Molestars - Tumblr Posts
Hey there, these are concepts for Molestars (Starmoles?) - well for now)

Another species of the 4th major designer. At the moment they are not in contact with the other races since their bridge (landmass connecting the continents of sophonts) didn't finish forming and might never do.
But as amphibious creatures I'm sure they can get a boat up once they feel like discovering the rest of the world.
They live on buch of islands with smaller numbers than other races and are also pretty conservative, they might react pretty badly to discovering same-planet aliens.
how is gender seen amongst uniimas or even any other sentient species, do they take an example of humans? do they even have a concept of it. srry if this is strange
Not a strange question, very good question actually.
For uniima c, our concept of gender is something of a taboo. Just like us, they are bi-sex, but unlike us, they have 0 sexual dimorphism and it's impossible to tell someone's sex on sight. This means that they also don't have a concept of homosexuality or heterosexuality but many pairs can't have children. Adoption is very common and families will trade eggs or get them from the community "birther".
There's nothing like our gender in Uniima c society but they do have ranks and gender-like stereotypes based on "courting traditions/rituals/skills". It's usually an artistic expression that is inherently romantic.

(Uniima ll have a very similar system but in some areas they have less rules and take some sloman inspiration)
For O.s, sexual gender doesn't exist at all, and in non-humanoid O.s no gender exists. For human O.s however, the concept of femininity and masculinity exists and they often choose an identity based on this. It is partially their own invention and partially inspired by elven/slomen.
For Slomen gender is actually less binary than for O.s. The females are usually bigger with bigger authority and males have bigger display features (I have not drawn that at the time of this post) but transgenderism is not a new concept in any way and is in most places accepted as nothing unusual. The average recognized set of genders is about 5. Some genders have spiritual meanings as well.
The stars are not yet very developed by me but they are very strict about sex and gender.
Anyway let's add a regular post on the mole stars

Here is the one from the new ref.
There are some updates from the last time you saw them. Their skin is full red and their "tentacles" are gone. Their teeth are inside their skin and not always visible.

They manipulate surroundings with very flexible arm endings that create slight suction between the frill layers. The frills are surprisingly energetic and have the most touchy nerves and many small muscles. The teeth can go very far back into the arm, leaving the mouth flexible (the teeth themselves are flexible-ish).
Star eyesight sucks. On each arm is 4 (sometimes 5) extendable thorns with tiny eyes on top that give the arm a basic sense of space. If they want to focus on something they look with their mouth which has its inside lined with photoreceptive cells. To get a decent image they shape the arm inside into a sphere and change the end diameter.

But this works a lot better underwater, where they only spend their early and partial adult lives. Speaking of early life. Stars are born looking more like jellyfish than a star.

When hatched, they are only 1/4 of their adult version, a single arm swimming around and slowly growing. After this stage, the little jellies start connecting. Most often you get 4 arms but some moles have 3 or 5 (other numbers have a hard time surviving). Once they are joined, their bodily functions are connected, and even their nervous system becomes one. While being sophonts, their brain/s work a lot differently, with their arms being somewhat capable of independent thought.

And a tiny possible living space. But that's just thoughts.