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(can't help the way I) feel
12k • mature • satosugu
“Satoru. Have you ever had a massage before?” The way his name melts off of Suguru’s tongue is dizzying, dazzling, so it’s too bad when the question after it hits him like a splash of cold water in the face. “Tch. I mean, sure I have.” Be cool. “Of course. Obviously.” Suguru’s mild smile doesn’t budge. It wears him down to nothing in two seconds flat. “Not exactly, no.” “That’s perfectly alright, you know,” Suguru assures. “There has to be a first time for everything.” Satoru cannot allow himself to think about all the first times he would give to this man.
musician!Satoru has never had a massage before. Unbelievable, now that he knows what (who) he’s been missing.
[Read the fic on AO3]

Welcome to my au in which geto turns into a curse after jjk0
And consumes kenny
And gets his body back
And everyone lives happily ever after (keyword being *lives*) as one big family where all the kids hate their new step-dad.
The end.
Post training shower time. Butts under the cut.
(Calm down nanami they're just really good friends. like. best bros)
Read L-->R

+ extra cuz I didn't know whether eyes opener or closed was better

Ew het.

Rule 63 but only half the couple
So maybe rule 31.5
Might color this might not who knows what the tides shall bring

The art vs the artist 🖤🤍 Satoru is an artist 🤭

Life guard Geto X surfer dude Gojo 🖤🤍
I’m sure there are fics about this somewhere.., plz dm them to me 😁
Gojo prints
Geto prints
It didn't rly fit into my Suguru Geto did nothing wrong theory post, but hear me outtt
or tell me if this super obvious and I just didn't notice until now??

Geto's CT tastes rly, rly bad. The years he's spent swallowing curses has made him associate that taste with non-sorcerers (bc they create the curses). Since taste and smell go hand in hand, it would linger in his senses.
No one else can smell it, of course, it's only in Geto's sinuses. So they're like...?? Ok dude, whatever.
It's also interesting that Gojo and Geto's techniques involved a sort of sensory hell, and were mentally draining.
Gojo was able to overcome this by covering his eyes and using RCT. But Geto had no relief. As long as he was absorbing curses and breathing, he could taste them.
Edit to add:
Monkey makes sense as a descriptor - I can't think of any other fitting metaphor (though the idea was born from Toji's words in the first place).
Even the non-violent sorcerers like Mrs. Sa(ito) and her daughter, who seek out help and benefit from Geto's services, are in the animal realm - at the mercy of whatever happens to them, of how sorcerers and curses treat them. They can't see or understand or control these things themselves.
And the non-sorcerers calling for ignorant violence are like monkeys wielding knives (which is why I have this fear of monkeys. Stop stealing knives!! No other animal does this. Respect your hand privileges).
Additionally - I've been searching my own memories with monkeys. And I cannot remember actually seeing them - but the first, the main flashback I always get about the zoo, is the monkey smell.
And Geto having to endure that stench left from the non-sorcerers' leaking cursed energy... Monkey just fits.
(anime-only friendly post)
I'll have to reread JJK0 to rly have a stance on this but
At this point I feel like Geto did nothing wrong, even if the worm curse was not drugging him like banana fish (explained here).
Geto was misunderstood. He didn't declare that he was planning to kill all non-sorcerers. Gojo said that. Geto called him ignorant for it and walked away for not being listened to. To have a world of sorcerers could take a gradual path by teaching, by finding those like Nanako and Mimiko (one of the guys in their family was in a similar position, I forget his name rn). Geto traveled far for a family of sorcerers and to remove cursed spirits.
I think his parents weren't killed for being non-sorcerers, but for being a part of that cycle of violence toward them. Geto might have given them a second chance, taking the twins to his parents house, when they got violent. We don't know exactly what went down with them.

Gojo continues to have negative rizz (this analysis contains manga spoilers. Tldr, Gojo misunderstands another lover, potentially) so it feels like a pattern to me.
We've often pointed out that Sukuna's love language would be violence, that using his stronger techniques is a sign of respect toward his opponent.
But I'm realizing now, Gojo is the same way - it shows that a partner can keep up with them. We know that Geto and Gojo used to get into fights at school (and Geto even used his curse manipulation technique without notifying the staff first, like he usually would because of the unregistered cursed energy). Geto said fuck the rules, I'm on your level (by your side).
BUT AT THE KFC, Geto didn't pull out a curse. He didn't fight (for) Gojo - not even when he pulled out the hollow purple hand. Geto just told him to choose his own path, there would be meaning in that. That he's no longer by his side. Geto said there would be a point to killing him, but I think it was to follow the order of his execution, to feed into the oppressive system on jujutsu sorcerers. Geto decided to be the one who diverges from the rules of jujutsu society, to decide that some non-sorcerers have so much power that they are as dangerous as curse users, even if they have no cursed techniques.
Geto had come to terms with the separation - they'd been sent on missions alone too often, and he felt left behind by Gojo's growth (along with how different he was since the fight with Toji - they didn't grow closer from that traumatic event, but became distant from there).
I would love to see someone who's fluent in Japanese break down their conversation - to me it reads like Geto is telling Gojo, I have a family now. I have to look after them. And if my parents were just like the group that killed Riko, or the village that beat up and locked kids in a cage for having abilities... Then it's irresponsible of me to let the cycle of hate continue there, just because they are my parents.
Anyway, Geto killed people. He targeted those in power, those with money, those who exploit the weak for their own greed, those who scapegoat innocent children and criminalize sorcerers for the curses' atracks (when the curses are only born from the non-sorcerers in the first place).
First, the village with Nanako and Mimiko.
Then his own parents (which I'm going to assume were the same way, I have my own headcanon that he left his family early for a monastery and then went to jujutsu high but I'm not rly sure what's up).
And the cult - he specifically calls to the stage and kills the man who hired Toji to kill Riko. And had Shiu gather to that meeting the members in positions of power and money.
There's also the deal with Geto calling non-sorcerers monkeys, which carries a gross and racist feeling (at least through a western lense, I've seen so many jokes about him being racist and planning a genocide, but I don't think that's really accurate). We can say that it was sleep learning from Toji. I think it stuck with him for a very simple reason.
Yuki Tsukumo gave Geto an existential crisis by telling him that curses only exist because of non-sorcerers (except for when a sorcerer dies and becomes the curse). Geto knows what curses taste like. Think about going to the zoo - you can smell the monkey area already, can't you? It's very distinct and memorable. It stays with you. The curses that Geto swallows are like that, but even worse. I posted here about the smell lingering in his sinuses and that's why he uses sanitizing spray after seeing Mrs. Sa(i)to and her daughter.
So just like monkeys live and poop and are associated with the stench, non-sorcerers get emotional and leak cursed energy. Others might see and hear curses, and occasionally they might smell (sorry Eiso I know you're insecure about having a musty back but I can't think of another example, maybe this doesn't happen with cursed spirits), but Geto is alone in knowing the taste and making this connection.
Anyway, Geto still clearly believes that the strong should protect the weak, whether they're sorcerers or not, that's what he spends his life doing.
And when he died saying that he still hates those monkeys - hate is different than genocide. He's been basically eating their vomit for the majority of his life. Not to mention the curses that killed his friends.
Ultimately, though, we don't get to see anyone Kenjaku uses as a vessel live their own life except for Geto. And I don't believe that the worm would have been necessary for most victims - but Geto and his best friend were 2 of the strongest sorcerers. Whoever Kenjaku was living as at the time had to be calculating and careful.
I don't know when Toji got the worm, but I think that Kenjaku needed to use it on Toji himself, and not only as a mediator to pass it onto Geto.
Idk much about Toji's life, but it seems like he was healing with his wife, and maybe he was still taking out curse users (though I want to use that term lightly bc ultimately it's the higher ups who decide who is a sorcerer vs a curse user), but I'm not sure he would have gone after Gojo or Geto or the star plasma vessel without the sudden grief or the worm.
Kenjaku likely was the founder of the time vessel association (which makes me laugh when Toji says thank you founder and shiu is like, ugh he is not the founder dumbass), which is from the Nara era. At the least we know that he was trying to destabilize Tengen. He needed someone to kill Riko. He needed Toji to lose his sense of reality, responsibility. (kenjaku was probably either in that group or sending them messages that they believed were like a sign from god)
So i feel more confident now in believing that Kenjaku did cause Megumi's mother's death. It seemed to happen by the time of Gojo and Geto's first year in jujutsu high.
In the end, love wasn't the greatest curse of all. It was the failure to understand Geto -
And Geto decided that he didn't need anyone to understand. He was giving up on Gojo, and on the rules.
It seems like Yuki Tsukumo and Geto kept in touch, judging by the end of the Shibuya incident. I wouldn't be surprised if one of their goals was to teach more people to become sorcerers or at least control their cursed energy, even if they can't see spirits.
Even if Geto were now curse user witn a death sentence, he still used his technique to absorb curses, a way to remove them from non-sorcerer victims without the stress or violence of exorcism (he didn't have to keep swallowing curses, instead of manipulating the ones he already had. But most people don't have resistance to curses, so he prioritized making things easier for the weak).
I imagine that some of these people got hyped about it, asking to learn, and were able to join a class that might focus on breathing techniques, visualization, etc (even if they could just control emotions better, that would help}. Larue's ability would make him a good teacher, and we really don't know what role he would have played otherwise.

Welcome back, Satoru.
no text ver.

idea from this tweet
this is canon.

Satosugu x urusei yatsura????????😻😻😻😻😻

oh wow I can’t believe THIS is how Jjk ended. No other way. Exactly like this.
he doesn’t know why by fleet foxes is about stsg by the way

I just wanna be part of your family❤️🩹
This is canon yall✌

Sillies 🤲(it was keychain idea actually...)
(idk how to choose

Я потратил на это шесть с лишним часов......
подпишитесь на телегу пж "Почему редиска горькая"
I’m going to watch this edit on repeat to get me through the pain of jjk ending. satosugu is soo tragic it hurts 💔