Mimiko And Nanako - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Just check the op tags.

I have nothing else to say.

Boy Mom vs Girl Dad

Boy Mom Vs Girl Dad
Boy Mom Vs Girl Dad

Also 3/6 ppl in these photos here were killed by Sukuna…Yuuta and Yuuji you better avenge them 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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gojo braiding sugurus hair 🥹🥹🥹🥹

this is the first time I’ve written fluff in a while so thank you for the practice 🤭

au where Geto didn’t turn bad and they are co-parenting


It was a sunny spring afternoon with a little chill in the air when Satoru had pick up duty of the kids from school. Although they were different ages, Tsumiki, Megumi, Nanako and Mimiko all went to the same school a few blocks from their luxurious Tokyo apartment. Tsumiki and Mimiko walk a little ahead of the rest, talking about their art projects they they both are carrying. Megumi, silent as ever tends to look at the trees and sky and bugs when walking, observant to everything but the people around him. Nanako is talking about drama of a girl in her class uninviting another girl to a birthday sleepover as Gojo dramatically responds with “NO WAY,” and “girllll”.

After Nanako pauses to catch her breath, dramatically breathing hard she stops walking which in turn causes Gojo to stop and Megumi who was holding his other hand.

“Dadtoru,” she asks, the nickname that the four kids worked together to give him given they had two dads, “Can you braid my hair tonight? Papaguru always does it…” She twirls her blonde hair around her finger giving Satoru the most puppy like eyes she could. Megumi can be heard in the background with a “tsk” and releases Gojos hand to catch up with the other two girls.

“Yes hunny, I’d love to braid your hair,” Satoru smiles and pats her head, grabbing her hand again to catch up with the other kids as they approach their building. The doorman smiles and greets all of them, but Satoru is too distracted by the fact that he now has to learn how to braid hair. He thought he’d always be able to get by because Suguru knew how to. He grabs a lollipop from the front desk and watches as the kids argue over who gets to press the elevator button today. “Megumi it’s your turn,” Satoru says quietly. He’s not really sure but he’s secretly his favorite so he pretty much gives him what he wants. They make their way upstairs, Mimiko singing some song they learned in music as Satoru takes a selfie in the reflective mirror surface of the elevator to send to his better half.

‘Suguru, look how good I’m doing at pick up duty!’ *1 attached image*

A few seconds later a ding goes off his phone ‘Nanako’s fly is down, Megumi’s shoe is untied, Tsumiki has her backpack hanging open, and Mimiko is just making a weird face’ He can tell Suguru is just kidding but he still is offended.

‘She was singing’ Satoru responds, ignoring the rest as the elevator dings open to their apartment.


“You know the drill, shoes off, wash your hands, homework at the table.” Gojo is in total dad mode on his day off, a rare day where he didn’t have a mission or meetings or teaching. Tsumiki being the oldest of the four helps them all wash their hands, and the four sit at the kitchen table, 6 seats, the two heads of the tables open for Satoru and Suguru. Gojo stands in the kitchen, chopping apples and celery, arranging a snack plate for the kids.

“Dadtoruuuu,” Mimiko whines, “you didn’t take us to your favorite mochi place like you usually do on your days off!”

Satoru chuckles and brings the snacks over to the kids, saying “papa would not forgive me if I ruined your appetite for supper again.”

The kids eat their snacks and go over their homework, Gojo helping when needed but mostly reading up for the mission coming up where he has to leave the country.

The kids finish their work one by one, the twins opting to play dolls with each other while Megumi plays on his iPad on the couch and Tsumiki draws in her room. Satoru gets started on dinner, taking over some responsibilities while he is actually here. He looks over at a photo on the fridge, a picture of him and Suguru with Rico Amanai, the star plasma vessel they saved and who is now one of the kids babysitters while she’s in college. That was their first big mission where it felt like they made a difference in jujutsu society. Next is a photo of Kento Nanami with all 4 children when they were much younger, hanging off his large muscular frame like little monkeys. He also helps out at times when Suguru has to work late and Satoru is not present. And last but not least, is a photo on Satoru and Suguru’s wedding day, Shoko Ieiri as their flower girl / officiant / ring bearer. She gets to watch the girls sometimes when they need a female in their lives (but not often, Suguru doesn’t think she’s a good influence).

As the pot on the stove simmers and Satoru comes back from zoning out about their past and hears keys jingling outside the front door.

Suguru Geto has become Jujustsu tech’s newest principal, and also has gotten into the high ranks of sorcerer society. He is wise, level headed, and ethical, in which everyone has respect for him. The story of how the two men saved these 4 kids earned them quite a lot of credibility, as everyone had previously seen them as immature teenagers being the two strongest sorcerers in the world. Principal Yaga decided his time was best spent elsewhere in the jujutsu world but still occasionally visits.

As Suguru comes through the door Nanako and Mimiko come flying down the hallway to greet him. He sets his briefcase down on the table, pushing his bangs behind his ear before picking both of them up for a big hug. Giving them both a kiss on their cheeks he asks, “How was school today my loves?”

“Good!” They say in unison giggling.

“How ‘bout you ‘Gumi?” Suguru glances over at the boy on the couch and the boy simply holds up a thumbs up. He walks into the kitchen, seeing Satoru cooking, and walks up behind him, wrapping him in a warm embrace and kissing the side of his head the best he could since he is a little shorter than the white haired man. Satoru turns around and gives Suguru a long kiss, to which the black haired man responds “hmm you missed me that much,” with their lips still partially attached.

“Yes I did. It’s so hard being a stay at home dad.”

“Toru, you do this like once every three weeks, give it a rest please,” he fake rolls his eyes and takes off his suit jacket, heading to their shared bedroom to change into comfy clothes. Satoru follows him, leaving his food unattended for a minute.

“So Nanako gave me some homework today,” he says watching Suguru raise his eyebrow at him in the mirror while he undoes his tie. “She wants me to braid her hair.” The concerned look on Satoru’s face makes Suguru chuckle while unbuttoning his dress shirt.

“I can teach you on Tsumiki. And then you can try on my head.”

Satoru smiles, “look at you, teaching me something for once.”

After dinner it is bath time, bed time stories, and off to bed for the youngest 3. Tsumiki reads on her own, in which Satoru interrupts her “Hey can we borrow you for a minute?” The quiet girl quickly obliged following him into the living room, where Suguru has a mirror, hair brush, and some elastic hair ties laid out.

“Can I braid your hair?” Suguru smiles at her and she takes a seat on the floor sitting in front of him on the couch. Tsumiki continues her reading while Suguru goes through all the instructions.

“So first you have to brush everything through and make sure they’re no knots, just like you do with mine. And then you grab a decent sized piece from the top and separate it into 3 parts. Then you start alternately weaving them one through the other, adding a little chunk of hair from the sides each time.”

Satoru watches intently as Suguru’s large muscular hands work gently through the girl’s black hair. Her hair is a little longer than the rest of theirs so it takes a little while, but Suguru has been doing this for a few years at this point. He’s pretty confident he can do it, it may not be pretty but a braid is a braid right?

As Tsumiki’s braid is finished she stands up and gives both of her dads a kiss on the cheek before heading to her room. Satoru calls after her “lights out by 9 okay ‘miki?”

“Mhm” she responds back.

Now Suguru is sitting on the floor, flipping through the tv station patiently awaiting Satoru to play with his hair.

They both are reminded of a time in their high school when Suguru’s hair was shorter. He wore it in a bun with just his bangs sticking out, and after long missions he would ask Gojo to come lay with him in his dorm bed. Satoru always cuddled up to him like a koala, releasing his hair from the bun and running his fingers through it.

Satoru grabs the brush off the coffee table, gently brushing through his lovers soft long black locks. He follows the steps he was instructed and Suguru watches him in the little handheld mirror.

“You can pull it a little harder.” Suguru says.

“That’s what she said,” Satoru quips back and winks at his husband in the mirror.

It takes significantly longer than it should but by the end, Suguru’s beautiful locks are braided into a neat, precise French braid. The two proceed to cuddle on the couch and finish watching the nightly news.

“You’re such a good dad,” Suguru mumbles as he holds Satoru close.

“You are too,” Satoru smiles back at him, kissing his forehead.


In the morning Gojo has to leave a little earlier than usual for his teaching at Jujutsu high. He goes into the twins bedroom to wake up Nanako so he can do her hair. She sleepily follows him to the bathroom before realizing what he is doing. She has the cutest little smile on her face watching him concentrate to get her hair perfect. Right as he finishes Mimiko stumbles into the bathroom sleepily. “You want a braid too?” He asks and she nods as she wipes her eyes and yawns. 10 minutes later both twins have their hair braided and are eating their breakfast when Tsumiki comes out with her also braided hair, a little messy from it being slept on. Suguru is in the kitchen making lunches with his braid left in, likely because he forgot about it.

“I’ll see you at work babes,” Gojo pecks Geto on the cheek before rushing out the door, it being Suguru’s turn to walk the kids to school.

Satoru zones out in the elevator, thinking about his sweet family, 4 of them walking to school with matching braids in, and little Megumi with his spikey hair.

bonus: a rough sketch of it but Gojo looks like he’s on crack

Gojo Braiding Sugurus Hair

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10 months ago
Mimiko And Nanako Spying On Master Geto's Late Night Visitor.

Mimiko and Nanako spying on Master Geto's late night visitor.

I 100% subscribe to the theory that Satoru visited Suguru during those 10 years

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8 months ago

Thoughts on Nanako & Mimiko (whether they have cursed techniques or cursed objects, how their CT works) but no solid answers this time (help me pls)

Maybe they don't have any cursed techniques. But they can see curses. Maybe Mimiko's doll was a cursed object (or the rope around it), or maybe Geto gave them cursed objects so they would be able to defend themselves against non-sorcerers.

In hidden inventory we see that old man whose only friend was a dog bc he could see curses and that alone was enough to freak people out and alienate him.

With the way that twins work, is there any precedent for them both having a cursed technique?

Even among siblings, I can't think of any. Nitta, the supervisor, can barely see curses and transferred with her brother so she could look out for him.

The death paintings would be an exception, but that could explain why Kenjaku mixed his blood into it as Noritoshi Kamo. Maybe he chose that body for this reason. And I've speculated a lot about him having more kids, but pacts no longer apply to him after leaving a certain body, so that restriction wouldn't apply to him.

If one of them has a cursed technique, it would have to be Nanako, and Mimiko threatens people with her doll, I guess.

Or maybe somehow their technique only works when they are together? We never see them work alone. Actually, the one time when Nanako fails to use it (to kill sukuna) is when Mimiko is gone.

But we never see them use a different object, as far as I know. It might be drawn differently at times but I don't think that has any significance.

So ig that's something else to look for on this reread.

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1 year ago

Two dads and their kids <33

So freaking cute tho

asweetblueberry2 - asweetblueberry2
asweetblueberry2 - asweetblueberry2

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7 months ago
Silly Lil Geto Poster ! :3 (first Post Yaey!!)

silly lil geto poster ! :3 (first post yaey!!)

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5 months ago
Just Megumi Helping Nobara Redye Her Roots (and Getting Bullied By His Sisters)
Just Megumi Helping Nobara Redye Her Roots (and Getting Bullied By His Sisters)

just megumi helping nobara redye her roots (and getting bullied by his sisters) 👍

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5 months ago
Shoko's The Type To Say She Never Wants Kids But Ends Up Falling In Love With The Four Orphans Her Partners

shoko's the type to say she never wants kids but ends up falling in love with the four orphans her partners miraculously acquired

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