My Time At Sandrock - Tumblr Posts
Hello new headcanon. Can we add Pen crashing Owen’s story telling nights and be like, “BROTHER! WILL YOU NOT TELL TALES OF MY MANY HEROIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS?” And Owen can’t like go anywhere because he’s in the middle of a story and there’s no place to hide.
No Pathea really, why the hell aren’t Pen and Owen fraternal siblings with polarizing personalities and Owen speed walking away when he sees Pen in town or ducking behind counters and Pen greeting him with a swish of his cape and a “brOTHER, I REQUEST NOURISHMENT AND REFRESHMENTS” like why don’t we have that?
So my brain has been trying to cha cha slide out of my skull for the past two days. I’ve also been playing My Time at Sandrock. For some reason, I contently forget that the Blue Moon has a second floor even though I visit the Blue Moon almost daily. Weird blind spot to pop up because of the migraines. So, this whole time I was stuck on the Bronco the Kid scenes, because I forgot that the Blue Moon has a second floor(i also forgot about Bronco’s letter). I replayed that month thinking it was a bug.
Anyway, the wonderful people on the Pathea bug reporting team, informed me of the second floor and were just great.
I'm already in pain because as much as I love Arvio I'm determined to marry someone else and so I'm already having to make the heartbreaking decision to break up with him but on top of that I just realized I have to buy the dead branch from HIS SHOP and he's gonna KNOW and I just

WHY is HARU not dateable in Sandrock. Please. I just want to romance the soft explosion boy. He's so sweet. And one of the few people with brain cells. Pathea please 😭
I have zero clue if Sandrock is going to be modable but if so *please someone make a marry Haru mod-*

Had a great time with my lovely and talented friend @westealtoys working on this art collaboration of our builders having picnic time together :)
Girl builder Kris belongs to me, and guy builder Demi belongs to @westealtoys .
I almost never draw foods, but after colouring some foods in this piece realized that it can be really fun. Also I almost never draw backgrounds that aren't blurred, but this time had great time drawing background details, especially like how that orange rock turned out. :D
Overall I am very very happy with the result we got working together, thank you once again, my friend! hopefully we gonna do more of art collaborations in the future ❤

@nukritus got me into playing Sandrock and I fell hard for Fang <3 why r they same height one might ask, as builder is known to be on a shorter side? well...

literally forgot to add a caption but sandrock doodle dump

Unsuur is quickly becoming my favorite character in any video game ever.

Adventures with Miguel - Part 1

Adventures with Miguel - Part 2

Adventures with Miguel - Part 3
He did an outstanding job at pretending he didn’t know where I just was when we returned to town.
I finally married him!

Kind of unfair of them to make him so sweet.
Believe you about WHAT, Miguel?! 😭

Bonus picture of Miguel doing his best
Are you upset that Miguel hasn't had a single heart option yet?
Don't cry. There are two. They just forgot to program them in. Look.
Option 1:

(Ignore the negative RP you get from this. He enjoys chastising people. It's enrichment. 💖)
Option 2:

Ok so this one wasn't even a little vague.
Recently bought My Time at Sandrock for my Xbox One. Been playing it like crazy. Only issue I’m having so far is trying to get past level 5 in the eufaula salvage abandoned ruins. Every time I try to use the exit to get to level 6 it kicks me out of the game. Everything else is running smoothly. It’s just that one part. Anybody else having the same issue on Xbox One with this game? Tried resetting the ruins to see if that did something, but nothing changed.