Lauren Lopez - Tumblr Posts

Babe wake up new draw the squad just dropped
ive seen so many people wondering how starkid makes such good straight couples (lautski, paulkins, etc), but i think we really need to talk about this.
in a lot of todays modern media, shows centered around straight couples are heavily focused on the sexuality of it. while they may take a few episodes to flesh out a small pining story, starkid takes that to a whole new level.
let's look at lautski for example; our first introduction (I KNOW HE WAS IN TGWDLM AND BF I DONT CARE HE WASN'T TRULY INTRODUCED UNTIL NMT) to pete and steph was nmt2's episode, 'abstinence camp'. sure, we know that sexuality played a big part in this episode, but if you pay close attention, you know that nothing ever actually happens between steph and pete, they get caught by lumberaxe and then boy jerry before they can do anything.
before then, though, we get a back story of them meeting, it's shown how steph likes him for his little quirks and oddities, and how pete is happy that someone took the time to get to know that about him. before they join showers, they talk for what feels like forever, going back and forth.
however, in nerdy prudes must die AND the guy who didn't like musicals BOTH, neither of the couples even kiss, they get close but they don't. even npmd which centers around two high school seniors over the course of a few months, not even a peck on the cheek. HOWEVER, in scenes like the summoning, we can see steph and pete both trying to hide the other behind themselves.
in tgwdlm, paul sends himself into the theater to go take down the meteor so emma has some hopes of a life.
while it's implied that they love the other in a romantic sense, it's never outright said, because you don't make romantic bonds in the situations they were in!! they made the romantic connections before the actual plot of the musical gets started!! they're so close and care so much because of the shit they went through together!!
the reason why we're so captivated by straight couples from starkid is that they don't have to be couples to show how close they are and how much they care, because at the end of the day the lang brothers know that a bond is deepest when it's pure. if you care for someone enough, you'd do anything to keep them happy, even if it isn't with you.
I like that in TGWDLM Jon and Lauren’s characters are normal. And Joey’s character is insane /pos
But in NPMD Joey’s character is normal. And Jon and Lauren’s characters are insane/pos

I'll find you in the next time.
I've only known about Rancilda and Putrice for like half a day, but if they don't get redemption arcs and happy endings, I will kill everyone in this fandom and than myself.
They're just goober girls, and must be protected from their mom's speciesism.
finally watching all the stuff starkid released today and mY GOD I CAN FEEL MY HYPERFIXATION SLAMMING VIOLENTLY BACK INTO MY BODY here are all my unhinged little thoughts
first of all i missed them all so much i love starkid livestreams <333
bryce and james in major roles do you WANT ME DEAD
also her casting announcement video was iconic
mariah and lauren as the stepsisters too i cannot wait for this shit oh my god
also all the puppets are so fucking cool r u joking this is going to be insane
kim as the fairy queen bro i am Going to be in love with her
sir hopsalot and crumb i would die for u in a heartbeat
i am also SO excited for the makeup and the costumes i feel like starkid is about to completely outdo themselves with this one
Joey Richter As The Woods
hocus pocus vibes with the stepmother and sisters ohhh i have never been more on board
Our favorite Get Gross Girls

The actual puppets don't even exist yet but I am already obsessed with them. They had the vibes down pat form the first femtosecond.
AND there's the thing about the trolls having magic disguises or something to that effect, so they get to fully physically act them as well as puppeteer and voice them!
Sorry for the ass quality on the second image, btw
Assigning Starkids to Spooky Month characters
Kevin - Jon Matteson

Dexter Erotoph - Jeff Blim

Michelle Erotoph - Jaime Lyn Beatty

Patty Azure - Mariah Rose Faith Casillas

Jack - Corey Dorris

Rick Hedony - Dylan Saunders

Jaune - Lauren Lopez

Aaron - Joey Richter

Costume Guy - James Tolbert

Ignacio - Curt Mega

Radford - Jae Hughes

Carmen - Kim Whalen

Lauren Lopez Appriciation Post

For all those how have been waiting oh so patiently (for 3+ years) I have finally added the Nibbly design to my first version of the ‘Versus the Lords in Black’ series, so with baited breath I introduce to you…
🔴Linda vs Nibbly🔴 (Honey Queen)
I went ahead and included all the other posters so they can be seen together (as god intended)
I will also be uploading this straight to my Redbubble after, in case anyone wants it

doodle-y sketch 4 @finchmund of besties richie & ruthie <3
My gay awakening? Lauren Lopez as Draco Malfoy and then Lauren Lopez in general.

Pride month art!
Day 12: Zazzalil from 'Firebringer' who is bisexual!
[alcohol marker on paper]

this picture is everything
bi panic, bi panic, bi panic, bi panic
i’m surprised my friends don’t hate me.. or maybe they do???

Paul: Wow, it's dark in here.
Emma: ...
Paul: Not that I'm afraid of the dark, that'd be lame..
Emma: ...
Paul: Ha, I mean.. There's just no light or anything!
Emma: *Sigh* Do you wanna hold my hand?
Paul: .. yes please.

“hold this for me”
i’d simply die if joey gave me an apple

is that brian rosenthal with platinum blonde hair or am i blind?

i love the song ‘la dee dah dah day’ it’s just so weird yk???