Tw Racism - Tumblr Posts
there are still people in the notes of that thread failing to grasp that this isn't a hypothetical for me. I know trans people up here who had their front door covered with 'I ❤️ JKR' and 'adult human female' stickers. there are active terf groups who harrass queer cafés and bookshops and use her name as an in-group identifier on signs and t-shirts at protests and at pride. she actually personally funded a trans exclusionary women's crisis centre in edinburgh, after her followers hounded and harrassed an inclusive service into shutting down. she is a tangible threat to trans people here.
I don’t usually request anything, but I’m super curious! Could you write something for Bonnie Macfarlane and Arthur Morgan? They are one of my favorite pairings from Red Dead. I also have a couple of others that are pretty rare; Bonnie/Algernon Wasp and Micah/Mary-Beth.
I’d be excited to see any of those :)
Flowers by the Shoreline
Pairing: Micah Bell/Mary-Beth Gaskill
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption II
Rating: Mature
Word count: Just over 2000
Tags: Warnings: Sexism, racism, animal abuse (this is micah we are talking about, but that doesn’t make it okay), gift-giving, acts of affection, insecurities
Comments: After a very long break I’m back to writing requests! All other peeps are on the way I promise!
So, I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption lately and I have to say I can’t stand Bonnie. I’m sorry, I know she’s supposed to be this head strong independent woman, and I support that but I can’t stand her voice anytime I’m doing a mission for her. Why is she screaming at me, why is she insulting John so much, please Bonnie calm down QAQ. And I like the idea of Micah and Mary-Beth ever since watching Micah get rejected by Mary-Beth in Chapter 3 (was it chapter 3? idek it was so long ago). I may have went a little overboard focusing on Micah’s insecurities and emotions, and may have turned it into a character study, but it’s okay XD. I hope you enjoy this!
Micah Bell the third only ever had 2 things on his mind: money and women. Money was easy. He had always had a knack for landing a score, whether that was through violence or his cunning mind. Money turned him on almost as much as women did, but women were a much more difficult thing for Micah to conquer.
They were a mystery that usually just frustrated him more than it was worth to touch their soft flesh and feel their warm bodies. Even whores stayed clear of him. It was humiliating. The women at camp only glared and gave fake smiles at best when he was around.
But oh, when Arthur fuckin’ Morgan was around all the women flocked to him. What did Arthur have that he didn’t? He drank just as much booze as he did, sure Morgan was maybe a better shot then Micah, but they still did about the same amount of chores at the camp. Well… when Charles or that O’Driscoll cunt didn’t already have them done…
Yet, all the women, even Abigail who was techincally John’s, would go to him for every one of their needs or wants. Morgan was gone most days and they still gathered around him when he returned and asked after him every waking second of the day. It disgusted Micah that they blantantly held favortism.
He would never approach Tilly, even if she had the most beautiful dark skin and wore that yellow dress that made her look like a little sunflower. He wouldn’t stoop that low.
Karen had nice tits and wasn’t afraid to drink, but she was loud. God awful loud, like a bird choking on a fish. Plus, Micah was sure Sean would throw a fit if he ever tried to make a move on Karen. Sean’s annoying Irish whine was almost worse than Karen’s drunken squawking.
Abigail, oh she was pretty. He cursed the day John went and got her pregnant, officially ending her whoring days five years ago. She even had a cute snorting laugh, but only Morgan and Hosea seemed to get her to let it out. Her kid, whatever his name was, was a pest that would run around without a care in the world. Not to mention if Micah was messing around with her, he’d have Marston, Morgan and the Old man gunning for him. Blegh, no thank you.
Miss Grimshaw was too old for Micah’s standards. She acted like there was a stick up her ass, and maybe there was. She used to be Dutch’s bitch all those years ago, making it a bit of a taboo to even attempt to approach her. Same went for Molly, as pretty as she was. Those two were off limits, as far as Micah could tell.
Mrs. Adler was just about as wild as she was attractive, and she would probably cut his pecker off if he approached her. She was sobbing most the time anyway.
That just left Mary-Beth, the hopeless romantic. Micah genuinely liked Mary-Beth and her low cut dress. Sure, he didn’t really understand some of her rambling wants about some fantasy guy who oftentimes sounded a lot like Morgan, but her freckles and the way she smiled when talking about her book always made his heart thump a little faster.
He had tried being nice to her before Blackwater. Greetings here and there, tips of his hat, that sort of bullshit. The damn freeze of Colter happened and everyone was in a piss-poor mood before they traveled down to New Hanover. Then he got imprisoned in Strawberry and was away from camp for nie on two weeks.
But now that they were at Clemens point and things were quiet, Micah planned to make his move. He had been in the Rhodes General store buying cigarettes when he saw a leather bound jounral on the shelf. He wasn’t one for journaling, it was a waste of time to write down his own thoughts, but Mary-Beth liked writing those silly little romances.
He approached the counter with the pack of cigarettes and the journal, laying them down in a huff. His heart was jerking uncomfortably in his chest, and his back was sweating through his shirt. The clerk tried to make small talk with him, but he just shot him a glare from under the brim of hat and went on his way.
Baylock greeted him with a snort and a stomp of his hoof. The tempermental nag even had the balls to sidestep when Micah went to mount him after putting the journal safely in his saddle bags.
“I will cut those damn balls off, boy, test me again.” Micah hissed through his bristly moustache.
The cobalt steed calmed and allowed Micah to swing himself into his saddle. On the way back to Clemens Point, Micah made it a point to stab his spurs into Baylock’s flanks as punishment for his transgressions. Baylock pinned his ears and wheezed as they galloped through the thick woodland that kept Clemens Point hidden from prying eyes.
Williamson on guard duty could hardly ask who was there before Micah flew by and cantered to the designated horse area. The O’Driscoll looked up from the detailing of a saddle when Baylock nickered and came to a sliding halt.
“Hey, O’Driscoll, unsaddle my horse.” Micah shouted while sliding off Baylock and searching through his saddle bag for the newly bought journal.
“M-mister I ain-”
“I don’t think I asked, O’Driscoll. Are we gonna have a problem?” The O’Driscoll shook his head, bowing to hide under his ridiculous straw hat. “Good, now be a good boy and do what I asked.”
Micah didn’t turn around to see if he followed through with his orders, his mind more set on the beautiful Gaskill sitting at the center table. Her hair was done up with half of it up and the other cascading in curled locks down her back. Clad in a maroon skirt, white low cut shirt and dark pink waistcoat, she looked radiant with the way the bright sun caught on her necklace made her breasts pop.
The only problem was that damn Morgan was talking to her at the table. He couldn’t just go up and give her the journal without an explanation, especially with Morgan right there. He’d be made a laughing stock. With a growl, Micah made a beeline for his tent. He would wait until that night, corner Mary-Beth to give her the journal and express himself to her. Yes, that was a good plan.
Micah sighed softly as he sat on his bedroll and looked down at the leather, flipping through the pages. They were good quality, or he thought they were. Surely, Mary-Beth would appreciate the gift. An uneasy feeling settled in his gut, something he only felt when something went wrong. He wasn’t a nervous human, but the thought of courting Mary-Beth made his stomach twist up and heart skip a beat. Maybe this was a bad idea? No, any idea he came up with was never a bad one, just needed some improvising if it went wrong.
In the heat of the Lemoyne sun, Micah laid out on his bed roll and tipped his hat down to hide his face, hands cupped under his head. His hair felt greasy and tangled, maybe he should go to the Flat Iron and wash up a bit before approaching Mary-Beth? His shirt also felt damp and rough against his skin.
With a snarl of frustration, Micah sat up and trampled around his tent to grab a sliver of soap and a ragged wash cloth. A clean dark grey button up lay at the bottom of his chest, he hadn’t worn it since… he didn’t know when. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the shirt and left his tent with a flourish. The things he did for women.
No one spared him a glance as he walked to the lakeshore, following it until he found a partly hidden cove. He stripped down and waded into the water, scrubbing at his skin with the soap wrapped in the cloth until the blonde hairs on his chest were suddy and the faint smell of cedar filled his nostrals. He spent more time on washing his hair, dunking his head under the water and latehring it with soap.
Scratching at his moustache made him think maybe he should shave too, but the stubborn part of his mind told him he was already doing too much to impress Mary-Beth. He shook his head like a dog and wrung out the long strands before exiting the cove and using his old shirt to pat himself dry. Before leaving the cove he saw a flower nestled in a patch of bulrush. Its petals were white that bled to a dark pink. It reminded Micah of that marooon getup Mary-Beth was wearing at the domino table earlier.
He picked the flower without a second thought and hid it in the folds of his red shirt.
He returned to camp dressed in the grey shirt and his dusty white pants, hat low on his head. He knew people were looking at him now, freshly bathed and in a new shirt. It made his skin prickle unpleasantly, but snapping at that scrawny mutt that wandered into camp made him gain some control back of the situation.
After storing the soap and his dirty shirt back in his chest, Micah flopped on his bedroll, the flower stem pinched between his fingers. He wondered briefly what kind of flower it was, but he was sure Mary-Beth wouldn’t care. His mouth felt dry and his heart did that stupid pitter patter in his ribcage. A sip or two of whiskey calmed his nerves before he gathered the journal and flower in his hands.
The sun was just starting to bathe the sky in a mellow orange color, and most people were off doing whatever after dinner. Marston, Uncle, and Javier were sitting around the main fire, and Morgan’s horse was gone.
Slicking back his still damp hair, Micah slinked around the tents toward the girls’ tent. He got lucky enough that Karen and Tilly weren’t anywhere nearby, but Mary-Beth was curled up on the ground scribbling away in a journal.
Micah stopped a few feet off to the side of her tent, working his jaw and trying to figure out the right words to say. Morgan would know what to say without a problem, prolly something flirty or a greeting-
“Uhm… good evening, Mr. Bell…?” Mary-Beth’s quiet voice broke him from his thoughts and pushed him to action.
“Good evenin’, Ms. Gaskill-” Micah awkwardly shuffled closer to the bedrolls before playing with the leather of the journal in his hands, “I uh, I came to- Shit. Here.” With a severe lack of flattery, Micah held the book out to Mary-Beth.
Mary-Beth tilted her head and confusion flashed on her face as she slowly set down her pencil and journal. “What’s this for?”
“I uh- saw ya like to write, and I saw this at the general store.” Micah said dumbly before remembering the flower he was worrying in his calloused hands. “And uh saw this at the shore line, thought ya might like it.”
Micah could have imagined the light blush that colored Mary-Beth’s cheeks in the evening lighting, but she took the flower, their fingers brushing. “Oh, why… I’m sorry, Mr. Bell this is all very… odd.” She twisted the flower stem in her grasp, not meeting his eyes as she chewed on her lip.
Micah turned away, teeth gritting together as anger surged up through his body. Of course she would reject him just like every other whore-
“Thank you, though. It’s a very lovely gift, and the journal too. Mine is on it’s last few pages…” Mary-Beth took one of the curled locks of her hair and tugged on it bashfully.
Micah blinked, the anger draining from his body like a long needed piss. “Oh, uh, you’re welcome, Ms. Gaskill. I-I’ll leave ya to your writin’ now.” As Micah swiftly walked away he heard Mary-Beth’s muffled giggle. It wasn’t born of ill-humor, but it sounded like it was a flustered one.
He could get used to hearing that more often.
Hi, I don't know how busy you are with your own stories & other rarepair asks, but I'd love a follow-up to the Hercule/Levi fic you wrote for me. A sequel would be awesome, but if you wanted to write something completely different, that would be great too! I'm not picky lol, I just love your writing. Let me know if you need any more specific ideas, and if you aren't interested in writing the pairing again, no worries!! :)
Repaying a Favor
Pairing: Hercule Fontaine/Levi Simon
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Warning: Period Typical racism, Kidnapping, bondage, bottom Levi Simon, oral sex, rough sex, skullfucking
Word Count: 1900
Comments: YES!! I love this pairing so much, like at first it was kind of skeptical but now I’m fuckin’ on board for it! And I apologize for the long wait, I’ve been dealing with college work, and my workplace closing ahhhh, but it’s here now XD
Levi’s skull ached in pulses as he woke up, vision swimming and stomach clenching on nothing. The jungle screamed with bird squawking, boar screeching, and bug buzzing all around him. It was a hum that made his head hurt even more. What even happened?
He remembered riding his mule down a trail from one sugarcane crop to another, but then everything went black. When he managed to overcome the thumping of his brain to open his eyes, he saw the darkness of the jungle canopy and the glowing of a lantern close by. Body going tense, he realized his forearms (which were starting to go numb) were tied tightly with rope around the back of a chair. He flew into flight mode and started to yank on the rope, burning raw spots into his wrists.
Whoever tied him to the chair did a bang-up job of it, which only made him want to strangle them more. If it was some of those rotten revolutionists, he was… well what was he going to do? That night with Hercule was still burned into his memory. Yes, he would slaughter all of them then keep Hercule as a prize, if the Colonel allowed that is.
Levi sagged forward, glowering at the darkness of the jungle. He noted that there were some ancient looking bricks forming crumbling walls and flooring. He must be at some old establishment that was here before the Colonel ever made it to the island.
Wiggling in the chair, he found it might be decrepit enough to fall backwards and break it, but if it wasn’t he’d be stuck on the ground with a dislocated shoulder. But maybe he could back up to one of the walls and rub the rope against the sotne and weaken it. Smirking smugly, Levi started to scoot the chair backward toward the wall, only to be stopped by a low chuckle behind him.
Whipping his head around, Levi squinted past the lantern light to see a dark figure blending in with the background. “Oi, step out so I can see you,” Levi snarled.
The figure stood up straight and sauntered into the orange glow, the light sculpting his chest and torso. Levi’s next insult died in his throat as he looked at Hercule’s muscular frame and charming face. His face flushed and he turned back around so his eyes wouldn’t flow down Hercule’s suspenders to his pants.
“You into kidnapping now?” Levi muttered, purposefully looking up at the broken canopy of trees.
“You don’t seem to have a problem with kidnapping, Simon. Don’t preach to me.” Hercule walked up to Levi and crossed his arms, staring down his nose at him.
Levi gulped feeling hot around the collar as he worked his jaw. “Gonna kill me then?”
Hercule snorted and turned to look into the jungle. “No, actually I had my men bring you here so you wouldn’t get caught in the crossfire. Call it mercy.”
Blinking slowly, Levi followed Hercule’s gaze to the darkness. “Mecry? What are you planning?” Hercule hummed and paced around to Levi’s back, making Levi choose to awkwardly look over his shoulder or keep his head forward and keep some dignity.
“We’ve been planning this hit for a while, you don’t need to know the details, but it was going to get bloody.” Hercule leaned down, thick accent curling at Levi’s ear.
The pieces clicked together making Levi choke out a laugh. “Nawh, you wanted to keep me safe, how precious.”
“Hmm, that or keep you hostage to free more of the enslaved you control.” Levi froze before twisting his head back to look at Hercule, their noses nearly brushing at how close Hercule was. “Or maybe I brought you here to slit your throat and be done with it.”
Levi paled and turned his head back forward, clenching his fists and tugged at the knotted rope around his wrists. “But-but I freed you! And well…”
“‘And well’ what, Simon?” Hercule walked back around the chair to grab at his jaw, forcing his head back to look him in the eye. “Don’t tell me you freeing me was mercy, you have some sick attraction to me.”
Levi laughed nervously, trying to ignore the warmth that traveled from Hercule’s large hand into his throat. “And that’s a problem? You’re the one that fucked me.”
Hercule huffed and pulled his hand back from Levi’s jaw, putting it on his hip and shaking his head. “I know.”
“And you can’t tell me you didn’t like it-”
“Shut up.”
Levi grinned, his tongue peeking out to wet his lower lip. So the big man could get flustered.
“Fontaine, come now, if you truly didn’t like it you wouldn’t have finished-”
Hercule’s hand shot out like a snake, wrapping around his throat and applying pressure that made Levi dizzy. “I said, shut up.”
Wheezing softly, Levi relaxed into the hold, legs spreading as much as the bonds on his ankles would allow. Hercule had the look of confusion on his face before his dark eyes widened and his hand loosened for a moment. Levi tried to squish the disappointment that flooded through his chest, dragging his heart down, but his mouth turned down in a frown. Hercule remained silent for a moment before hsi eyes hardened and he reapplied the pressure, much to Levi’s surprise.
“It seems you can’t hold your tongue, being a white man has fogged your brain, maybe I can refresh you on the way manners work.” Hercule hissed and brought a boot up to stomp inbetween Levi’s thighs, the tip barely brushing Levi’s crotch.
Levi nodded as much as the hand locked under his chin would allow before Hercule removed his hand and slipped his suspenders off his gorgeous shoulders and unbuttoned his pants. Levi’s mouth went dry seeing the semi-hard dick pulled from Hercule’s pants.
“If you know what is good for you, Simon, I’d suggest you put that mouth to work.” Hercule grunted while canting his hips forward so his cock was in range of Levi’s mouth.
Levi looked up at Hercule with a smirk before leaning his head forward, straining his arms but he hardly cared in the moment if his arms were numb. Hercule held the base so Levi could wrap his lips around the soft head before letting go and allowing Levi to take control.
“This better be your best performance.” Hercule carded his hand through Levi’s wiry hair before taking a handful.
Levi breathed through his nose, tongue lapping at the slit then twirling around the tip. His own dick was pressing uncomfortably against the buttons of his fly, so temptingly close to Hercule’s boot but not close enough. While Levi went down the shaft, the head dragging along the roof of his mouth, he jerked his hips forward to press his cock against Hercule’s boot.
“Of course, you can’t even do one task without needing something in return. Go ahead, rut against my boot like a dog while you take my cock, Simon.” Hercule’s hand in his hair turned harsh, dragging him down until his nose pressed into Hercule’s curls.
The head hitting the back of his throat made Levi gag, but his eyes rolled back into his head when he brushed against Hercule’s boot, stringing pleasure zapping through his gut. Levi didn’t have time to adjust because Hercule took control of moving his mouth up and down his shaft with the locks in his hand. Levi only need focus on not gagging, and curling his tongue around the weeping head when the tip was between his lips.
The salty taste of precum warmed his stomach and spurred him to grind feverishly against Hercule’s boot, the blunt edge and rough canvas of his pants creating a sensation almost too much and not enough at the same time. His lungs burned with lack of oxygen, but only heightened the feeling of arousal coursing through his body.
He raised his watery eyes to look at Hercule’s bared teeth, pleasure evident in the crease of his brow and focus in his gaze. Levi swallowed around the cock, tracing a throbbing vein with his tongue, making Hercule gasp and tug Levi’s head into his thrust. Levi’s eyes widened with a choke, but Hercule grabbed both sides of his skull and began using all his brutish force to drive into Levi’s mouth.
Slobber cascaded down Levi’s chin into his facial hair while his arms were wretched as far as they would go. His crotch had a growing wet patch against Hercule’s boot, making the dity leather shine in the lantern light. Hercule’s grunting sounded akin to an animal’s, only making Levi’s spine shutter and his eyes flutter shut, tears dripping down to mix with his saliva.
“I’m going to spill my spent down your throat, and you will thank me for it before you get your due.” Hercule ended his order with a groan, thrusts increasing and making Levi’s head pulse with a growing headache.
He could feel the cock swell heavily on his tongue before searing hot liquid hit the back of his throat. Levi felt his throat constrict and work to swallow the load, nose crushed against Hercule’s warm skin filled with the scent of musk and sweat.
Hercule pulled away with a heavy sigh, saliva connecting his dick with Levi’s swollen lips. He angled his boot to press against Levi’s thigh, so close yet so far away from where he wanted it. “Well?”
Levi squinted, sniffling softly, ‘well’ what? He blinked away the tears in his eyes before sitting upright, the reminder of his raging erection present in the tent in his pants. Oh right.
After clearing his throat, Levi rasped, “Thank you…” Hercule arched an eyebrow. “Thank you for your seed.” Levi was sure his cheeks were crimson as Hercule smirked and suddenly pressed the sole of his boot flat against the raised tent.
“Good boy, now, go on. Chase that high you so desperately want.” Hercule pushed down on Levi’s groin, making him gasp before he was overcome with shameless need.
Levi panted heavily as he planted his feet on the ground and arched up to grind quickly against Hercule. The chair tipped back as Levi threw his head back, the building pleasure in his lower stomach reached a boiling point.
He gasped out a moan as he jerked up into the boot, his own cum soiling his pants. He dropped the chair back down to four legs and hung his head, trying to catch his breath. Hercule pulled his boot back and stuffed his dick back into his pants before pulling his suspenders back up.
“That should keep you settled for awhile, I’m sure.” Hercule mumbled, making Levi brokenly laugh.
“Still gonna kill me?”
“Hmm, no, I never was, but you are going to stay here while I go with my men. I’ll let you go when I return. Sounds familiar doesn’t it, Levi?” Hercule cocked his head, a playful grin coming to his plush lips.
Levi rolled his eyes, trying to wipe the saliva off his chin with his aching shoulder. “Sure, I’ll just patiently wait here.”
“Good. I’ll see you shortly.”
Both of them knew Levi would find a way out of his bonds, but by the time he did, Hercule and his men would have succeeded in their plan. In the meantime Levi needed to get feeling back into his body as his climax sucked all the energy out of him.

Zionists are deranged. All of them.

Daily reminder that Zionists are white supremacists.
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 378 Inspiredwriterstory Edition:
*@inspiredwriterstorys Edward is doing a stand-up comedy show*
@inspiredwriterstory's Edward: *Trying to hype up the crowd* Oh come on guys! Have a little spirit! You're all so down for no reason!
@inspiredwriterstory's Edward: 🎵 If you're racist and you know it, clap your hands! 🎵
Random Person: *Claps hands*
@inspiredwriterstory's Edward: *Stares at the person* What the fuck-
which of my former friends would you rather hang out with worst edition
-pathological liar
-decisive testimony says she fucked a badminton racket
-interesting to dissect
-always has some out of pocket shit to say
-meows to flirt
-said the n word
-future basement dweller core
-silly guy
-fun to talk to (?)
-has really funny moments
-staged a 7yr old who wanted to fuck him stalking him, dmed me and outr mutual friends on discord as this character sharing sexual fantasies about him. i think he may be a pedophile
-inferiority complex centres one random dude. the dude is transient like shifting water
-actually fun to talk to
-he will bail on any plans but its still fun to organize them
-cool guy if you ignore the other stuff
can you pass this dni list? (difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5) i was going well until the "you think roblox bedwars < minecraft bedwars" which was specific as duck
i was going to say don't harrass or something but the guy is transmysoginistic and ableist and anti xenogenders and cannot reclaim the n word that type of shit do as your heart desires

Just found this SpaceHey account through an another tumblr post and.. I usually don't mind dni lists but WTF IS THIS
Anyway I'm like 18 things on this creature's dni list lmao
Honestly idc if this list is satire, it's still shit and the r slur was really not necessary, go fuck yourself <3333
zach hadel did what??????
ive read this on a tweet her words not mine

Racism has them so confused.
"This American celebrity thing is a distraction from Rafah! Yes we get that most of nobody else in the world cares about the American Celebrity thing and not all Americans care about this event, and the fact that people often use these events purposefully to distract themselves from the world crumbling, but it's still a distraction from dying children and you're a Zionist if you don't think about them for 3 seconds!!!"
Fuck it, I’m saying this one on main, name and all.

[Image ID: screenshot of a post in tumblr dark mode by user nottobeadickoranything, reading “Hey um, everyone,,,uhh do you think the Drake-Kendrick beef started to draw attention away from Israel doing a trail of tears in Rafah,,,,mayb??”
Under the post are the tags ‘kendrick lamar,’ ‘drake,’ and ‘free palestine.’
End ID]
We’re not doing this. We are not fucking giving space for this conspiratorial bullshit that mirrors white supremacist rhetoric about Jewish people using Black people and/or some cabal Illuminati nonsense.
Was the #beef manufactured at all? I don’t think so, but I don’t know.
Would an entire other government call up a pair of Black rappers and have them bringing up predator allegations years in the making only to start attacking once it all died down?
Use your brains! Help Palestinians escape if you can! Donate to the PCRF!
But this racist, antisemitic shit with no proof? We’re not fucking doing that.

I never see masses of whites trying to move into 3rd world nations and demand to be ‘natives’ or the government of that land hint at the same.
Idc, if someone was making fun of MY wife’s chronic disorder that she is supposedly very sensitive about in front of thousands of people, I’d get on stage and smack the shit out of him too
I both Agreed to This Post,but IDK about the "Changes"....
Superjail rewritten: no racist, creepy or transphobic jokes, or sexism
The only thing good about the show was the shitty creepy inmates constantly dying at least they got that right.
Like come on adult shows, learn from tuca and bertie, u can be great adult shows without havin offensive jokes
Also the Warden is trans 👏
i don't run a particularly activist blog over here, but please read and be aware of this. this bordered inhuman and i don't understand why there isn't more protest and I want to cry too, and if tumblr is going to care about internet activism this better fucking be the kind of thing it pays attention to.

It was open season on black women on Twitter Sunday night. The tweets in the ugly trending topic compared black women’s bodies w/ animals, furniture & food. Black women’s existence was a joke. The topic trended for hours & reached the #2 trending topic spot. Post-racial Amercia? Um, OK.
this is a thing that happened. I actually cried, then I cried more. Someone wrote about it much more eloquently than I could. YT feminists had nothing to say ofc. Here is another article, its got some great comments.
This one is my fave and perhaps the most astute.

I probably would not have even pulled myself together to make this post if hadn’t gone looking for something to read to make myself feel better and found this quote from Baha’u’llah:
“O SON OF MAN! Write all that We have revealed unto thee with the ink of light upon the tablet of thy spirit. Should this not be in thy power, then make thine ink of the essence of thy heart. If this thou canst not do, then write with that crimson ink that hath been shed in My path. Sweeter indeed is this to Me than all else, that its light may endure for ever.”
So write the truth that I know. This is a terrible sad thing that happened, it is both racist and misogynist, and anyone who knows of this and tries to deny the existence of racism, or tries to say that black women don’t need “black girls rock” or The Abbie Mills Defense Brigade, or any of the other spaces that we create for ourselves is a racist fool whom for whom I have neither mercy nor kindness.
Open season on black women is over.