Mutual Appreciation - Tumblr Posts
*cobbs ur ear* >:3 /p kfjddkdkdjdb

By Ian McAllister

Live laugh love mutuals
Me and the moots on a roadtrip :)

Driving there

Pit stop at Cracker Barrel

Took a break and froliced in a field

we got there and had a sleepover :D
@crazylittlejester @doodlebugdrawz @xaeorian @asterias-corner @hyruledwarriorr remember our cool trip???

shout out to my favourite mutual giving this vibe daily you go bitch

I may have only known you all for two seconds but I feel the need to say sorry and thank you-
sorry for being far too shy to interact and thank you for being slightly interested in my scrimblos

Sorry if it looks like I got lazy with the drawings but the art was eating my space cough cough honorary mention for Kelpp my irl bestie

but seriously thank you all and sorry if you hate pings 😭
@lovelandfrogman @inksplattedboys @esthersgf @crystalwinterfeld @filllury @ling-doodles-draws @thefaearealwaysamongyou @sketchy--d00dles @moon-chu-idk @amarieth @dangerousskeletoncoptree @peripalz @earlmadi @adrso @reveks
@kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel @kelppkel
Besides some really annoying allergies things are doing better. Learning to make video games. How have you been doing?

hello beloveds ☺️
Ah yeah, summer school doesn't sound fun, but hopefully it's not too big of a bother.
Cool knife thing is extremly relatable

hello beloveds ☺️
(Gift for @mothgodofchaos bc they've been working hard on their stuffs, I hope you like it!)
TW: Witch trials, mentions of fire/burning
"People of god! Look upon this wench, marked by their wicked deeds, has rejected the way of our lord and instead embraced the darkness that is the devil. There is no mercy for the likes of them. Do not be fooled by their cries and pleas of innocence. Their heart belongs to evi, and their suffering is just. THIS is the price of disobeying the Lord's will! Let this punishment be a warning to all: Those of you who consort with darkness shall be found and purged from the face of this world. Before the flames cleanse their soul, let us allow this witch to speak their final words. Tell us your lies." Tears threatening to spill while struggling in your binds.
"Please! I am no witch! I swear this upon my soul!" That was probably the biggest lie you'd ever told. You were most definitely a witch, But you weren't going to tell these assholes that. You tried to warn them about the oncoming storms so they'd have some time to prepare, but did they listen? NO. Instead they were going to burn you alive & for what?! TRYING TO HELP THEM!
"Do not burn me for a crime I haven't committed! My friends know my innocence!" You pleaded, your gaze sweeping through the crowd for even a glimpse of your coven. You locked eyes with the high priestess of your coven. "Please, you know I'm innocent!" The crowd looked towards her. "No. You are not. You are a soulless witch." She said blankly, staring you dead in the eye from the ground. THAT BACKSTABBING LITTLE-
"May the lord have mercy on you." The priest told you, approaching with a lit torch. Well, seems like it's curse time then. "Fine. Set me ablaze. But know this: My blood will not cure your hunger for righteousness, with every flame I-"
The sound of shrieking cut off your monologue. Hands made from rotting flesh rose from the ground and grabbed at the feet of the priest and other villagers. Absolute chaos ensued as everybody else started running back to their homes, you stood there in confusion wondering how dead people were interrupting your execution but you were grateful nonetheless. Suddenly a man draped in a cloak of deep violet appeared in front of you, he sat atop a skeletal horse and held a fancy staff you could only dream of touching. The staff was adorned with all types of magical sigils and on the top of it was a beautiful glowing crystal. The man grinned at you. "Well hello there, in need of assistance~?" He asked, dismounting his steed and approaching you. "So you're the cause of this interruption, hm?" You looked at his arms, a good portion of it was dark as charcoal. His fingers ended in incredibly sharp talons, he looked pretty strong too. The man rolled his eyes at your comment. "Would you like to be rescued or not?" You scoffed "Just unbind me, will you?" In a moments notice your ropes were cut and you were free. You gasped and quickly hugged the man, knocking his hood off. "Oh thank you so very much.." You gazed into his gorgeous eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of purple you'd ever seen. A blush coated his cheeks. "Of course, I couldn't let a beauty such as yourself go to waste." You then walked over to the priest who was frozen in place by the hands of the dead, taking the torch from his hands. "May the lord have mercy on you." You remarked mockingly before setting him ablaze. You then turned back to the man who cleared his throat and offered his hand to you. "Shall we leave this dreary village?" He asked, winking at you. "Of course." You took his hand and he helped you onto the horse. "Oh, did I mention I'm a necromancer?" You just smiled adoringly at him. "I love a powerful man~" If you didn't believe in love at first site before, you definitely did now.
"I think I'm in love with you."
@mzannthropy @jesstasticvoyage @charlesleclerrc @andreabaideas
@hellopsycho44 @hellcheercaine
I hope every single one of my mutuals know just how much you all mean to me like I would be so miserable without y’all so thank you
Appreciation post for my mutuals ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️:
@mzannthropy @andreabaideas @jesstasticvoyage @hellcheercaine @hellopsycho44 @charlesleclerrc
Thank you for being my mutuals and always making me feel better with your posts, answering my asks, and interacting!

Forever grateful for: @mzannthropy @andreabaideas @jesstasticvoyage @hellopsycho44 @hellcheercaine @a-strange-inkling and @foolishdoodles for being amazing blogs and always making me feel better!

pic from Pinterest
And the same to you!
Some other good mutuals/they're-gimmick-blogs-so-they-can't-follow-back-but-we-interact-and-i-think(?)they-follow-me-on-their-main
(incomplete, because my memory is abysmal)
@excelsian, @vampiricram1, @washington-offical-2, @i-am-the-crab, @secretlyafiveheadeddragon, @multiple-crows-in-a-trenchcoat, @olliedoesthings, @dingleberry-art
If you're not on this list, don't worry! As I said, it's probably incomplete, and it's meant to be the people I most often have fun little interactions with
do you ever look back at your relationship with someone on the internet and just think oh my god i’m so fucking glad i clicked follow they make my life so much better
i love u all 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 petpets under the cut

@squiphobia @buzzhive @malecius @1ncult @remornia @fables-kinblog @o-olli3 @nekrikoi-dialogoi @diaryofozythevampyre @vixonimus

@bee-on-a-leaf @vampireseawitch @madd-yet-happy
i love u all 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 petpets under the cut

@squiphobia @buzzhive @malecius @1ncult @remornia @fables-kinblog @o-olli3 @nekrikoi-dialogoi @diaryofozythevampyre @vixonimus
@/throat0fdelusion ur posts abt Steven jumpscare me (/pos /silly) because I just look at it and think "..why are they unwell abt me 😨" before remembering im not Steven anymore
thank you.

thank you each of my followers, for getting me to 69 followers😇
I love each of you. Even if you don't follow me, but have seen my posts, or maybe you havent idk. You are loved, you are gorgeous, you belong - a quote from the sticky notes on the mirrors in the girls change room at school.
I love you all, especially my mutuals😘/p
Fan art!

@elise-the-potato & @voxxxlol (sorry vox I couldn’t find your oc.)
Me n @voxxxlol 💔💔
@elise-the-potato and @voxxxlol are Divorced!

i love my mutuals

hello beloveds ☺️