Nathalie - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Me: *is actively ignoring the fact that Nathalie knows about Gabe being Hawkmoth because I love the idea of her being supportive of Adrien and a good influence in his life*

Me: *knows that as soon as the next episode airs I will feel the betrayal in full force and become an angry sobbing mess on the floor because I trusted this woman to look after my son*

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3 years ago

omg has it already been a year since adrichat

What Glaciator Didn't Show Us
What Glaciator Didn't Show Us
What Glaciator Didn't Show Us
What Glaciator Didn't Show Us
What Glaciator Didn't Show Us

What Glaciator didn't show us

Happy anniversary Adrichat (':

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6 years ago

Unpopular opinion but...

I kinda want Nathalie to get hurt/killed. I love Nathalie (she’s been one of my favorite character (if not my favorite) since the beginning). I kinda thought they did her dirty when they revealed her feelings for Gabriel because it meant she probably wouldn’t be happy in the end if Emile comes back (and Nathalie deserves to be happy). But once she used the Miraculous, I changed my view. Wouldn’t it be tragically ironic if Gabriel lost two loved ones to the Peacock Miraculous? I also love the idea of him falling apart/into madness without Nathalie (who has obviously been supporting him emotionally i.e. their intimate hug). It’s very tragic, and they’re probably not going to do that because Miraculous is a kids show, but it is an intriguing thought.

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6 years ago

This took my an embarrassingly long time to film

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6 years ago

Marinette goes to an Agreste fashion show and the guard stops her

Marinette: What? The Agreste’s are personal friends. Adrien invited me

Guard: There’s a note here that says ‘the one time you came to a fashion show we had 2 akumas in one day. I don’t want to risk it’

Marinette: Seriously? Who wrote


Gabriel is invited to an event at their school. He decides to come as his child Marinette Adrien has an important role.

Security Guard: Sorry Mr Agreste I have been informed to not let you on the premise

Gabriel: I am Gabriel Agreste. Do you know how much money I contribute to this school? Get out of my way before I make you lose your job.

Security Guard: I have a note here-

Gabriel: She better not have

Security Guard: It says ‘as every time you come out or are seen in public there is an akuma attack we believe it is in the best interest of everyone’s safety if you go home’

Gabriel: Marinette.

Security Guard: There’s also another note “dad don’t worry about it”

Gabriel: That’s my sweet boy

Security Guard: “you’ve missed so many of my other important moments what’s missing one more? Maybe Nathalie can take pictures like she did all the other times”

Gabriel: Well played kids, well played


Marinette: Adrien and I were talking about if either of us were to have kids what would their names be

Gabriel and Nathalie: yes, yes, yes, play it cool. This is a hypothetical. Doesn’t mean they are dating or anything. Adrien is thicker than a brick house

Nathalie: And what did you come up with?

Marinette: Well Adrien was thinking of naming his son after his father. But he decided Absent or Negligent weren’t real names

Gabriel: You know you hurt me some days

Marinette: You know you hurt Adrien everyday?

Adrien: Sorry, but he’d have to be around to hurt me. Instead it’s just disappointment, sorrow, and a never ending question of if I’m good enough


Adrien: You think with all the money from modelling I’d have enough to pay for therapy

Gabriel: That money goes towards your private guard, your limo, that stupid rock climbing wall-

Adrien: fine-

Gabriel: And that ridiculous amount of money you spend on cheese

Adrien: I guess with you never appearing in public one of us has to work and pay for that stuff

Gabriel: I work from home. Send designs off.

Adrien: Don’t you mean Nathalie sends the designs off? Actually doesn’t Nathalie do more than you?

Gabriel: When you develop your own fashion empire you can then criticise the amount of work I do 


With rumours of Marinette liking Chat growing and Gabriel/Nathalie not wanting this to happen under any circumstance, every time they are sending out an akuma they make sure Marinette is either locked in a room with Adrien and a laptop open with multiple papers on cats carrying brain parasites and why cats are bad, in their house, or Nathalie is there “protecting” Marinette. There is no way that mangy flea bag is getting close to Marinette. 

As each time Marinette gets free, Hawkmoth changes his orders to “I grant you the power of __________________ if you keep Marinette locked away, and bring me chat noir and ladybug’s miraculous”

This backfires as means there are no eyes of Adrien so he just saves Marinette first leading to more pictures of the couple looking adorable together. Realising Ladybug is coming later to the battles he starts flirting with Marinette a bit just in case she’s ladybug, but mostly for fun as she’s now seeing him more as Chat

Nathalie regularly becomes Mayura - even if endangering life - to create a protector for Marinette because there is no way she is letting Marinette date that cat or be hurt by anyone. 

Marinette is just confused as she doesn’t know identities or why Hawkmoth is targeting her

Adrien is confused but has a strange sense of deja vu as another important male figure prioritises on Marinette over him. He makes a note to start going to therapy if he can find a second.


For the first time Marinette expresses interest in seeing a musical. She has worked hard, made comments about Adrien having it easier as with all his money he can get anything, and she has earned enough to buy a ticket. As took time and she doesn’t have a lot of spare money it isn’t front row, but at least she’s seeing it.

She arrives to see Gabriel and Nathalie smirking a couple of rows from the stage. At interval she confronts them

Marinette: How could you?! You know how much this meant to me! This isn’t petty this is just malicious. I know I criticise your parenting of Adrien but this is just straight up bullying.

Gabriel: Marinette, I’d like you to meet the director and costume designer who have agreed to give you a tour and have dinner with you after the show. Other members of the creative staff will also be there

Marinette: Please go back to being petty. I don’t know how to cope with you being nice

Gabriel: Oh, don’t worry, Nathalie and I have plenty planned

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1 year ago
Part 1 | Part 3 | This Is Probably The Final Part SorryPart 4 :D Highlights Include: Im Pregant *slaps
Part 1 | Part 3 | This Is Probably The Final Part SorryPart 4 :D Highlights Include: Im Pregant *slaps

Part 1 | Part 3 | this is probably the final part sorry Part 4 :D Highlights include: “I’m pregantĂ©â€ *slaps tummy like a car salesman* and PlaggChamp

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5 years ago


What Is Love?? Babey Dont Hurt Me... Dont Hurt Me... No More....
What Is Love?? Babey Dont Hurt Me... Dont Hurt Me... No More....
What Is Love?? Babey Dont Hurt Me... Dont Hurt Me... No More....
What Is Love?? Babey Dont Hurt Me... Dont Hurt Me... No More....

what is love?? babey don’t hurt me... don’t hurt me... no more....

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