Mortal Kombat1 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Снова я принёс вам скетчи с Рейко

Завел себе тгканал с скетчами, если кому интересно, закрепленый пост

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10 months ago
This Is Real To Me...

this is real to me...

This Is Real To Me...

I'm seriously looking for anything that has to do with them.


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1 year ago

I really enjoy ships where the male character has the bigger tits of the couple like you go girl smush your face in his big soft pecs you deserve it. Case in point bireena

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1 year ago

I would like to add to this that it would be multi chapter fic I wish to explore a lot of ideas with both bireena and the lin kuei bro's also I am doing some research on Chinese and Czech culture because I want growing up in a traditional Chinese family a significant part of the lin kuei bro's personality. Also sorry for people who want to see bireena fluff from the first chapter sorry but bihan and sareena are both deeply scared individuals who had kept their heart guarded behind layers and layers of walls for years and I want both of them to become friends and develop trust in each other before they start any form of dating atleast a minimum of 2-3 chapters are going to be dedicated to them just being besties together also I am thinking of adding cyrax and sektor as bihan's childhood best friends so please tell me your thoughts on that in the notes. Lastly I know the fandom has made this sweet as sugar saintly persona for sareena but I want to write her as a morally grey character I won't give too many spoilers but I hate relationships where it's one partner's job to fix the other I feel like the best relationships are formed on people both accepting their partners for their flaws while simultaneously helping each other from the pain they both endured in life I want the demon part of sareena's personality to still be present when I write her in the story

Honest thoughts guys I am Asian and the oldest of 3 siblings and have gone through emotional and psychological abuse because of my father would you'll like it if I wrote a bi han fic about his abusive dad in relation to my asian trauma because even in cannon I can see the abuse and people in game are calling his dad a great guy but well many abusers are still respected irl like abusers are humans(a topic that should be explored more in my opinion that most abusers are lovely people we all trust to lower our guard around and not demonic monsters that can be easily spotted). Also the fic would be a fix-it because I can't take the bi han betrayal seriously like even a little it's like he is pretending to be the bad guy so hard and honestly he isn't fooling me one bit. Also it would be bireena and have wholesome Lin kuei bro's content because one bi han needs someone who doesn't know his dad to hear his side of the story, two because I want to write bireena fluff and three the game establishes it pretty well that bihan is a protective big bro and I want to explore that. So if this post gets at least 10 notes by tomorrow I will spend my Sunday to get you'll the fic. Comment if you want to add your own HC's to it

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1 year ago
See This Is The Shit That Happens To Me I Was Just Being Sad About The @evilbihan Page Being Deactivated
See This Is The Shit That Happens To Me I Was Just Being Sad About The @evilbihan Page Being Deactivated

See this is the shit that happens to me I was just being sad about the @evilbihan page being deactivated and the dude just resurrected himself from death to become my 50th reblog. Also @evilbihan how is your resurrection treating you

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1 year ago

Do people know they don't have to hate Bi han or Kuai Liang for anything like they are deeply flawed characters yeah but their dad is right there like hate the guy that gave them the issues, the pride, the thirst for tradition until their own individuality doesn't exist anymore, the fucker who they canonically didn't talked about in the last 11 games because he was so abusive Bi han or Kuai Liang didn't even mention him like the guy kidnapped his kids from their mother and sister to train them into child soldiers what more proof do you need. Bi han was literally trying to assassinate Shang tsung so he and his brother have enough money to leave the clan, the clan their father forced them in that's the motherfucker you can't hate it just has to be either Bi han or Kuai Liang

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1 year ago

Something I am trying to convey in my fic is that Bi han feels unfulfilled in the Lin kuei like yeah he was trained since childhood to be one of the best assassin in the world and he probably killed hundreds if not thousands in his line of work judging by how brutal the Mortal Kombat world is but that's just it he didn't get anything from it.

He is told he is the earth realm protector and the most nobal cause he can serve is that he keep killing people and play pretend when Lui Kang needs to recruit farmers to represent earthrealm. Imagine how demeaning it must have felt for him to be one of the most powerful people on earth specifically trained to protect it but Lui Kang picks farmers and actors as his champions.

Like the thing is he never sees any outcome for everything he has done in his life he trains, kills people and Lui Kang tells him that's what he was meant to do for the rest of his life it's an endless cycle where the only person who loses is Bi han because rather than being his own person with wants and needs he is just a Lin kuei assassin.

He could find joy in this job many people enjoy mundane work without any thanks or recognition for their specific job (doesn't mean they aren't happy to be appreciated just that's not a major requirement for them) it's clear Kuai Liang and Tomás do but the thing is he didn't have a choice he was expected to be a grandmaster since he was a child.

He didn't experience childhood like he wanted to or rather wasn't allowed to, all he was allowed to do was be a perfect assassin, a perfect grandmaster, a perfect Lin kuai and he is but that's all he has being a Lin kuei, his sense of self worth, his being, his whole existence is tied to being a Lin kuei grandmaster which at the end of the day is a thankless job. I need him to break out of it and just be Bi han

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1 year ago

Trigger warning - Abuse

Ok guys so I just thought I would sort my thoughts out by trauma dumping here and also adding key points for the type of abuse I would be writing in my story :-

1. Abusive tutor : Had this old hag of a teacher who I use to go to when I was like 6-12ish probably the memories are fuzzy and she had this thin wooden cane she would beat us up (she also had a wooden ruler but the cane was the primary weapon) with for decipline or if we couldn’t remember something or if she was in a bad mode or you get the gist abusers doesn’t make sense anyway she probably just got of on hitting kids but she was a good teacher I guess my parents still send me to her even when I begged not to go because she hurt me. So well the thing about trauma is it manifests in weird ways for me she made it so I couldn’t remember tables after 11 because she would constantly beat us until we would remember our tables so now I can’t remember tables to save my life. With how old and traditionalist the Lin kuei are I can’t imagine Bi han just living his best life without being mind effed by a couple of his tutors.

2. Asain Weapons : You know how there is this meme that asian parents beat their children with household objects that kinda normalise Asian parents abusing their children but is still funny because you experienced it and can relate to and find it funny in a dark humour sort of way. My memory is a bit iffy around here but from all I could remember it was slipper, broom, bathroom wipers, cloth hangers, slippers obviously, canes, that thick rod you put your clothes hangers on and PVC pipes, pretty sure they threatened us with the belt but not sure if they ever used it on us the rest I am pretty sure I experienced one time or another but my memory is a bit fuzzy. Key point no way Bi han grew up in an asian household as a firstborn and didn’t experienced at least the bamboo and the belt. Also asian parents do this weird thing were they get progressively mellow per child so they didn’t hit my other siblings as much me my first sibling as a middle child still got hit sometimes but by the time my second sibling was born they stop hitting us completely so don’t be weirded out by the fact they didn’t abuse Kuai liang or tomas since the first child is always the scapegoat and the test dummy for the others kids asian parents have.

3. Subtle Jabs : I have this memory of my father drinking and driving at over 100km/hr while my mother begs him to give my uncle the wheel and he just gets more angry and keep increasing the sped while I hold my younger siblings close and tell them everything will be alright. I can’t ever have alcohol anymore because of how much that scared me and when I told my father he just laughed it off like his cruel actions towards me mean nothing to him it probably doesn’t parents forget the fucked up shit they tell us all the time after all your words ruin my life and stick with me forever but for you it just another Thursday. I want to add these subtle jabs at him his appearance, his skills and even his position as the next grandmaster or say something incredibly fucked up to Bi han like I wish you died instead of my wife (under alcoholic influence of course) and then feign ignorance or straight up forget about them when Bi han confronts him.

4. Body Shaming : Growing up in an asian household you can’t exactly grow up without being body shamed or have slight jabs about how fat, ugly, unattractive you are by your relatives. One thing that struck with me was when my father gifted me this smart watch I wanted for so long and his words after giving it to me “ Use this to monitor your steps to become skinny you are getting fat” took a lot of joy out of that watch. I still struggle with eating full three meals a day and/or to not binge since I do have a big appetite but going to the gym and building more muscles are helping me a lot with my eating issues. I read a HC a while back that Bi han have a big appetite but generally only eat regular portion sizes or skips meals entirely because of his father comments on his eating habits and that HC has stuck with me since so I am including them in my fic

5. Sexuality : I HC Bi han as bi sexual because honestly the pun potential is just too great for me to resist but also because I am a She/They lesbian who thought she was Bisexual for four years just because she doesn’t wanted to confront the fact that she never liked boys but her parents freaked the fuck out to the point of hitting her when she even mentioned not wanting an arranged marriage why would they let her date a women so I just comforted myself by thinking of myself as Bisexual to ease the pain of not having a choice. I kinda want to experiment writing Bi han discovering his sexuality in somewhere as traditional and conformist as the Lin kuei modelled after my own experience of learning I am a lesbian.

6. One Slap : After everything I have been through a slap should probably hurt the least but my father have only slapped me twice in my life and I remember both in such vivid detail it almost scary how everything else is so blurry and disconnected but that slap that betrayal of trust the pain that comes with it and all everything I felt after it happened is imprinted on my like it was yesterday even after years have passed. I love the HC that Bi han accidentally gave Tomàš his face scar and since Bi han’s father is a strike first think later (cough Tomàš family cough) kind of man there is a high chance he hit him only once in the heat of the moment but it is still scared into Bi han’s mind forever.

That’s all I can think of right now I will add more when I remember them again since my memories are still a bit fuzzy though if’s it’s from my regular trauma, my medical trauma, my depression, my adhd/autism combo or a mixture of all these things I genuinely don’t know .

Honest thoughts guys I am Asian and the oldest of 3 siblings and have gone through emotional and psychological abuse because of my father would you'll like it if I wrote a bi han fic about his abusive dad in relation to my asian trauma because even in cannon I can see the abuse and people in game are calling his dad a great guy but well many abusers are still respected irl like abusers are humans(a topic that should be explored more in my opinion that most abusers are lovely people we all trust to lower our guard around and not demonic monsters that can be easily spotted). Also the fic would be a fix-it because I can't take the bi han betrayal seriously like even a little it's like he is pretending to be the bad guy so hard and honestly he isn't fooling me one bit. Also it would be bireena and have wholesome Lin kuei bro's content because one bi han needs someone who doesn't know his dad to hear his side of the story, two because I want to write bireena fluff and three the game establishes it pretty well that bihan is a protective big bro and I want to explore that. So if this post gets at least 10 notes by tomorrow I will spend my Sunday to get you'll the fic. Comment if you want to add your own HC's to it

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1 year ago

Shoutout to @running-with-the-feels they are like the best Mortal Kombat HC blog out there and as someone who also has Adhd and autism I love them for putting all these consistent posts everyday it helps me get inspiration and motivation for my posts as well as my fic.

If @running-with-the-feels ever read this please know you are badass and inspire me(She/They Neurodivergent) as a fellow He/They Neurodivergent to not give up on my HC's and writing as a whole. You always makes my day better everytime you post

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1 year ago

Hey guys I might not be postion a lot on Tumblr since uni has been very stressful with the assignments and tests as well as me slowly working on my bireena fic but I would still love to interact with your own hc and ideas related to my posts or otherwise so please feel free to ask me anything nsfw or otherwise that you feel curious about in my ask box. I would love to hear from you all.

Also checkout @running-with-the-feels I have been theory crafting as well as sharing many of my hc’s in their ask box the last few days. Also they have many great Au’s and hc’s releated to mk11 that you shown definately check out if you are a fan of the game and/or it’s characters

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11 months ago

Hey guys just wanna let you know that my ask box is now open and if you have any ideas, head cannons or writing prompts you want me to write or expand upon please write to me in my ask box. It would be nice to get prompts related to Mortal Kombat since it's my current hyper fixation but other fandoms are also appreciated.

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7 months ago
Ok So This Is Obviously Pandering And What Not But I Raise To You Cyrax And Sektor Toxic Yuri Like They
Ok So This Is Obviously Pandering And What Not But I Raise To You Cyrax And Sektor Toxic Yuri Like They

Ok so this is obviously pandering and what not but I raise to you cyrax and sektor toxic yuri like they already had toxic yaoi in the previous timelines because sektor is a psychopath with daddy issues. I feel like yurifying it would make it 10 times worse which is something I very much need in my life.

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7 months ago
Guys Believe Me I Hate Them For What They Have Done To Bi Han But Look At Him He Is So Cat Shaped Just

Guys believe me I hate them for what they have done to Bi han but look at him he is so cat shaped just a little meow-meow who doesn't have a single thought behind those eyes. I want to put him in my pocket and protect him from all evils of the world

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6 months ago

Ok the bihan is a big stupid dum-dum for jumping in portal memes are cool and all but you do realise they did it so they can blame becoming noob saibot on him right. Like they didn't want people to empathize with him even a tine-tiny bit to make sure they can make it look like everything bad that ever happened to him was his fault and not how people who have power over his life treated him Right. Like this is one more of the games attempt to make bi han this big irredimable villain because it's very difficult to organically write someone in his position as a villain. You do understand that RIGHT?

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5 months ago

Is tthis social media truly as great as they say?

Or is it a simple trick to take what you can't have?

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