━ At times, Loki’s magic will spark off his hands, leaving trails of glimmering green light in the wake of his fingers’ movements and briefly staining objects with their glow before fizzling out. it’s not a constant occurrence, and often only happening if intended or when experiencing a strong emotion like sudden startled fear. He attempts to subdue it best he can, considering it a show of lack of control and therefore lack of magical prowess & skill. It’s more common when drunk.
━ He’s got a higher alcohol tolerance than Thor. This is one of a brief handful of things he’s been able to hold over Thor, especially in their younger days sneaking alcohol and playing drinking games they’d seen the others do or ones they came up with in secluded areas. The effects of alcohol also wear off far quicker than for most others. In regards to other addictive substances, he’s dabbled, but never particularly been keen of any, mostly just sticking to alcohol. He’s particularly vulnerable to hallucinogens.
━ This is canon, but worth mentioning : Genderfluid Omniromantic Omnisexual icon. Go on you legend. You can’t get me to forgive Disney, but I appreciate you regardless.
━ Old wounds & the wear and tear that overuse of illusionary magic cause him to put up with a fair amount of pain, and his less than stellar ( & underfeeding ) diet does him little favor. His left leg occasionally leaves him with a limp from pain shooting up his shin from his ankle to his knee, lasting a small while, but notable. His neck & shoulders will ache from time to time, granting the habit of rolling & cracking his shoulders, neck & jaw. He’ll also do so as an intimidation effort, if he feels like it.
━ Loki has a difficult time discerning romantic attraction to others within himself, and somewhat in general. He’s capable of identification with other attractions, though does struggle from time to time, especially when they are directed to him from others instead of stemming internally, but if questioned on his own feelings, he trips over himself & fumbles to try and sort it out in his mind. he mistakes the want of understanding & the sweetness of attention for love, or tricks himself into believing as much for one reason or another. he struggles with identifying genuine love, and not just putting the wrong name to something that was only just a specific longing of care, and nothing more, causing those bridges to crumble when the weight capacity is over-estimated due to mis-identification of what it’s made of in the first place. this… adds more rough terrain to his already rocky past with relationships.
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[ umber ] For any deltarune or undertale muse. I can't read your roster on my phone for some reason
[ umber ] for a repressed memory.
![[ Umber ] For Any Deltarune Or Undertale Muse. I Can't Read Your Roster On My Phone For Some Reason](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d8b79d002b52accc3029b288f86763b0/3a314d1cbf2106fd-12/s500x750/c46e742ffffaec3ee077cb102199f4f06c2d600b.png)
![[ Umber ] For Any Deltarune Or Undertale Muse. I Can't Read Your Roster On My Phone For Some Reason](https://64.media.tumblr.com/af5935161d6f6e0079305c03fc7faa5b/3a314d1cbf2106fd-4b/s100x200/bf6ddfd9b9b817fa075b78c1628b2d4066561404.png)
Once, Frisk snapped. ━ they snapped like a bungee cord during storage, not during the fall ; less like someone slashed it like people slash tires and more like how a vase only realizes its broken once it hits the ground, and they were.
It was Gyftmas Eve, and they were throwing a party at the capital. It was the 2nd year they were staying with Asgore after saying they wouldn’t be leaving, that the decision could be put off for a time. ( “ delay the execution, won’t you? for right this moment, it doesn’t have to happen. not here. not now. ” ) Asgore had relented to the groups begging to do so, after a while, and everything had been set up. streamers & lights hanging from the walls, gifts laid out on a table, even snow had been exported from Snowdin to make it feel more festive.
They remember having fun, talking to people and friends as they helped hand out gifts, drinks & food on a platter. They don’t remember the conversation changing to Chara & Asriel. They don’t remember the way it twisted their guts like a punch in the stomach with a specific kind of upset bitter anger. They don’t remember it leading them to fumble on their own feet ( or were they tripped? ) hard enough that they dropped a platter of drinks, it crashing to the floor and them crashing with it shortly after.
They don’t remember how a large piece of glass gouged their hand so badly they were half certain they couldn’t move their fingers. They don’t remember the upset whirlwind building, a spiral within a spiral turning a strong wind into a hurricane in 2 minutes flat. They don’t remember frantically excusing themselves with a wide-eyed buzzing flickery gaze that jumped from person to person, a crooked smile on their face, tears already beginning to rush to their eyes even if they didn’t notice it yet. They don’t remember the commotion, the clamor to help & find out what happened, or themselves rushing to the bathroom and locking themselves inside.
They don’t remember spiraling inside that bathroom. They don’t remember Asgore, or Sans, or Papyrus, or Alphys, or Undyne, or anyone calling out to them, frantic and worried. They don’t remember the way they screamed, overwhelmed, to stop. They don’t remember they rambled about things they shouldn’t know, that they couldn’t tell them, drowning in a pin-trigger of a season’s death they were never a part of but always compared to. They don’t remember dissolving into sobs, refusing to unlock the door, their friends desperation rising.
They don’t remember Asgore breaking down the door. cracking it as wood splintered, terrified in that one, split moment, and how they suddenly couldn’t tell his kindness from his violence, and how they became the terrified stray dog more than they were the kindly human, too much teeth in a mouth too small and eyes too wide to see anything but their own death. They don’t remember how-
...They only remember waking up again, in that golden flower patch, with a migraine, and those 2 years gone in one night. They don’t remember resetting, or the means they went to achieve it, but they remember waking up alone, --- with nothing but dread in the pit of their stomach, and a cold, cold feeling. You called, but no one came.

unsettling was never the right word to him. ━ unsettling implies something shifted, something afraid, something external made internal and how that scares you, absorbed like dust in water, water in wood, wood in fire ; but what he's unsettled by is something already in him. something that keeps getting taken out.
Scared of himself. Scared of something else. Scared of something he can't name, but knows isn't Toba. The castle looms like a threat of something that does not exist. The castle looms and it exists anyway. He has to go, eventually. The knight's sword like a reminder on his knee.
you can see his hands twitch in their faltering when the offer is laid flat, a consequence of asking, he knows. It's not as if he didn't expect a response ━ it would've been worse without one ━ but he still finds himself taken aback, the words he has never enough to articulate something the way other people can, the way he's not the same as other people at all.
the fogging heat of the simmering broth laying into his bare hand is a comfort, here, as the other hand holds the spoon ━ a tentative thing around the smooth wood.
like ghosts, like something else between his fingers.

"I..." the quiet bubbling, creaking, crackle of the pot fills the quiet "I don't know." ━━━ statement too hollow to be taken as answer, he knows, so he keeps going. ( what is there to be unsure about? )
"It's just... I'm not..." Link struggles to find the words, the confliction of which to use abundant on the tense edges of his face. "I'm good with a sword, sure, but I don't get why you'd trust me with it. I don't know if I could... Do something like that...? I have, but with you it's almost like its... different. ━ not in a bad way! just..."
"... I don't know. I'm not used to this. ( um... ) the... saving people thing. the ones who aren't strangers."
he doesn't know Toba, and yet, and yet, he still more resembles a friend than a blank face to him.
( ... quiet enough to almost be missed, like an insult hidden with no insult at all; "I... I guess it's kind of... inherent, since I was the one asking, and all... that you'd say..." )
"I- uh..." he remembers the curiosity of the start of this at all like a snap of a trap on his leg ━ metaphorical, but still jarring. ".. I was just curious, you know? At night there's a lot of dangerous things out, so my mind kind of... wandered?"
Despite the hero fidgeting and taking quite a bit to respond, the Gerudo says nothing. Toba may not have been in this variation of the world for long, but it's plain to see he somewhat unsettles the other. He must have never met any Ganondorf, seeing his kind disposition (and the hesitancy).
He shifts a little on the log as Link continues. They're glad he's able to trust them? It's a sweet thought, but he focuses on how the hero can't finish his sentence. There's more to it than simple trust, but trust him with what exactly? Again, Toba notes how he's trying to divert his attention, watching as they stir and add ingredients. It's almost enough for the Gerudo not to hear him speak, yet he can't help but glance at Link now. He can only imagine how the thoughts must be racing in his head; time seems to catch up to him as he apologizes. It's a heartwarming sentiment, but Toba's curiosity demands an explanation. (That, and he knows it's better to explain oneself than let it fester.)
Now he turns his head to face the hero, a faint smile on his lips. "Please, do not hesitate to speak your mind to me. I take no offense. In truth, I am curious as to why you asked me that question, but if you truly cannot say, that is alright as well."
matthew and the atlas: other rivers
starter sentences based on lyrics from the album other rivers by matthew and the atlas. some have been altered as needed for better sentence flow. feel free to change the pronouns and tenses as needed!
i. into gold
❝ i cannot seem to leave those days alone. ❞
❝ i felt the fire! ❞
❝ i burned my bridges again. ❞
❝ it’s harder now. ❞
❝ it’s over! ❞
ii. pale sun rose
❝ i feel it when the cold comes in. ❞
❝ it came, cold and clean. ❞
❝ it seems so long, my friend. ❞
❝ my memory is all but gone. ❞
❝ my past will burn. ❞
iii. to the north
❝ not much to say anymore. ❞
❝ don’t take too long! ❞
❝ he lived in solitude. ❞
❝ you burned your promises! ❞
❝ i taught you all i know. ❞
iv. out of the darkness
❝ i’m weary. ❞
❝ trouble comes. ❞
❝ i don’t know you! ❞
❝ you’re a demon to me! ❞
❝ i was afraid you’d return. ❞
v. counting paths
❝ i counted all the paths along the way. ❞
❝ i want to touch your hand, nothing more. ❞
❝ no one’s ever looked at me that way. ❞
❝ it’s something that i recognise. ❞
❝ i want to put the light back in your eyes. ❞
vi. everything that dies
❝ you’ve grown! ❞
❝ everyone you know one day will surely die. ❞
❝ everything that dies in some way returns. ❞
❝ the geese are in flight. ❞
❝ this is where i first stood, and drew blood. ❞
vii. nowhere now
❝ it’s harder now. ❞
❝ the work has stopped. ❞
❝ maybe i’m stubborn. maybe i can’t see. ❞
❝ i never did believe. ❞
❝ you keep pushing on; they’re gonna keep pulling you down. ❞
viii. a memory of you
❝ are you happy now? ❞
❝ is it easier? ❞
❝ that was years ago. ❞
❝ we’re older now. we’ve grown apart. ❞
❝ do you still feel alone? ❞
ix. another way
❝ i want to live the way i’m suposed to. ❞
❝ i want to love the way i’m supposed to. ❞
❝ just close your eyes and fall asleep. ❞
❝ i’m trying to find another way. ❞
❝ some day soon. just wait. ❞
H : HEART. › annnnd for sayori!
Valentine Alphabet! // Always Accepting! (even if its not valentines day anymore)

H : HEART. is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?

Any surprise if I said both? ━ Sayori's definitely the type of character you'd expect to be very quick at giving her heart away, honestly. She falls into all the ❛ goofy, hopelessly romantic, 'bound to get her heart broken' ❜ cliche typing, and that is almost true, but its still only half of it.
Sayori is definitely someone who half-believes in love at first sight, or rather is just particularly prone to infatuation ( and especially vulnerable to the slip-up of mistaking adrenaline for love which in spite of she's never quite gotten the memo to stop going on dates to things like horror movies or haunted houses. an unfortunate interest to have paired with the aforementioned reoccurring problem ) but its somewhat surface-deep, and if nothing else she's at least distantly aware of that more often than not so while she may be heart-eyed, a little too eager, and clumsier than ever ( she, unintentionally, really plays into the trope of a lovesick girl ) she understands its inevitable when the infatuation dovetails into care, sure, but not love. which actually leads her to having much more dating experience than you'd expect with how many people she can fall for and how many she's still friends with.
Though, when it comes to the genuine, vulnerable, fleshy love that comes with long-term relationships, it's like night and day. she often will refuse to truly give her heart away like that when the relationship deepens and will often try to revert to a lighthearted puppy-love or the status quo in efforts to avoid such confrontations of that. To put it in some kind of direct perspective, this was what she was doing when in reference to her crush on the MC. She was reverting to the status quo despite harboring those deeper-than-surface-level feelings for a damn long time and their status quo in a relationship was simple childhood friends. So, while it was at least somewhat painful, it was still how Sayori would innately cope with genuine love ━ or the potential of a deeper romantic relationship ━ while being afraid of it for a lot of different overlapping reasons, including how she sees herself, her mental health, and so on.
She's also very aware that she can't ask someone she loves to take the responsibility of 'fixing' her or tolerate her issues when it's on her to work on as a person since its her mental illness and no fairytale romance can or will change that, which adds to everything. she understands even if its so inherent to her it goes without saying that relationships are built upon individuals and the two together, and as such each individual has to take responsibility, and she doesn't want to be someone elses responsibility : she wants to be someone they love, and someone the other person works with to build up a functioning dynamic with without needing to repair her as well.
it's not just about seeing herself as a burden even if she does undersell her importance to those around her, it's about being okay enough to be loved in a way that lasts, and letting herself be okay with being loved like that. Accepting it. It scares her, and she worries about it, so she reverts to the same lighter tricks, but with enough time and the right person or people, she'll be the one to come closer. ━ Sayori's got a big heart, you just have to trust her when waiting for her to give it to you.