Sloman - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
More As A Guide For Myself For Bigger Scenes Involving Buildings, Here Is The Current Popular Style Of

More as a guide for myself for bigger scenes involving buildings, here is the current popular style of architecture originating from Neal's city (emperor's main city I have yet to name).

It's fairly recent and not many buildings are following these rules but many are being reconstructed to fit the new norms.

The main ideas of this new style are to be more practical and minimalistic while still being very nice to look at. The previous era's architecture also presented itself as a show of power and is generally seen as a reminder of worse times for the elven.

This style has some elements inspired by the dominant style in O.'s great power and in a way is a symbol of peace between the two "empires". (the name is just a combination of "bring together" and "people")

The name "crystal" has nothing to do with rocks. It's a dumb name given to it as it can have slight resemblence to a crystal. But it can also look like an animal, face etc.

I'm making an illustration that would show some of these elements but it's a bigger one so don't expect it anytime soon (it also has Neal in it!).

I do plan to make illustrations for all the main region's cities.

More As A Guide For Myself For Bigger Scenes Involving Buildings, Here Is The Current Popular Style Of

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1 year ago

how is gender seen amongst uniimas or even any other sentient species, do they take an example of humans? do they even have a concept of it. srry if this is strange

Not a strange question, very good question actually.

For uniima c, our concept of gender is something of a taboo. Just like us, they are bi-sex, but unlike us, they have 0 sexual dimorphism and it's impossible to tell someone's sex on sight. This means that they also don't have a concept of homosexuality or heterosexuality but many pairs can't have children. Adoption is very common and families will trade eggs or get them from the community "birther".

There's nothing like our gender in Uniima c society but they do have ranks and gender-like stereotypes based on "courting traditions/rituals/skills". It's usually an artistic expression that is inherently romantic.

How Is Gender Seen Amongst Uniimas Or Even Any Other Sentient Species, Do They Take An Example Of Humans?

(Uniima ll have a very similar system but in some areas they have less rules and take some sloman inspiration)

For O.s, sexual gender doesn't exist at all, and in non-humanoid O.s no gender exists. For human O.s however, the concept of femininity and masculinity exists and they often choose an identity based on this. It is partially their own invention and partially inspired by elven/slomen.

For Slomen gender is actually less binary than for O.s. The females are usually bigger with bigger authority and males have bigger display features (I have not drawn that at the time of this post) but transgenderism is not a new concept in any way and is in most places accepted as nothing unusual. The average recognized set of genders is about 5. Some genders have spiritual meanings as well.

The stars are not yet very developed by me but they are very strict about sex and gender.

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1 year ago
Thinking About Sloman Redesign With Some Animal There For Reference. Stalk Eyes Thoughts. Still, Idk

Thinking about Sloman redesign with some animal there for reference. Stalk eyes thoughts. Still, idk what their body should be like but it might be more bird-like than uniima ll.

Thinking About Sloman Redesign With Some Animal There For Reference. Stalk Eyes Thoughts. Still, Idk

I'm considering a Uniima ll-sona Also just sketching around for more experimentation

The hair is probably unrealistic for uniimas but it's more my hair.

Thinking About Sloman Redesign With Some Animal There For Reference. Stalk Eyes Thoughts. Still, Idk

definitely a guy

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1 year ago


They are what you could call "the humans" of the planet. They are omnivores like us, they are bipeds who use their front hands for manipulation and they largely communicate with facial expression and spoken language. Their color range is smaller with scent and touch being more used than in humans.

They also have a 2-sex reproductive system where the females grow the baby inside their organ.

In slomen, the stereotypical gender roles of humans are similar but reversed. Most men characters you will see will be female in reproductive sense. But some cultures have up to 5 recognized genders and being trans is not unheard of.

They are highly social with importance for blood relation - unlike Uniima. Sloman culture is big on heritage where wealth and skills are passed down for many generations. Parents are often in charge of their kids marriage and even later in life they influence many of the individuals choices. It's expected that a child will take care of their parent and protect their name in adulthood.

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1 year ago
What Does A Sloman Skull Look Like? I Don't Know! But You Can Take All Versions As Canon For Now.

What does a sloman skull look like? I don't know! But you can take all versions as canon for now.

The version with the most detail assumes sloman eye stalks need more external muscles while both versions on the right assume the internal stalk muscles do the job for them. Versions on right would have fewer muscle facial expressions so some expressions would be assisted with feather movement but would still be human-like.

(4 "teeth","bone" brow and 5 neck vertebrae are decided canon)


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9 months ago
Another Little Oc Based In @yellosnacc S World Lan The Sloman

Another little oc based in @yellosnacc ‘s world 👍 Lan the Sloman

I enjoy him very much :) been writing many things of him w Yello

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9 months ago

big slom guy silly oc

Big Slom Guy Silly Oc

only posting him here because I enjoy the rendering

The face could be better. But that's life.

He's a soldier, specifically a heavy guy of a Kuiqua squad I was posting earlier.

He's not a Ciwan native. Just like most other elite soldiers, Gwai grew up with battle training, something not as common when it comes to primary Ciwan territories. Since the War Of Worlds, Ciwa has done a lot more to grow its own population which was greatly reduced during this time. They recovered but the system mostly stayed, leaving more edge states and colonies as military "bases"? Welp. It does come with other problems. Like the fear of revolution. But that's where the power of propaganda and gaslighting comes in!!!!!!!!!!!! They also just keep powerful weaponry to themselves.

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