Mta - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
This Is My Beloved Girl, Evgeniya Kazarina Aka "Three". Profecient In Mind Sphere, Despite Being Only

This is my beloved girl, Evgeniya Kazarina aka "Three". Profecient in Mind Sphere, despite being only 19. One of the Hollow.

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6 years ago
I Never Promised You A Ray Of Light,

I never promised you a ray of light,

I never promised there'd be sunshine everyday,

I give you everything I have, the good, the bad.

Why do you put me on a pedestal,

I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below,

So help me down you've got it wrong, I don't belong there.

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5 years ago
I Could Get Used To This. #socialdistancing #coronavirus #mta #berniememes #bernie2020 #berniesanders2020

I could get used to this. #socialdistancing #coronavirus #mta #berniememes #bernie2020 #berniesanders2020 #bernie #subway #primary #democraticprimary #feelthebern #corona #coronamemes #notmeus #ilikebernie #ilikesanders #presidentsanders #election2020 #lol #virus #trumpsucks

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12 years ago
For Reasons Quite Far Beyond Me,
For Reasons Quite Far Beyond Me,
For Reasons Quite Far Beyond Me,

For reasons quite far beyond me,

The couples on subways I see

Lack any disgrace

While they're sucking-face,

And groping with unbridled glee.


Upper image source

Lower image source

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11 years ago

51st and lex, I think!

Do You Know Where In #NYC This @artsfortransit Mosaic Is Located? Http://

Do you know where in #NYC this @artsfortransit mosaic is located?

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1 year ago

so i've been playing mage the ascension

So I've Been Playing Mage The Ascension

we're playin a bunch of orphans who all knew each other pre-awakening, went our separate ways, but are now livin in a fucked up house with very little memory of how we came to be living here. we did not know the others were mages upon moving in. as we've been forced to use magic in front of each other in life or death situations tho, we've figured it out.

the rent is free, tho, bc our landlord fucked off to the bahamas suddenly. the level of haunted is not enough to beat not paying rent.

this shitty little doodle comes from my character (the redhead) spilling weird magic liquid on herself in some seemingly-abandoned mages lab in our house's own personal backrooms (long story), being immediately forcibly thrown into a horrifying seeking (my arete was only 2 so pray for me goin forward) where she almost died and her avatar shit talked her, came back to consciousness, had this interaction with her friend, then fell into a seizure. i cannot stop thinking about this sequence of events.

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1 year ago

Who is your Mage character?

ok my keen was low for a hot minute there but it's bACK and im ready to ramble

Bonnie Raith-Ballantyne is an absolute monster of a mage - she doesn't have much arete, or dots amongst her spheres, or anything really: except for the three things she does have.

Monstrous willpower.

A 5-dot avatar.

Money to burn.

She is VERY Scottish, VERY enthusiastic about academia, and VERY ready to do anything and everything that she wants.

She's a totally self-indulgent character, in that I went, "hm, what's an aesthetic I like?" and just built someone who is very 'dark academia'. She's a daughter of the wealthy elite, with easy access to academic circles, and the plotline of our mage game revolves around all of us, as newly-awakened orphans, all moving into the same house, previously owned by an archmage. This is, of course, no accident, but it wasn't arranged by us, and we have very fuzzy memories of why any of us moved here, or our landlord.

The setting is peak dark academia, the character is peak dark academia, and the storyline is peak academia, it's been insanely fun.

Her awakening happened at her pretentious friend group's faux-Bacchanalia party, and the Storyteller has been dropping hints that in a past life, Bonnie may have been the oracle at Delphi, or at least in some way relevant to Apollo's cult. He's weaving plot threads that had me veer violently off my very Prime/Mind course and hurtle down Time instead.

She's the Party Face, but also the one with all the willpower, so a lot of the time she's like "right, ok, we're doing this." She's usually the first volunteer for magic experiments - although her best friend, another PC, has recently had her promise to stop almost dying, which is valid I suppose! So she's chilling out on that stuff.

She's made good friends with a local mage's familiar, but the guy all but loathes her, so that's been a fun dynamic to play out. She's also had her life saved by another guy repeatedly, but they both have incredibly manic vibes, so the closer they get, the more antics are on the horizon. I'm very, very excited about the character, and absolutely adoring playing her.

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11 years ago
DSCF4431 By Runs With Scissors On Flickr.

DSCF4431 by Runs With Scissors on Flickr.

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