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sylvee's cinematic masterpiece
Anyone else ever wanna just… make pre-established connections between characters without having to RP it out cuz you’re a tired busy adult?
Like just hit each other up with shenanigans and tomfoolery and ‘they would totally do this’ sorta bs.

femboy john cena but make it secondo...
ignore how low quality this is pls i made this in like an hour and im sleep deprived
original meme under the cut

jungkook trying to use an mini eyelash curler is the cutest thing ever

i’m sorry but holy shit this is so pretty that i’ve got no choice but to reblog ,,

family goals
![My boyfriend (18m) drew me (18f), and I made a joke about it. Now he feels terrible and won’t calm down—how do I fix this?
So, I [18F] asked my boyfriend [18M] to draw me a while back, and recently he decided to give it a shot. We’ve been dating for 7 months. He’s not super confident in drawing people and used a dry erase board for it. When he showed me the sketch, I immediately noticed it highlighted a couple of things I’m insecure about—like my shoulders and stomach. But instead of being upset, I found it kind of funny and joked about how he managed to capture all my insecurities perfectly. I wasn’t serious, just trying to be playful.
Well, he didn’t take it the way I expected. He started apologizing over and over, saying he didn’t mean to upset me and that he thought those parts of the drawing looked nice. I reassured him that I wasn’t offended at all, but he seemed really shaken by it.
Later, he started panicking, telling me he’d been worrying all day and blaming himself for some nightmares I had (which honestly had nothing to do with the drawing—it was just my mental state). I’ve tried to explain that I was just joking and that it wasn’t a big deal, but he still feels awful.
How can I make him feel better and understand that I wasn’t actually hurt? I don’t want him to carry this guilt over something that was meant to be lighthearted. Any advice on how to approach this?
Here’s the drawing -](
it might just be because im sleep deprived from jetlag rn but this r/relationship_advice post is making me cry actual tears of laughter. i read the post at first and was like yeah pretty standard whatever but im nosey so i clicked on the drawing op linked and i was not mentally prepared for it. putting it under a read more so you can get the same experience as i did

some of the top comments

does anyone have that meme where a girl flashes anakin on a tv screen. it was posted but i can't find it anymore :(
I wanna be Victorias bitch sooo bad omg
Want to take this boy aside and whisper in his ear "One day, you're going to shout at that man to show you more ankle..."

“god you are so. fucking. pretty.” punctuated by the sound of my cock slamming into your dripping cunt
hey new followers w empty blogs. can yall pass the turing test
Reblog if you wouldn’t mind compliments based around your theriotype(s)! :D
i need to start sharing ganz lore here it’s such a good place to just ramble which is great because i have GOTTA stop being so quiet about my lore my own partner doesn’t even get it because i get scared 🤦
anyway mooties PLEASE send asks about my ocs/world even if you know nothing about it
i have been thinking about it so hard
Somehow whenever I think Ive cried every last tear somehow theres more when he writes a whole paragraph about how much he loves me like WHY ME??? ALSO PLEASE DATE ME???
u have got to be fucking kidding me