Namjoon Kim - Tumblr Posts

This is a master piece.

happy birthday to our lovely greatest leader, kim namjoon! ♡ I’m still wondering how can he be so hot and cute at the same time (ಠ.ಠ) (๑˘ᴗ˘๑)

940912 ♡ happy birthday namjoon! (cr. qdeoks, doolsetbangtan)
V: Jungkook's chapstick tastes good.
J-hope: Oh? You two finally kissed?
V: No--
JK: He ate it.
J-hope: Should we call someone?
The ✨hickey✨ line 🤪🤓

He's so tall

and handsome as hell

He's so bad

but he does it so well

Wildest dreams
I can't sleep, home-sick. Babe, I just wanna stay right next to you. If I could choose my dream, I just wanna stay right next to you.

THICK GF [ k. namjoon ]
Request: nami with a thick, short, sassy, cute, natural haired goddess
group: bts
Pairing: namjoon x black!reader
Warning(s): swearing, lil freakness
A/N: soooo i have no idea how long this has been waiting to be done bc i’m dumb af and didn’t turn on notifications for this so this is done with extra TLC!!!!!
*gif not mine*
![THICK GF [ K. Namjoon ]](
- namjoon is awkward as fuck, let’s make that clear. so him being with someone who’s lowkey bold is a good way to bring him out of his head.
- y’all balance eachother out so well!
- whenever the boys get around to teasing him, you’re there to shut that shit down (in a playful way) and go toe-to-toe with them every single time
- you are shorter than him by a good bit, so it’s always a little inside joke between the two of y’all (mainly him) about your height.
- nami is such a loving boyfriend all around. he loves how much smaller you are in height compared to him.
- definitely expect piggy back rides, no questions about them. nami will want to carry you no matter how much you weigh.
- speaking of weight, there’s some social stigmas surrounding height and weight, so since you’re on the shorter but thicker side of things, you might experience some moments of doubt.
- dating an idol isn’t easy, especially one as prominent and important as namjoon. when it came to your physical features, you were mostly confident and comfortable with yourself. but that was before you were exposed to millions of people at once.
- most people were chill about y’alls relationship, coming to the reality that the leader of BTS was his own person and that it really wasn’t their business who he dated, they respected y’all.
- however...there were some who weren’t real fans of BTS and a little more on the crazy side when it came to their attachment to the boys.
- they took any and every flaw they could find about you and exploited it. one of those things was your weight.
- you really tried not to pay any mind to it, nor tell nami about it because #hatersgonehate
- but at the end of the day, words hurt and there were times where you just felt like absolute shit.
- nami is an attentive person, so he noticed quickly that you were feeling down. he realized even quicker what you were feeling down about.
- and when i say mans was hot? he. was. hot!!!! jin had to prevent him from developing twitter fingers and calling everyone out who dared to say negative shit about and call themselves a fan in the same sentence.
- he was torn on what to do though. he loved you and all that came with you.
- your thighs were his home and your butt/boobies his pillows. your wide hips brought him comfort whenever he needed something to ground himself when he got stressed.
- every part of your body held meaning to him and it hurt him that you were hurt about the very thing that gave him comfort.
- he wanted to give you space because he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, but his need to console you overcame anything else and that’s exactly what he did.
- you took a minute to express your feelings about the situation, but nami was there to ease you into telling him your emotions.
- this led to a very passionate moment between y’all where he showed you just how much he appreciated your body.
- after that, you didn’t feel affected by their words in regards to your body. nami always did his best to show you how much you meant to him and it never failed to quell your fears.
- speaking of thickness, mans will use you like a pillow with no remorse!
- you sliding thru the studio for the day? expect him to wanna take naps on your chest or rest his head on your ass after rehearsals.
- nami loves to feel you sitting on his lap. your thighs bringing warmth and softness for him whenever he’s producing or recording.
- once jungkook tried to rest his head on your lap so that you could play in his hair and that was an instant no-no.
- you didn’t mind it, but nami was a little possessive of you and knew how charming their golden maknae could be. once jungkook had you under his spell, you would baby him for all of eternity.
- without hesistation, namjoon picked jungkook up and carefully dropped him next to jimin on the floor before taking his spot on your lap.
- jungkook was #jungshook and the boys laughed at his surprised face while nami just snuggled his head into your warm thighs.
- when it comes to your hair, he thinks it’s the most amazing thing in the world!!!
- he will watch you do your hair at any chance he gets.
- you doing a twist out? he’s there watching and on stand-by to hand you whatever you needed.
- dreading wash day? nami is there as moral support until you allow him to help out with your routine.
- trying to put your own wig on? nami is there ready to help you make sure it’s straight and secure.
- he becomes so involved with your hair that you notice when you have new hair products in your cabinet.
- “nami, where did these come from?” you ask him from the bathroom.
- your boyfriend peeps his head in with a gummy smile. “i saw that you were running out so i got you more. plus there was a new product out that i saw you looking at and i went ahead and bought it.”
- before you could even get on him for the amount of money he spent on these items, he’s dipped from the bathroom and out of sight.
- when it comes to your wigs, nami spends RACKS on them hoes omg!!!
- god forbid y’all break up because he really spoils the fuck out of you with the wigs he buys you.
- i’m talking QUALITY hair!!!
- you stopped asking about the price when you noticed that one of the wigs he bought you came from the same place Meg Thee Stallion gets hers.
- he quickly becomes a hairstylist ngl.
- nami is a gentle giant and after much practice, he gets good at doing the basic plait or cornrow to help you out.
- it’s rough being in a Country with barely any black people there to do your hair.
- but don’t be mistaken, he will be the type to fly out a black hairdresser ASAP just to spoil you.
- switching topics, but because you are a sassy little thing that mouth often gets you in trouble.
- sometimes you’ll be hanging with the boys and you’ll get into it with yoongi (playfully of course).
- nami will try to jump in and calm y’all down because you guys WILL go rounds and he doesn’t want that, but you’re quick to butt him out.
- “Aht aht, the adults are talking.” Is your favorite go-to line because it never fails to make nami surprised.
- the other boys try to hide their smirks, but nami knows that they’ll use that against him any chance they get.
- so, he’s gotta make an example out of you. if you catch my drift *wink wink*
- whilst in the middle of roasting min yoongi, namjoon will scoop yo ass up and take you to his room.
- no questions asked.
- the boys know wtf be going on and are always shook to know that their leader be getting down like that.
- you still act up every once in awhile, because dominant joon is a different animal but the same beast
- i think overall, namjoon being with a black s/o and a thick one at that, would be such a cultural reset.
- like y’all mfers are on the cover of every magazine and doing couple questions with Vogue and shit.
- jay-z totally invited y’all and the boys to a Roc Nation brunch, don’t @me.
- you guys’ relationship is nothing but positive and wholesome behavior that we love and support a hundred percent!

This kills me every time i see this is it just me or…………

puppy playing with puppy ♡

Genuinely, what in the hell is this. WHO EATS STRAWBERRIES LIKE THAT. LOOKING LIKE THAT.

The way his expression does a complete 180 just before going up on stage 😳