when he sees his mother. Please just kill me.

MHA: Every single sequence between Eri and Mirio especially the first fight scene where He gives Eri his cape and when they are at the concert and you see the darkness be lifted from her shoulders. Its such a shame we didnt get more of them.

Fireforce: God I hate the fanservice in this show and I hate that exceot for Maki everytime a woman gets in a fight she somehow winds up almost naked and posed very sexually submissive and it's so weird cause it feels like sexual violence and I could go on and on about how this show does a disservice to itself and it's female characters but I can't deny that the scene where Shinra bursts through the roof as Tamaki is literally taking a serious beating from the dude she looked up too and yeah beautiful moment. Also its a really fucked up dynamic but its also really interesting and poignant but Kurono being the only one to understand what Takkun needs in the moment to stop his rampage was just like wow. A Place Further than the Universe: The girls finding Shirase's mom's laptop and them watching the emails come in and its proof that her mom was loved I mean come on. The whole show is great. Erased: The entire opening sequence. The twist and the fact that I learned that the actual english translation of the Japanese name is : The place where only I am missing. Which is a banger ass name. I honesly could go on and on things tend to stick with me for whatever reason but yeah I'd recommend watching anything on this list. But thank you for the ask this was fun!

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1 year ago
Them Bonding Over Their Tragic Siblings.
Them Bonding Over Their Tragic Siblings.

Them bonding over their tragic siblings.

Izuku accidentally called Tanjirou 'mom' that one time where Tanjirou is cooking and Izuku walks in like " that smells good, mom -- " and he freezes, takes a moment before collapsing on the floor sobbing and then rushes to call his bio mom to say how much he loves her and all.

Luffy watches Tanjirou training his hinokami kagura and the 'fire' illusion movement reminds him of Ace and when he is about to call out Tanjirou's name, he started with " hey, Ac -- " and catches himself in time by bitting his tongue so hard he bleeds a lot.

(Tanjirou worries a lot about them)


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1 year ago
Sibling Chill

💫sibling chill💫

I am completely aware they never met but erasermic family is something my heart melts over 🥹

so yeah they ARE siblings I said so

dunno what else to say lmao, there’s some different colour version under the cut as well as speedpaint cause I found it very fun

yes I did use the sims to help with the background I think it’s a heavily underrated method 😗

Sibling Chill

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11 months ago

Shouto: My dad is the worst dad in the world!

Deku: Oh really, at least he’s here!

Hawks: Really? YOUR dad is the worst?

Eri: Am I a joke to you?

Shigaraki: I would like a word for BOTH my dads!

Shouto: Okay, yeah, I have to admit, in this ranking, he is not number one.

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