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1 year ago

The Hunger Games: Rise of the Phoenix

Chapter 1 - Fenghuang


Here's the first chapter for you guys! Hope you all enjoy!


h/c - hair color

Y/n - Your name

L/n - Last name

s/c - skin color

Fenghuang - A female phoenix goddess in Chinese mythology. It's said that it is an immortal bird whose rare appearance is said to be a foretelling of harmony, hope, and peace to come. And an ascent to the throne of a new emperor. 

(The Statement above was altered a little bit by me to fit the story, if you want to know the actual definition, you can see right here --> Fenghuang | Phoenix, Bird-Woman & Immortality | Britannica.)

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10 years later

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Y/n woke up startled as she felt sweat on her forehead. She looked around the room she shared with her mother; her mother though wasn't in bed like she usually would. The h/c girl was sleeping peacefully, until she awoke, unaware that the yearly nightmare was waiting for her today, for everyone. 

It was the day of the reaping, the day where two people from the ages 12 through 18, a boy and a girl from each of the twelfth districts, would get chosen to compete in the Hunger Games. 

To make a long story short, the Hunger Games was a fight to the death, televised everywhere for the entertainment of the people from the Capital. 

Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore, Y/n got up from her bed and looked out the small window that the room had. It was still early in the morning, so she could still meet up with Katniss and her friend Gale in the forest.

With that thought in mind, she grabbed her small bag that Katniss had made for her a few years back, which contained a variety of different knives and one small ax. She slipped on her shoes and left her house, coming to the conclusion that her parents and brother were in the mines working. Making it to the fence, she slipped through it and onto the other side as she quickly but quietly made her way to their meeting place. 

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“Hey Katniss.”

Looking back, the taller and older girl with jet black hair turned around and smiled as she saw the girl she grew to see as her sister, other than Prim of course. 

“N/n! I thought you wouldn’t be able to come here.”

“Well, no one was home so I just left, oh, he Gale.”

Gale was standing next to Katniss, you’ve fist met him when you and Katniss were going through some of the shops in the Seam. At first, you did feel comfortable around him, as if there was something about him that just didn’t seem right. 

It wasn't until that by the age of 10, your older brother, B/n, died while working in the mines. Gale had said that he was near his area when the explosion had happened and that he tried to look for him, but he didn’t get the chance. I guess that was the time you started to feel a brotherly connection through Gale, due to him being such close friends (as he put it) with your brothers that he then felt the need to take his place, but Gale never mentioned those words to the girl. 

“Hey N/n, how’s it been?”

“Eh, I’ve been okay.”

“Alright guys, let's go hunt something while we can, alright?”

Nodding, you followed the two older teens as you all made your way through the forest and towards the usually hunting spot.

Finally arriving at the spot, you set down your bag and open it to take out one of the larger knives, which also was your favorite one. You kneeled down in between both Gale and Katniss as Katniss had her Bow ready and Gale with a small sword like weapon. 

A few minutes had passed and nothing had come across us yet, so we decided to just take a break for now and just chill for a little bit. It was quiet, and you enjoyed it, until Gale opened his mouth and ruined the silence. 

“Hey Catnip, you look like you’ve had a nightmare or something.”

“I did, about the reaping.”

Silence took over once more, but it wasn't the comfortable one like before, it was more of an awkward and tense silence. 

Gale nodded, agreeing with her statement.

“Me too, It’s hard not to think about it, especially today.”

It was silent once more, and then I felt the side glance that both Katniss and Gale gave to me. 

“You shouldn’t worry though N/n, your name is only in four times right?”

You were only 15, so of course your name would only be in the bowl four times.

One time, you thought about putting in your name more than once to get some of the food that they offered for a family member, but of course, Katniss got a whiff of that and shut your plan down immediately.

She ended up giving you a lecture with Gale for about an hour on why it was a stupid idea to do that and besides, why would you do that if Gale and herself were already helping out your family. 

Katniss had entered her name multiple times so that she could provide for her family, Prim and her mother, along with my family with the help from Gale, who has his name in the bowl like 50 times. 

“Yea, only four times. But still, there's the possibility that it might happen.”

“Come on N/n, don’t think like that, nothing will happen to you if I have anything to say about it.”

Katniss, rubbed your back and smiled down at you softly.

“I won’t let anything happen to either you or Prim.”

You put on a tiny smile, Gale was about to say something until you both heard something loud in the sky.

Katniss snatched you up and hid with you and Gale underneath one of the bigger trees in the forest as a huge flying ship-like thing flew over the three of you. 

As the ship finally flew over and away, probably near the entrance of district 12. (where ever it is)

Katniss sighed, as she hid her bow and arrows away in the usual hiding place as you put your knife away in your bag.

“I think we should head back, before the reaping starts.”

Nodding, Gale leads the way as you follow close behind the two of them, not knowing what was to come next. 

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You went up to the table and one of the guards took your right s/t hand and poked it with a needle, blood coming out of your pointer finger as they then pushed it down onto a piece of paper.

The paper showed three other fingerprints, the fourth meaning that you were present and not hiding away from the reaping. You were then escorted towards a small group of kids around your age gap.

“Do they really think that grouping us together near our age will calm our nerves? Pathetic, really.”

Turning around, you smile to see one of your other long-live childhood friends from the age of four.

Hitoshi Shinso.

His family lived in the Seam as well, but they were one of the wealthier of the people in the Seam, not enough to move them where the wealthiest people of the district live, but wealthy enough to be able to live alright. 

The two of you met out in the streets one day, he was helping out a cat on the ground while you offered him a carton of milk that you had gotten from Katniss for the cat. Ever since then, you two have become best friends.

“Shinso! Thank god, I thought I would have to suffer watching the history of Panem by myself again!”

He shrugged, giving me a smug smirk.

“Well, I could always leave you and find someone else to hang out with during this thing. Uh, maybe I could hang with Mineta-”

“Ew! You would never want to leave me for that thing! Right?”

“Of course I won’t leave you for him, do you think I’m some sort of creep?”

The two of you laughed, Mineta was the lowest of the low in the district. Although he was the son of one of the wealthy families in the district who owned a small shop of vegetables and fruits, he was a creep. Always looking underneath girls skirts and making disgusting comments on them and their bodies. Maybe in another universe he wasn't so bad.

Actually, you doubted that, he probably was bad or worse in all the other worlds out there.

Shinsou and Y/n talked a few minutes more until everyone was silenced, a woman with ridiculously pink outfits with a huge pink bow on her white/gray hair. (or was it a wig?) Shinsou leaned towards you so you could only hear what he had to say.

“She’s probably from the Capitol. Only people like her wear such weird clothing and have perfect skin.”

He wasn't wrong, she was probably, most likely, to have come from the Capital or even lived there to be able to look like that, but it wasn't the time to judge right now for she was about to speak as she taped the microphone a few times.

“Is this thing on? Oh! Okay, ahem. Hello everyone! Welcome! Welcome, and happy Hunger Games.”

Nobody said a word, only a cough could be heard from the crowd as Effie stared out to the bland crowd.

“Anyways! We have a special film that’s been brought all the way from the Capitol!”

With that, Effie pointed towards the huge screen displayed for all to watch. 

“Special film my ass, it’s the same as every year.”

The film went on saying how the war was terrible and how thirteen districts rebelled against the country that had taken care of them and protected them until the peace came and that the new people swore that they wouldn’t let it happen again. And so they signed a paper declaring that each year from then on, each of the districts will select one girl and one boy to compete with each other to the death to remind the people of the generosity that our country has given us. 

The film ended and Effie smiled as she spoke into the microphone. 

“Well, I just love that! Well, the time has now come to select one brave young man and young woman to bring honor and represent District 12 for the 74th annual Hunger Games. And as usual, ladies first.”

The woman made her way a couple of feet away from the microphone and towards the two giant bowls, filled with folded papers with the names of the kids.

Heart beating fast against my chest, I look at Effie as she reaches into the bowl, spending a second, which felt like an hour, selecting a name until she decided on one and pulled it out.

Unfolding the paper, Effie read out the name through the microphone.

“Primrose Everdeen!”

Everyone turned towards the said girl, and she stood frozen in place. 

This was her first year, she only had her name in the bowl once and she had already been chosen to compete in the games. 

“This isn't fair, it’s only her first year…”

I thought to myself, then, a thought accrued to me, Katniss. 

Looking around, you find Katniss in the same situation.


Her face also said it all, she couldn’t believe that her only other sister was chosen for the games, and it was her first year too.

“Well, come on up dear! Come on up!”

Prim starts to walk forwards, but takes a step back, but then walks forwards once more.

She’s then about to be grabbed onto and escorted to the stage until you’ve decided to have enough of what was happening. Not being able to see Katniss’s only sister be taken away, you rush forward and tear Prim away from the guards while throwing her towards Katniss, who was already a couple of feet behind you, hugging her sister. 

The guards beside you grab onto your arms as you struggle and like usually, you act before you think.

“I volunteer as a tribute!”

Everyone was silent.

Shinsou was shocked and couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

Your mother screamed bloody mary. 

Your father held her in his arms.

Your brother, who was already past the age to get chosen for the games, stood there with an expressionless face on. 

Gale’s face was also expressionless, seeming to control himself from attacking the guards that grabbed onto you.

Katniss held Prim in her arms as Prim gasped at the announcement you had just said.

And Katniss, she felt the same devastation she felt for when Prim had gotten her name called out. Only this time, she chose to do something.

Gale seemed to have understood and took Prim in his arms as he watched Katniss go up towards you, but gets pushed away by the guards. 

“H-Hey! I volunteer! I volunteer as a tribute!”

Everyone looked at the situation that had just unfolded, and then stared at Effie as she was the one to decide what was to happen, she cleared her throat and smiled. 

“Well, I’m sorry young lady but there can only be one volunteer! Now, come up darling! Don’t be shy now!”

Shaking off the guards that had held onto you, you made your way up stage and next to Effie. Looking out in the crowd, you see your parents and brother, your mother wasn't screaming, just crying now as your father held onto her with a few tears on his face and your brother with a face of steel. But you knew that face of steel would soon break when no one was around. Effie then put a hand on your shoulder and looked at you with a bright smile. 

“District 12 first volunteer! Now darling, what’s your name?”

“Y/n L/n”

“Now, I bet that those girls were your older and younger sister, right?”

“No, they aren’t, but they're something like family to me.”

“Oh how kind of you! Okay everyone, let's have a round of applause for our beautiful volunteer!”

Effie began to clap, but no one seemed to have bothered because they didn’t clap. Looking around the crowd, your eyes meet Shinsou, and by the looks of it, he seemed to have been holding back tears as well.

Shinsou was then the first to perform a gesture of respect and admiration, he held up three of his fingers from his right hand and put it onto his lips briefly before lifting his hand up in the air to show them, Katniss did the same, Prim, Gale, your parents, your brother, and soon enough the rest of the people followed. Effie stopped clapping as the rest of the people just hung their hands in the air, displaying the three fingers towards Y/n. 

Clearing her throat, Effie smiled once more and went towards the boy’s bowl.

“Now for the boys!”

Looking back at Shinsou, your eyes meet each other once more, you mouth out the following words, praying that he would listen to you.

“Don’t volunteer.”

He sighed and mouthed back an ‘okay’ and nodded.

You both knew that if he gets chosen, then you would eventually need to kill one another or deal with one or the other's death. Neither of you guys wanted that. 

Effie took out a slip of paper and unfolded and read out the name written on it.

“Minoru Mineta!”

All of a sudden, the boy started to barrel his eyes out with tears and shouts.

“W-What? I can’t be chosen! Why?!”

He was dragged onto stage as we were then placed next to each other, but I stepped back, not wanting that creep to be close to me at all.

Effie seemed to have seen my disgusted face and understood what was happening, so she didn’t make us shake hands like how the other year's tributes did. 

“Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!”

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“Are you stupid?! Why would you do that?”

After Effie announced the tributes and such, we were then placed in separate rooms to get some final goodbye from our loved ones. And right now, you were just getting a lecture from your mother who was shouting at you while crying, your father and brother were behind her.

Not letting you respond to her question, she sighed and looked at you with tears in her eyes and her voice cracking under pressure.

“Please stay alive Y/n. Please, I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost another one of my children.”

You hug your mother as she hugs you back, then your brother and father give you a hug and now you're all hugging each other. 

“I’ll be fine, just, have faith and hope in me, okay?”

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After a few more moments with them, they leave, and Katniss comes in with her sister, her mother, and Gale. 

Katniss’s hands are shaky as she pulls you into a hug, and you can see the dried up tears on her face. 

She lets go of her and reaches for something in her pocket. Once she pulls out a round pin with a type of bird on it with what looks like rays of sun coming from behind it and the bird (which what you finally recognized) was a phoenix, spreading its wings wide open, colors red, black, orange, and slight yellow.

“It’s yours N/n.”

She then places it into my hands and smiles at me.

“I was going to give it to you for your 16th birthday but, you know….”

Nodding, you take the pin in your hands and put it into your pocket for safe keeping.

Gale takes a turn to hug you and also give you some advice. 

“Stay alice Y/n, we’ll be waiting for you here.”

They all bid their goodbyes and leave the building. 

Sighing, you're about to think to yourself until the doors open again and something smashes against your body, having their arms around you. You look to see that the one hugging you was Shinsou. 

“You better fucking win Y/n. Beat all their asses and win, you got that? I can’t be here alone without you.”

Staring at him in shock, you smile and hug him back.

“I’ll try to win, no, I will win. Ha, for my parents and for you Shinsou. I’ll win, okay? You just have to promise me that you’ll cheer for me.”

The two of you separate from the hug but he keeps his arms on your shoulder, and slowly moves onto your cheek as he looks down on you, because he was taller than you. 

“I’d always cheer for you Y/n.”

As if time stopped and it was only the two of you, he begins to move his face closer to yours as you do the same. 

The two of you were so close that your nose touched and as the two of you were about to get even closer, the doors opened and you both separated from each other while looking at who was at the doors. 

At the door was the Mayor and two guards behind him.

“It’s time to go Y/n.”

Looking back at Shinsou, you smile and go up to him and quickly kiss him on the cheek and leave the room as the guards escorted you out. 

If you would have looked back, you would have seen Shinsou place a hand on his cheek and smile with a love-struck look in his eyes and wildly blushing as he looked at your form disappearing out the door.

“I’ll see you soon Y/n.”

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“You two are in for an absolute treat! Oh the Capital is such a beautiful place, and you’ll both be there in just two days!”

Effie kept talking your ears off as she talked on and on about the Capital. Mineta was only paying attention to her because, well, she was a female and he was eyeing more and more at her chest.

“How disgusting.”

The car stops and the three of you step out as the guards escort you onto the silver train. Some of the people around you were grabbing onto your arms, one managed to grab a hold of your arm, it was an old man with a long white beard and started talking and shouting.

“Fenghuang! Fenghuang, please oh please help us! Free us Fenghuang, free us!”

“What? I’m not-”

One of the guards shook the elder off of you and pushed you away from him before you could say anymore. 

Effie then gestured to you to enter the train as Mineta was already on.

You went up to the train and got on, not without hearing the same old man and a few other people start to shout.

“Fenghuang! Fenghuang!”


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I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! And yes, Shinsou will be having a romantic relationship with Y/n. I'm sort of have an idea on who will be the other tributes, but you'll have to wait and see. I hope you have a good rest of your day!

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