Mirage Transformers - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
This, ProwlJazz, MegaStar, OverTarn, Blitzbee Fall Under This One Dynamic In My Brain SNSKSKL
This, ProwlJazz, MegaStar, OverTarn, Blitzbee Fall Under This One Dynamic In My Brain SNSKSKL

this, ProwlJazz, MegaStar, OverTarn, Blitzbee fall under this one dynamic in my brain SNSKSKL


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1 year ago

Mirage doesnt look consistent but idc look at the sillies

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5 months ago


Sketch Dump
Sketch Dump

Sketch dump

I’ve been looking at other transformer media to simplify Mirage’s design. And I think I’m getting more used to it. Also, which blush is correct??

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5 months ago

Speaking of Cats AND Mirage, bro totally tries out a cat maid cosplay for shits and giggles

Not These Two Having The Same Voice Actor
Not These Two Having The Same Voice Actor

Not these two having the same voice actor—

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5 months ago

Mirage doing this to me (considering he’s twice my size) would be the greatest thing ever. 🥹

Imagine waking up to find your f/o sleeping next to you. While you’re looking at them, they start to wake up as well. They blink sleepily and yawn before curling up closer to you.

proship/comship/neutral DNI

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1 year ago
I Haven't Even Seen The Movie Yet But I Wanna Slobber All Over Him IM LOSING MY MIND

I haven't even seen the movie yet but I wanna slobber all over him IM LOSING MY MIND

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1 year ago
He's Charged With 5 Counts Of Aggravated Assault

he's charged with 5 counts of aggravated assault

grand theft auto to lovers

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1 year ago
Idk How I Feel About It, But I Finally Finished It After It Sat In My WIPs Folder For Months

idk how I feel about it, but I finally finished it after it sat in my WIPs folder for months 🥹

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1 year ago

To any writer that ships mirage and Noah, this is just something off my head. What if we make them spilt up and then years later they have found each other after losing hope in seeing each other again but we put them through the ringer and have angst everywhere .Charlie and Noah meet , they are feral mechanics on a mission. To put some extra spice Bee and Charlie go through feels cause they haven't seen each other in years and Charlie avoids bee to not get attached again. The feral mechanic dou meet Cade Yeager and they respect him yet give him headaches and heart attacks out of love they claim

PS. They are crazy drivers. Charlie , Noah and Cade

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7 months ago

In reference to my previous post about the whole Transforms: Bumblebee Movies and The Rise of the Beast, I will be writing more or at least sharing more. You guys can use the ideas cause they will stay here and rot cause writing is stressful at times but just like add me real quick so I can I read it and see the masterpiece.

Alright so Charlie is 18, Noah is early twenties? I will put it at 22 or 23. Cade is around early thirties I guess? Not sure.

Now I can imagine Cade coming to the city as a mechanic and opening up shop, and unknowingly hiring two people who have a connection to the other Autobots which is Charlie( she came to find work and to reunite with Bee, since he left)and Noah( as much as he is a agent now. He still wants something more permanent and he likes to keep his hands busy). Now the ages in this are obviously different like how Charlie is now 21, Noah is 25 and Cade is 36.

Cade hires them and is very impressed with their way around cars and he comes to care for them. For Noah he is like a father figure and loves how Cade is overprotective but willing to (reluctantly) listen to his reasoning , he leaves Kris in the Autoshop sometimes cause he knows Cade will be chill with the kid. For Charlie he is like her third dad but more reckless but that makes her feel not like an idiot. He reassures her in his actions that mistakes and accidents do and will happen it’s just how u approach them is the kicker.

Charlie and Noah have a sort of friends with benefits relationship but not. For them the benefits are coming over to each other’s houses and chilling with each other. Charlie smokes but is trying to quit and Noah doesn’t smoke at all cause of Kris but to him the smell of Nicotine smells nice on her. They both are often seen in the Auto shop just chilling and arguing about what part is best for what car, Cade likes to watch them argue. Charlie will be closed off at times about certain things so Noah just holds her hand and leans his head on hers and just to let her know he is there for her. She does the same thing but she normally makes small drawings on his skin to soothe him. The smell of markers, motor oil(which they both smell like) , Nicotine and old records soothe him.

Charlie got into racing when she turned 19. She did amateur racing and she knows how to drift and she makes it her mission to teach Noah. Noah of course is skeptical cause Yh he is poc so he don’t wanna get in trouble with the law. She still teaches him and he is better at it than her. And y’all know that scene in Fast and Furious where Brian is doing the whole driving but not looking at the road thing ? Yh he does that but instead of it being romantic it’s just shows how much they trust each other to not crash them and normally since they trust each other so much Charlie would normally swerve the car either backwards while they still do the whole staring but looking at the road thing, drift the car effortlessly while still holding each other’s gaze or swerve the car to a stop.

Cade witnessed that once and scolded them hard for it. Those kids drive his ass crazy and it shows cause not even Tessa have him this much gray hairs but he is no better than cause will they can look out the corner of their eyes. His gaze is normally focused on the stirring wheel where the Autobots symbol would be and be drifting the transportation machine cause I will be drifting in a truck , car or anything on the ground that is not a bike and do that shit so smooth and clean that u good have sworn yo and down he was watching the road. But no he just missing his pookie Optimus Prime.

Bee and Mirage love that their respective partners can drive they just hate when the do the stare at each other but don’t look at road thing. Optimus feels like he ages when Cade does it but he likes when he does cause it is very intimate

Ok thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I am your host Kelly but u may call my Pen, Penny, or whichever you prefer loves bye

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