Movie Critic - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Im not seeing alot of posts on here about this, but i have on youtube sooo...

Doctor Skipper, Nerdstagic, Cinema Sins, Rotten tomato critics, other movie critics and youtube movie reveiwers have ruined media literacy by their need for money.

All they do is sit around and hypercritic movies that they know jack shit about while pretending they do, some of them havent even watched the movie, they just want attention and to ruin the movie for its fandom and its chance in the box office.

Doctor Skipper and Nerdstagic have both made videos shitting on the Monsterverse and American Godzilla in general because Godzilla Minus One was "better". Yeah, the movie was awesome! And it deserves all the attention and The Oscar it got. But GxK: The New Empire isnt even out yet, stop bullying it, telling people something is going to be trash before they see it, means theyre going to view it as trash through the lense of your opinion.

Godzilla Minus One and GxK: The New Empire dont compare, they are two separate genres. Godzilla is allowed to be goofy or serious. There is no right or wrong Godzilla. If you like goofy, good for you! If you like serious, good for you! People are allowed to enjoy the two genres separately or together. I love both! But critics dont look at the fact that in the og showa era made by ToHo, it was goofy as hell, he was doing dances and flying using his breath.

The directors of both movies support each other and love each other's work.

Yes, all the shitty sequel cash grabs we've been getting are awful. But Godzilla isn't that,.... yet. If we keep getting divided on these issues and only viewing them to trash and meme, that spreads negative interest, but more profits. More profits means theyre gonna do it again. Boycott movies you know you wont like, but leave other people alone about it, and especially don't make videos without researching the subject or even watching the movies. Just like some of the recent Marvel movies and shows, if we let it turn into a cash grab, our fandom will inevitably die. Like the posters and trailers for GxK- "Rise together or fall alone".

Sidenote: theres nothing funny about the Lucky Dragon Incident.

Sidenote 2: Please stop spoiling GxK

Edit Sidenote 3: stop using ai for your clickbait thumbnails for your edits of GxK trailers

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8 years ago

It amazes me but ever so slightly freaks me out how jim carrey can play the most over exaggerated funny guy to the most serious charming guy ever. Love his range. Seriously though go and fucking watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Yeah it ends up being a dark ass movie but damn it's fudging amazing

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1 year ago

I haven’t seen trolls 3 yet but let me tell y’all grown men have rotted peoples brains when deciding that they know everything about animation for little kids because trolls 1 and 2 are good and I’ll fight you on that

Sorry but not every movie needs to be mature and lore driven

I Havent Seen Trolls 3 Yet But Let Me Tell Yall Grown Men Have Rotted Peoples Brains When Deciding That
I Havent Seen Trolls 3 Yet But Let Me Tell Yall Grown Men Have Rotted Peoples Brains When Deciding That

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3 years ago


Can anyone recommend me something to watch? no anime and tv shows. And imma review it here! You can use my askbox, thank youuu

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7 months ago

I can't get over the thought that In Time (2011) should be called "Socialism for Dummies"

What a movie lol

Other possible names include:

Socialism 101

Socialism for children

Socialism to you, who can't understand anything if it's not drawn for you

That one film where Cillian Murphy is so hot in leather I almost forget he's a cop

That one film pro-socialism Hollywood actually let someone produce

That one film where Olivia Wilde is somehow Justin Timberlake's mom (which makes no sense but I'm here for it)

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