Poly Shipping - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Talking about Lunter

Someone has definitely talked about this before, but here’s my take on it.

I will say, that I’m a Lumity shipper. I see Luz and Hunter as siblings. But, I can definitely see why the ship exist, and why other people would ship it.

I’m not gonna lie, when Luz got up to Hunter’s face, I really did think they were gonna kiss, which kinda spooked me a little. 😂

But anyways, shipping is supposed to be fun. Threatening people for not shipping something that you ship is not fun.

Ship whatever you want! As long as you’re not shipping a minor with and adult, or a canon gay character with someone of the opposite gender. I guess it’d be okay if the creator was okay with it? I don’t believe Dana said it was okay to ship Amity with a guy, cause she’s a lesbian. So, don’t ship Amity with a boy, and don’t ship Edric with a girl.

There are creators that are okay with shipping characters even with canon sexualities, such as Vivziepop. She might be okay with whoever you ship with her characters, but, Dana isn’t Vivziepop, and she might not be cool with that.

Luz is a bisexual character, shipping her with Hunter doesn’t erase the bi representation like shipping Amity, a lesbian, with any male character would.

Of course, Hunter doesn’t have a canon sexuality, from what I know at least.

If he canonically isn’t attracted to girls, then there would be a big problem for this ship. But for now, there’s no real big problem.

I was also thinking about something. While I do love found family troupes, I feel like if Hunter was a girl, and supposed to be part of Luz’s found family, than most people wouldn’t be so rude about Luz being shipped with Hunter, but since Hunter’s a guy, almost everyone is being rude about this ship!

If you ship Lumity that’s fine! You just see Luz and Hunter as siblings, that’s okay!

If you ship Lunter, there’s nothing wrong with that! You just don’t see them as siblings, and that’s okay! Some people just don’t see other people’s visions and that’s fine!

If you’re a poly shipper and ship Lumiter that’s okay as well, as long as Amity and Hunter are just dating Luz, and Amity and Hunter aren’t dating.

If you’re a multishipper, that’s also awesome! If you like to ship Lunter separately from Lumity and/or Huntric, Whatever you might ship, that’s okay.

As long as you’re not being a jerk about what you ship, then it is okay.

Lumity shippers, don’t attack Lunter shippers. Lunter shippers, don’t attack Lumity shippers. Just shake hands and just agree that you both have opinions and you don’t have to agree with each other.

Everyone has opinions, and as much as it sucks sometimes, it’s the truth.

And people shouldn’t be being a huge asshole to people just because they like something that you don’t.

I think that’s all I have to say. Please, have a good day/night. These are all my opinions, I don’t care if you disagree with me or not, because you have opinions too, and I respect that.

EDIT: I forgot to say, also, not liking Lunter isn’t biphobic either.

EDIT 2: Also, if you’re homophobic and that’s why you ship Lunter and not Lumity. Why the hell? Are you even watching the show? And homophobia isn’t an opinion.

EDIT 3: Please unfollow me or just block me if you can’t respect people’s opinions on ships. Okay NOW I’m going to sleep.

EDIT 4: Sorry, another thing, Luz being 14 and Hunter being 16, it’s not really a big age difference. Steven and Connie from Steven Universe have those same ages and literally no one has a problem with that? 2 years isn’t that bad, that’s all I’m saying.

EDIT 5: And unless Hunter gets canonically adopted by Luz’s family, then just let the Lunter shippers have fun. If they do become canon adopted siblings, then there would be a problem with this ship.

EDIT 6: People don’t have to ship something just because it’s canon.

EDIT 7: I do realize now that all of this doesn’t really sound how I wanted it to, I was trying to sound as supportive as I could with these ships, but at the time that I was typing all of this down, I was really tired, once I got on Tumblr, I jut copy and pasted it all without really reading what I typed in. And then added a lot of unnecessary things (just like this). I will say, that I am not an adult. I’m 15, so….yeah, I understand that the things I say are really off and not exactly what you want to hear. (Or need to hear) It’s actually far from it. I’m not good at wording things or even talking about certain things sometimes, I actually suck at it a lot. I tried to sound respectful and chill, I guess? But yeah, I’m not so good at doing that. I apologize for how odd this all sounds. It is pretty late, so I’m just going to stop now. Please have a good day/night.

(Yes, I’m aware of how stupid I sound.)

EDIT 8: I Didn’t want to add more than there already was, but, no, you guys are right, Dana didn’t confirm Edric being gay, I thought I saw it, but I literally cannot find a tweet from Dana saying that.

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3 years ago

Amphibia Headcanons

Here, take some of my Headcanons, some of them are old, some of them are new

Anne uses She/Her pronouns, Sasha uses He/Him pronouns, and Marcy uses They/Them pronouns.

Marcy needs glasses

Marcy is Autistic

Sasha’s hair is naturally black

Marcy would drag Sasha and Anne to some conventions

Sasha is Transmasc

Grime and Hop Pop have top surgery scars

Sprig, Ivy, and Maddie are in a Poly QPR

Polly and Pearl are rivals

Wally is Ivy’s bio father. He’s not allowed to see Ivy. (That’s why he followed Ivy to see her with Anne & Polly.) (Ivy has no idea that Wally used to be in a relationship with Felicia, no one does.)

Toady is 18.

Marcy wanted to ask Anne and Sasha to prom, but got too scared and chickened out.

Anne has freckles.

Sasha does lose an eye, and Anne loses an arm.

Sasha cuts his hair.

Sasha uses armor to bind his chest.

Wally and Stumpy are in love (I have no explanation for this-)

Anne’s eyes become blue, Marcy’s eyes become green, and Sasha’s eyes become pink. (One of Sasha’s eyes is a much lighter pink, to show that he’s blind through that one.)

Marcy grows their hair out.

Wally is Nonbinary and uses any pronouns!

Stumpy is a toad, not a frog.

Sasha and Marcy can’t cook.

Marcy is SUPER Multifandom. Name a fandom, there is a 99% chance that they know it.

Mr. Boonchuy is a Marcanne shipper, Mrs. Boonchuy is a Sashanne shipper-

Anne, Marcy, and Sasha all accidentally asked each other out at the same time.

Mr. & Mrs Boonchuy love and support their daughters relationship with Marcy and Sasha

Sasha is the only one in the Calamity Trio that can actually drive.

Yunan gave Marcy the crossbow.

The frog plushie next to Marcy in the hospital in their theme song takeover, was given to them by Lady Olivia.

Sasha and Marcy have more of a hard time sleeping, so Anne sings them to sleep. And Anne can only sleep when everything’s quiet. So she also has a hard time sleeping.

Anne likes blueberry pancakes

Anne ends up growing taller than Marcy and Marcy ends up being taller than Sasha. (Short Sasha-)

Anne has dyscalculia. (Because I relate to Anne and I have dyscalculia.)

Sasha has an eyebrow slit.

Sasha has an anxiety disorder

Sasha gets anxiety attacks when it’s really cold. (Because that also happens to me-)

(It might not be anxiety attacks, but that’s what it feels like to me-) (I’ve had quite a few of them before-)

Anne has a big stuffed animal collection

Anne and her parents get Sasha a weighted blanket on his birthday.

Marcy and Sasha have definitely gotten so close to Anne’s parents that Marcy will call Mr. Boonchuy “Dad” and Sasha will call Mrs. Boonchuy “Mom”.

Marcy has a strained relationship with their dad. And Sasha hates his mother.

Marcy isn’t really close to their mom, and Sasha didn’t have a dad.

When Sasha, Marcy, and Anne get older, they’ll marry each other. And Sasha & Marcy take Anne’s last name! (Sasha & Marcy Boonchuy)

Mrs. Boonchuy is a Straight Ally, and supports her Trans Lesbian Daughter, her future daughters-in-law, and her bisexual husband. And her daughters frog family of course, none of them are straight or cis.

Yunan is related to Priscilla. I don’t know how, but she is. And Pearl refers to her as “Auntie”. (Even though Priscilla & Yunan probably aren’t sisters) (Probably a best friend that’s sort of like family)

Sprig is a poisonous frog

Sasha gets a lot of piercings when he gets older, and he got everything pierced, himself! (Ears, nose, lip, and tongue.) for now, he only has his ears pierced.

Sasha is half Asian. (Because I think it would be cool to have the whole Calamity Trio be Asian!)

Sasha dots his “i”’s with hearts.

Marcy used to be a ballet dancer

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3 years ago

Remember, if you ship characters that:

Barely interact

Never interacted

Are from different shows

Aren’t in a canon relationship

Already have a canon partner

Don’t make sense

Barely talk about each other

Or never talk about each other.

It’s Okay. None of that matters. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, if it makes you happy, it’s okay.

The only problems I see with shipping is if it’s Inc*st and/or P*dophilia. And if the character has a canon sexuality and you ship them with someone they wouldn’t be attracted to because of their sexuality. Other than those things. I see nothing wrong with shipping.

Oh, and b**stiality.

Other than all of that, your ships are okay.

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3 years ago

My favorite Poly Ships

(I’m fully ready for some people to hate me-)

Sasha x Anne x Marcy (Amphibia)

Ivy x Sprig x Maddie (Amphibia)

Sylvia x Hop Pop x Grime (Amphibia)

Betty x Yakko x Max (You already know-)

Daisy x Mickey x Minnie x Donald (You already know-)

Tina x Bugs x Lola x Daffy (You already know-)

Lars x Sadie x Shep (Steven Universe)

Jenny x Buck x Sour Cream (Steven Universe)

Zill x Kayla x Jack x Jill x Spam x Vanexa (Zoophobia)

Sallie May x Striker x Barbie Wire (Helluva Boss)

Camila x Eda x Raine (The Owl House)

Katya x Viney x Emira (The Owl House)

Jerbo x Edric x Hunter (The Owl House)

Lonnie x Rogelio x Kyle (She Ra)

Izuku x Ochako x Shoto x Tsu (BNHA)

Momo x Kyouka x Denki (BNHA)

Nejire x Mirio x Tamaki (BNHA)

Shota x Toshinori x Inko (BNHA)

Luka x Marinette x Adrien x Kagami (Miraculous Ladybug)

Huntress Wizard x Finn x Fern (Adventure Time)

Miss Heed x Dementia x Penumbra (Villainous)

Bobert x Molly x Tina (TAWOG)

Micheal x Jeremy x Christine (BMC)

Enid x Red Action x Elodie x Shanon (Ok K.O. Let’s Be Hero’s!)

My Favorite Poly Ships

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3 years ago

Zill x Kayla x jack x jill x spam x vanexa handcanon plz

I will do my best to do that!

I can’t promise you that they’ll be good though

I’ll get it done, and I hope that you at least like some of them!

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3 years ago

Zill x Kayla x Jack x Jill x Spam x Vanexa handcanons

(For an anon)

[WARNING:Some of it, may be angsty]

(Some of these might not be so good, some may be a little out of character, I apologize for that. I hope you still like at least some of these though.)

Okay, so, there is this REALLY old drawing that I’ve kept for SO LONG

Basically, when I was younger, I liked making date spaces for fictional characters, like, make up stories in my mind, with the background I made, y’know?



Zill X Kayla X Jack X Jill X Spam X Vanexa Handcanons

This, is where they hang out. For their dates.

They usually just relax, talk, sing, dance, sometimes play games.

It’s the only place where Jack feels safe, and no harm ever comes to him.

The grass is soft, and the lights are beautiful!


The Headcanons You Asked For!

Spam, Kayla, and Zill are the ones who are normally singing, dancing, and playing games.

Jack, Jill, and Vanexa will sing with them every now and again, sometimes Vanexa will pull out an instrument and play.

Spam is always complimenting everyone on how beautiful they all look

He always leaves himself out, that’s why they all have to remind him that he’s just as beautiful

Spam writes songs about how much he adores his partners, and sings them when the moment is right

Vanexa really likes reading, and has been thinking about making some of her own stories. And her partners are supporting her! They’re her biggest fans on her books

Spam and Kayla are THE BEST at giving kisses and hugs, and are ALWAYS READY to show their partners some love and affection when they need it!

None of them are afraid to be honest with each other. If one of them needs space, the others will respect their boundaries. They know that they all still love each other.

Sometimes, when they are in their date spot, they end up falling asleep there.

They normally fall asleep close together, cuddling. Cuddle pile.

Jack sleeps in the middle of all of them. So nothing bad could get to him. It makes Jack feel comforted, safe, secure, etc.

Jack feels so lucky to have them all as his partners.

They’re all pretty competitive with flirting sometimes.

All of them had been in love with each other for a very long time, but, none of them had the guts to say anything.

With Zill and Kayla already dating, Jack and Jill having a thing, and y’know, Spam & Vanexa

It started with Zill feeling guilty about being in love with Jack, while also being in love with Kayla. He talked to her about it, and it made Kayla feel SO RELIEVED

“Aw, sweetie! You’re not alone! The truth is, I’m in love with Vanexa, but I’m still in love with you too!”

Zill and Kayla were so happy to finally get that off their chests

They both had to think about how they were gonna tell the others.

Vanexa had secretly been crushing on Kayla, Spam, Jill, and Jack

She felt, really sappy that day, and had written a song about them.

When she was singing, Jill happened to be near by.

Jill was flattered. She interrupted Vanexa. With Jill teasing Vanexa “Aww, you love us, that’s so lame! ❤️”

And Vanexa responding with “You’re lame. ❤️”

They spent the rest of that day bitterly flirting.

Jack and Spam, I feel, were for sure, already SUPER in love with everyone.

So when they all came together, they all kinda talked over each other about their feelings for one another. They all understood, and decided to just be in a relationship with each other.

If one of them is upset, the others are going to beat up whatever/whoever caused their partner to be sad!

When Rusty taunts Jack, you better believe they’re all going to beat Rusty’s ass senseless-

Like, “Hey! I don’t like how you’re treating my amazing boyfriend(s)/girlfriend(s). F**king apologize.”

And Autumn is CONSTANTLY trying to get Rusty to leave them alone. Before some bad things get out of hand, Autumn is always quick to apologize. “I’m so sorry, excuse my boyfriend, he can be SO ANNOYING a lot of the times.”

Spam still surprise lick-kisses his partners. They’re not really annoyed with it. Sometimes, at the perfect moment. They’ll surprise kiss Spam sometimes.

They have book clubs, I think that would be awesome!

Sometimes, they’ll watch musicals, name a musical, they’ve probably seen it! (Reason for this one is because I thought Jack would like Dear Evan Hansen, it just felt right, idk-)

Jill teaches her partners more self-defense, and will throw hypothetical situations at them, and it’s really fun for them. They’re all really strong, and Jill offers them a place in The Royal Guard from time to time.

Sometimes, Zill will still speak Spanish. And teach his partners some, when they need help understanding him.

And, of course, Kayla will teach her partners some Australian slang. So they understand her more when she tells her stories.

Ever since they started dating, Vanexa has been talking more often, it’s almost scary.

But they do enjoy listening to her voice when she speaks, even when it’s something so simple.

Spam, Jack, Jill, Zill, and Kayla, are the only people that can make Vanexa laugh.

Sometimes, Jack will still think about the worst. With him being Immortal, he’s so scared of all his partners, just dying the next day. It could happen any moment now. All his partners are there to comfort him, and always assure him that, it’ll take a long time before they leave him, and even then, he’ll still have them, in his heart.

Sometimes, Jack will think about finding a way, to make himself mortal, or, make his partners immortal. He’s got a lot going on in his head, it’ll take a while for him to accept things the way they are, but in the end, he’ll be okay, and so will his partners.

A lot of people assume that they’re just friends, and get REALLY confused when all of a sudden they all start pet-naming each other, give out kisses, and flirt.

Their relationship is like, a group of friends that have sleepovers all the time, going out, and being romantic with one another.

Sometimes, they’ll go on fancy dates, wear more fancy formal attire.

Sometimes they’ll go to couples dance parties, to show how crazy they are. Sometimes they’ll get kicked out of some places, but it’s always fun.

They’re in love!!!!!!

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3 years ago

Hey I the guy who ask you to do. That handcanons thing with zoophobia main five and Jill aka that ploy shit handcanons. Just to let you I don’t ship them. But it good just wants to know what a ploy ship like that would be like. P.s I sure some out them ships them to. So don’t feel bad ok.

Well I’m glad that it was okay! I do hope someone else out there ships them like I do, it’s unlikely, but I can dream. It is a bit rare to find someone who ships the same poly ship as you, especially when it involves 6 people. So thank you for the ask, though I am not so good at making headcanons, It was still fun!

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3 years ago

My Favorite Zoophobia Ships

And why I ship them

(For an Anon)


Addison x Gustav - if I remember correctly, these two are canonically dating, right? That’s not why I ship them. I like how weird their designs look together! And the moments they have in the comic are so cute!


Alanzo x Jackie - They are canonically married, I love the moments these two have together, they’re really cute, and I just think they’re both very unique, y’know?


Autumn x Rusty - Bullies that literally hate everyone and are only soft around their crush. ❤️_❤️

Also, there is absolutely NO WAY that they weren’t a thing in Bad Luck Jack-

They are in love-


Damian x Elijah - Their designs look really weird and funky together, I love that-

I love the aesthetic of this ship. And the moments they have together are cute.


Scarlet x Harlie - The designs, again, compliment each other really well. They’re probably one of the best background couples ever-

(Cause I’m pretty sure they’re actually girlfriends-)


Xinith x Me - Cause I’m a simp, please just let me have this-


Zill x Kayla x Jack x Jill x Spam x Vanexa - *Inhales* …………. *Exhales* ………..

BUCKLE YOUR SEAT BEALTS. These Six! They are so freakin ADORABLE! I’m absolutely in love with the way they all look together! This started with me shipping Zill x Kayla, Jack x Jill, & Spam x Vanexa, but the way Jack looks at Zill, and Bad Luck Jack! Then I shipped Jill x Jack x Zill x Kayla. Then I saw a picture of both Jill and Vanexa kissing Jack’s face, and some fan art with Vanexa x Kayla and then I shipped Vanexa x Jill x Jack x Zill x Kayla, and then Spam was added back, it became a full circle-

All 6 of them being in a relationship with each other, was just very interesting to me.

And Jack deserves as much love in the world! If I had to say anything, I’d say he earned them-

Also, I’m a loser for poly ships-

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