New Podcast - Tumblr Posts
Hello! Welcome to my podcasts official tumblr account. It’s set to start in a month. In the meantime I’ll be making random posts that hopefully you guys enjoy and some promo’s. Or you could just yell at me.

He, in fact, did not have it.

latest episode of America’s Least Wanted is up! #podnation
My podcast is starting to look a little more professional. 👌
Here's the headlines from this week's episode.
Forgive me
I don't think this podcast does anything particularly well other than cornering the catholic podcast market. I think It looks at the catholic church in a real world way, it takes the ideas of being gay and catholic, stealing and it conawenxes on others, cheating on your partner and how that works in a small town. I think it is entertaining, it's not good, it's not bad if there is a more titillating podcast that should in no way take the wheel. I rank it as a B-rank below Ghost Wax
I love super heroes with seemingly useless powers that they can use to save the day like crawlers power in my hero vigilante and there are some great things that come from this. I just thought his power was something to the effect of super cognition and not that he never has to sleep, which I love how he uses it. There are some straight up overpowered superheroes in this like they guy that can edit data on inanimate objects. I think it is coming back for another season but i would not hold your breath for it i tend not to as it is not crazy popular
I give it a Satisfied out of Very Satisfied
Desert gods
I listened to this during a break so I was desperate for any new podcast to listen to wall I played my games or did house work, and I started it when it was still at only 3 episodes now it is at 4 and at that time I thought that this podcast was dropped by its network. I was saddened by the idea that a good new podcast like this was dropped but now I know it's just in production. This story follows a boy trying to run from his desany and keeping his now father figure close to him. The voice acting of the main character is rather good, i am not a huge fan of most child characters as they tend to sound really bad but they did it well here and i hope to see more from them. Not finished but it gets a really solid 80% we will see if it can get 100% when it is finished
trial and error
I will never shut up about artificial intelligence and how much I love it. How we use it now and in the future. with the books i am reading as of late i.e. the raw shark text and xx, they both have to do with forms of life that are not the traditional term. Trial and error follows a scientist that is studying computers after they become sentient. This podcast has a lot going for it in my field. I hope it's a home run hitter in your brain field.
9/10 wish there was more
As this podcast is getting another season, I want to get this out fast. It's a fairly interesting podcast as I love it when someone uncovers a hidden truth about their family. I find the idea interesting as I have been doing research on my own family and what we did in the past as I have a horrible memory and can not remember with certainty anything before middle school even that is fuzzy. Maybe my home was made on top of a native burial ground or a concept shark ate my memory. Each episode is about 15 to 20 minutes long and has some rather good folly work. Folly work can make or break a podcast, unwell is one podcast you can point to for great folly work and there's a long long list of really cool folly work that i will not reference.
There are alot of things that I think hold it down from being a flagship podcast that everyone listens to. And those things seem to not hold others back from liking this. I am not saying that I do not like this podcast, I don't listen to podcasts I don't like. Before I tell you about the things I don't like about it I will sing its praises. Valence does rather well in making all of the action of its characters make sense i never did not understand what was going on in the story, the system of magic is fairly simple, the halo is rather genius, and not to side with the villain the halo has its positives, i feel that they did not take it to its natural end. I am guessing that maybe 25% of that world has magic if you push it, maybe 50% as they show it as a marginalized group. Now to speak on its down sides. The flow of their conversations are a bit stunted and does not sound natural, that is my main gripe with it other than the dog water pet names of the main characters. They speak on some interesting topics but to me it does not feel like they took it to its end. hug house productions has another show that i find interesting but will not be talking about as it has a lot of the same issues as Valence, every time i say it out loud i feel like i say the name wrong
I think folks on tumblr will like this podcast
I used to use this podcast to fall asleep till I started to use the magnus archives and knifepoint horror. I would not recommend this if covid wrecked your life as this has a lot to do with spreadable disease. The main character is a scientist which i love to see just like the archive boom (what i mean by archive boom is after the magnus archives came out and got popular i saw a uptick in archive based shows like the underwood collection, the scarab archives, and out of place. I may go more in depth on this in the future) it gives you a way to go in depth in to a topic of your story but it also limits you to look at it in a context of science. But you can add your characters personal thoughts or experans if they have notes or ideas in or around the meat of your podcast, something to the effect of the supplementary notes in the magnus archives
Keep it steady
This is a podcast about homophobia. Listen at your own risk. Made by the same folks that made me and au and station to station. And as there are not that many episodes out and we are not that far into the story there is not much to speak on but what we have is great. I love the social justice club and how often he goes to detention. There are some real good things they have at their disposal so I hope they use it well in the future. The episodes are a bit long at 40 to 30 minutes but there are only 4 episodes.
At some parts of this podcast it feels too real but I guess that's what you want in fiction. Warning this podcast has some real messed up things but the main thing is SA (i don't know how to spell that) that we only see the start of but we know where it goes. It is really hard to recommend this as I said it has some heavy topics that most folks should not listen to. Go at your oun risk. And before I forget this is another AI robot thing, so cool~~~.
The Greer siblings have a lot on their plate- stressful jobs, southern heat, small town politics AND Cryptids with personal problems. Remember, normal is what you get used to. Man do i love it when they make Cryptids human+, they do that farly well. And its gay, gay Cryptid with human lovers. I love the siblings in this podcast. I do not remember their names but the they/them sibling reminds me of duck in the adventure zone with her job and general way they live their life. I feel that this podcast does its dialogue in the exact way that i what it to be done, telling your sibling to change the way they speak to you is aqword and it's not going to be right all the time or the most fiting words. It's something you have to shimmy in to. There are some small town politics that I love to see in things like this, unwell does it very well and so does harbor. Podcast makers should take notes from this podcast. It seems that this one is getting its 3ed season this year and i will be listening to this the second it comes out