Mother's Spirit - Tumblr Posts
Goddess to Mother
How pathetic I was when I first saw you,
The curly hair turns down to be few.
Your happiness to gift me to someone increases,
But my feeling to be apart from you deceases.
The pain in your veins down to your vagina,
Justifies how much you want me to be a regina.
I am like that gift you can't behold,
But your eyes speaks that I am born to be uphold.
You're the strongest, bravest and finest I ever saw,
As my world starts from your sense of law.
Happiness I also feel when I realize you saw me first,
Cause no one felt the pain when I'm reversed.
Infinity dreams you already made before I am here,
Still you cheer me when I failed for a whole year.
God to glory I only heard on quotes,
Presence of yourself insists me to rewrite the quote.
Never feel guilt to take immense pride for presence of you,
As atlast you made me feel to be true.