Mixed Baby Fetish - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

as some1 who's mixed [british and african] i hav my own opinions on this, i don't think the ppl who do this r trying 2 look black is the thing i think they r trying 2 look mixed, or rather what *they* think a mixed person looks like, they r trying 2 look "ambiguous" they r trying 2 get this "mixed look" that they will partake in eugenics and go hav sex w/ a black man in hopes their kid will hav 2, idk tbh i feel like a lot of ppl 4get that mixed specific racism is a thing and so try 2 act like racism that's more directed against ppl who r mixed w/ black is racism only against monoracial black ppl and don't mention mixed ppl at all, even in the poc community sometimes this is a problem, like if i hav 2 c 1 more youtube vid of a monoracial person in america talking abt how "mixed ppl aren't allies" and "mixed ppl r just the same as white ppl" 1] not even acknowledging that not every person is mixed w/ white and 2] demonising those of us who r like we're watered down and not "rly poc" im gonna lose my shit, [not abt the vid linked in the thread, haven't watched bc i already know what blackfishing is just talking abt how every1 is treating this so far like its only racist against monoracial black ppl] idk u guys just seem 2 only acknowledge that mixed ppl can experience racism when it's ppl talking abt the mixed baby fetish and even then most ppl only talk abt it thru the lense of it being bad 4 monoracial black ppl and not 4 yk the mixed baby, u guys just seem 2 stop caring we exist and go from almost acknowledging what we go thru 2 demonising us as soon as we hit puberty, bc that's when u start saying "we're just as bad as white ppl" when we hav 2 deal w/ the fetishisation of our very existence and girls doing fukin mixed face 2 try 2 look like a cut and paste version of us that was fed 2 them by media and then don't believe us when we say we're mixed bc we don't hav that mythical "mixed look" that never exists outside of a white woman trying 2 look like us and then any of us who r 2 "white passing" get called racist by the same white ppl who do this shit just bc we're saying that we're mixed bc we fuking r if u wanna talk abt the racism against monoracial black ppl, great, amazing, pls do that but don't fucking come on here and act like the racism that we as mixed ppl face is only against monoracial ppl, not only is it pushing us 2 the side it just boosts this idea that we don't experience any form of racism when we do and it makes things legit harder 4 us, also i c u guys dragging Arianna [which don't get me wrong i agree] but its also worth mentioning the Kardashians who imo r even worse when it comes 2 this and popularising and normalising this shit, not 2 mention all the ppl on tiktok glueing their eyelids 2 look asian or mixed w/ asian

People Wanna Be Black So Bad..
People Wanna Be Black So Bad..
People Wanna Be Black So Bad..
People Wanna Be Black So Bad..
People Wanna Be Black So Bad..
People Wanna Be Black So Bad..
People Wanna Be Black So Bad..

people wanna be black so bad..

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