Mrs Boonchuy - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I wish we got this in the show!!!

How About We Stop Talking For A Little While Anne Says, Her Bright-red Face Buried In Her Hands For The
How About We Stop Talking For A Little While Anne Says, Her Bright-red Face Buried In Her Hands For The
How About We Stop Talking For A Little While Anne Says, Her Bright-red Face Buried In Her Hands For The

“How about we stop talking for a little while…” Anne says, her bright-red face buried in her hands for the rest of the car trip

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1 year ago

Mrs. Boonchuy: Anne's missing. Can you find her?

Mr. X: What, do you think I have her microchipped or something?

Mrs. Boonchuy: Well... do you?

Mr. X: ...Yeah, hang on.

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3 years ago

Amphibia Headcanons

Here, take some of my Headcanons, some of them are old, some of them are new

Anne uses She/Her pronouns, Sasha uses He/Him pronouns, and Marcy uses They/Them pronouns.

Marcy needs glasses

Marcy is Autistic

Sasha’s hair is naturally black

Marcy would drag Sasha and Anne to some conventions

Sasha is Transmasc

Grime and Hop Pop have top surgery scars

Sprig, Ivy, and Maddie are in a Poly QPR

Polly and Pearl are rivals

Wally is Ivy’s bio father. He’s not allowed to see Ivy. (That’s why he followed Ivy to see her with Anne & Polly.) (Ivy has no idea that Wally used to be in a relationship with Felicia, no one does.)

Toady is 18.

Marcy wanted to ask Anne and Sasha to prom, but got too scared and chickened out.

Anne has freckles.

Sasha does lose an eye, and Anne loses an arm.

Sasha cuts his hair.

Sasha uses armor to bind his chest.

Wally and Stumpy are in love (I have no explanation for this-)

Anne’s eyes become blue, Marcy’s eyes become green, and Sasha’s eyes become pink. (One of Sasha’s eyes is a much lighter pink, to show that he’s blind through that one.)

Marcy grows their hair out.

Wally is Nonbinary and uses any pronouns!

Stumpy is a toad, not a frog.

Sasha and Marcy can’t cook.

Marcy is SUPER Multifandom. Name a fandom, there is a 99% chance that they know it.

Mr. Boonchuy is a Marcanne shipper, Mrs. Boonchuy is a Sashanne shipper-

Anne, Marcy, and Sasha all accidentally asked each other out at the same time.

Mr. & Mrs Boonchuy love and support their daughters relationship with Marcy and Sasha

Sasha is the only one in the Calamity Trio that can actually drive.

Yunan gave Marcy the crossbow.

The frog plushie next to Marcy in the hospital in their theme song takeover, was given to them by Lady Olivia.

Sasha and Marcy have more of a hard time sleeping, so Anne sings them to sleep. And Anne can only sleep when everything’s quiet. So she also has a hard time sleeping.

Anne likes blueberry pancakes

Anne ends up growing taller than Marcy and Marcy ends up being taller than Sasha. (Short Sasha-)

Anne has dyscalculia. (Because I relate to Anne and I have dyscalculia.)

Sasha has an eyebrow slit.

Sasha has an anxiety disorder

Sasha gets anxiety attacks when it’s really cold. (Because that also happens to me-)

(It might not be anxiety attacks, but that’s what it feels like to me-) (I’ve had quite a few of them before-)

Anne has a big stuffed animal collection

Anne and her parents get Sasha a weighted blanket on his birthday.

Marcy and Sasha have definitely gotten so close to Anne’s parents that Marcy will call Mr. Boonchuy “Dad” and Sasha will call Mrs. Boonchuy “Mom”.

Marcy has a strained relationship with their dad. And Sasha hates his mother.

Marcy isn’t really close to their mom, and Sasha didn’t have a dad.

When Sasha, Marcy, and Anne get older, they’ll marry each other. And Sasha & Marcy take Anne’s last name! (Sasha & Marcy Boonchuy)

Mrs. Boonchuy is a Straight Ally, and supports her Trans Lesbian Daughter, her future daughters-in-law, and her bisexual husband. And her daughters frog family of course, none of them are straight or cis.

Yunan is related to Priscilla. I don’t know how, but she is. And Pearl refers to her as “Auntie”. (Even though Priscilla & Yunan probably aren’t sisters) (Probably a best friend that’s sort of like family)

Sprig is a poisonous frog

Sasha gets a lot of piercings when he gets older, and he got everything pierced, himself! (Ears, nose, lip, and tongue.) for now, he only has his ears pierced.

Sasha is half Asian. (Because I think it would be cool to have the whole Calamity Trio be Asian!)

Sasha dots his “i”’s with hearts.

Marcy used to be a ballet dancer

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