Millenials - Tumblr Posts
Someone asked me about my retirement plan. I'm in my mid-30s, and when I answered "a bottle of vodka and a tall bridge," they laughed. I did not.

Female XXX - Evil Doll - Making Gen Z Men Male Again! Check it out! Nice Poster!
Slayyyy queen👀✨
As a millennial veteran who did 9 nine years in the Navy this shit is hilarious to me. The boomers that wear these hats are the same boomers that brag about serving for 4 years and get grumpy with me when they find out I served longer than them, left the service higher ranking then than them, and "am a women."
(Not all of them, some of them are really cool. But a lot of them aren't)

TIL Nintendo’s Just Dance 2020 will be its last ever game for the WII and damn....I’m getting a bit teary eyed rn...
I'm 25 (26 in a week) and I wholeheartedly agree. 30 is young

i needed to read this today so im sharing it to all of you!!
I just watched one of those videos talking about millenials and they said “cheugy” and now I can’t stop thinking about the concept of cheugycore
its interesting to me that gen z and millenials were told so much that we have a victim mentality and we're just always playing the victim and putting the blame on others even though we hate ourselves so loudly and publicly, and now we're starting to see just how much we internalized that. "and im playing the victim so well in my head" - olivia rodrigo "but i just like to play the victim" -noah kahan
Monday morning

I can't get this song out of my fucking head... She is amazing.
Paleontologist: “We have discovered this new dinosaur, what should we name it? I was thinking neck lizard, but perhaps using vernacular closer to its time? Greek perhaps? It’s not terribly close to the time of the dinosaurs but it is better than English. Let us call it ‘Brachiosaurus.’”
Aliens in the future: “We have found the remains of the mammal that used to dominate this planet called ‘Earth,’ what should we name it? I was thinking flesh man, but perhaps using the vernacular of its time? Let us call it ‘squishy boy.’”
as we all know the cutoff age for millennials ending and gen z beginning is very blurred and changes depending on whom u ask. so i propose a new generation. if ur born after 1995 but before 2005 ur part of this new one and i propose we call it generation meme
Is “oh fuck” an emotion
Honestly I still think this is the best thing I ever posted.
Is “oh fuck” an emotion
With much existential crisis
I too have acknowledged my terrible gen who existence
How can you acknowledge your existence when you don't exist
a part of being a gen z is
constantly trying hard to fit in with the millenials
Millennial: Listen, I'm gonna need you to swear-
Gen Z: Fuck.
Millennial: I meant swear as in promise.
“Gen Z will change the world”

we literally just don’t give a fuck