Fantrolls - Tumblr Posts

i don't know anything about homestuck. umm creations' reckoning kids as trolls. i guess. help

Shitass oc comics of evil caliber

I have kind of a lot, but here are my 3 favorites!
in order, left to right:
Zelani Garnyx - depressed bronzeblood (trans! mtf) (she used her moirail’s name for inspiration) working as a long-haul trucker. a Bard of Blood.
Kalani Anteah - noncloistered jadeblood, freelance graphic designer. whines about things, but generally takes a “this day night is going to be a good one if i have to make it that way myself” outlook to life. a Sylph of Hope.
Marene Phobos - an heiress who’s been pretty much bullied into acting the way she’s “supposed” to her whole life. good at hiding her emotions and pretending to be ruthless. a Mage of Space.
everyone post their fantrolls
if you dont have one make one idc if its canon compliant i just wanna see it

ever want to yell at the writer of a character to "just let them be happy!!" and then realize the writer is you

Working on a lineup for all my fantrolls, here’s the first four!

Fantroll time, feat. all four Lexcons!

I made a tag yourself meme with my fantrolls because that’s just where my headspace is right now ig? anyway tag yourself

Still working through and trying to get refs done for everybody; Eumine doesn’t get enough love. Her friends make her so tired (and for good reason).

Big ol’ fantroll doodle dump.
me? posting shitposts late at night to practice using animatic software? it’s more likely than you think
(these characters are from my mspfa Untitled Fanventure, which you can read here. audio is from the sonic 06 rtfb of course)

Welp. Here’s a trashy doodle.
My characters. As trolls. I didn’t think this could Happen.
I don’t really care for Homestuck. Tried it, wasn’t for me.
But I just played Hiveswap Act 1
Good stuff.
I actually just learned a bunch of new stuff about trolls right after I drew this so I might redesign them at some point.

Prepping for artfight with some of my fantrolls on the color wheel challenge! I've never drawn so many characters on a single page before. It makes me so happy to see them interacting this way?

Prepping for artfight with some of my fantrolls on the color wheel challenge! I've never drawn so many characters on a single page before. It makes me so happy to see them interacting this way?
Hello I saw your fantroll color wheel and I absolutely need to know more about those bronze bloods they are so pretty.
First off-- thank you for being endeared to them!! Second-- I'll tell you a bit!!

More information (that's slightly unnecessary but I love to go into detail about my ocs) under the cut!
Tistle Maurry (she/her) is an adult troll who's been working for a highblood of the bluer cast her entire life. From the moment she left the caverns she's been here, working. She has a lot of work friends-- all things considered it's a big hive and there are a lot of staff-- but she's never actually left the estate!
'appliancekind' allows for any and all home appliances to be wield (? Wielded?) As a weapon. She particularly has no reason to fight anything other than the occasional stray beast that enters the building, but she prefers to use a mop when applicable. Keeps them at arms length, you know?
I've had this character for quite a while, but it's only recently I've started drawing her! She'd probably be a life player if i had to choose for her, something with a passive class rather than active. But again, haven't put too much thought into that since she's not really a session based troll and moreso built in my personal Alternian canon. (Ie- my own heiress, empress, rules, etc)
Dollie Duppin (She/Her) is a barely mature troll (estimated 18 years) with a fixation and fascination on law so strong you'd mistake her for a tealblood. That is to say, she really likes taking the law at face value and punishing criminals. If she could, she would, anyways. She works from the base floor of her hive, but she doesn't get much work on account of her age, lack of experience, and blood cast. She is not a quitter, though, and in the face of dismay she will rise to the challenge!
Wielding Firearmkind allows Dollie to use any long range weapon at their arsenal, minus some specifics. She chooses small hand helds because of their significantly smaller size. Easier to hide, easier to carry.
Dollie has a hard time wearing confidence-- unless, of course, she's adorned in her detective ensemble. The whole thing here is Dollie hyperfixating on an interest and then trying to do it for real-- for all intents and purposes, she's simply roleplaying in order to do what is now, for better or worse, her job.
Additionally but also just as irrelevant, I specifically draw Dollies horns ever so slightly different than our Nitram canon counterparts! It's easier with a visual, of which I've drawn:

Neither of them know each other, but if Dollie did know of Tistles situation, she'd likely be very cross about it! She'd do everything in her power to get Tistle out of there and adopt her as a sort of older sister type? But that's an unlikely story arc due to how far apart they are in my already existing narrative.
I hope you enjoyed!! This was very fun for me. I was very happy to see someone interested in my ocs!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

attack on @midori-berry, Lemondr0p, @disco-weapon, @bubblez-is-sour, averyopteryx, @sirenetica, @waddledoodledee, ragnarozzy, @saccharinesaturnine, and @papier-ciseaux !!
The beautiful, the poise, the great

Tejeka <3
Behind the scenes with the heiress! (aka the cooldown doodle that came after lol!)

Let's get some References out, shall we?
Thank you to all who have been interacting with us. You're quite the audience and we hope we're entertaining enough!

It was my birthday recently, thus i drew quite a bit of Jejrik.
He is so the world to me. ( ◜‿◝ )♡