Thomas Brodie Sangster - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago


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4 years ago
I Only Recently Started Having Tbs Show Up On My Tumblr And When I Saw This Gif I Immediately Thought

I only recently started having tbs show up on my tumblr and when I saw this gif I immediately thought of this scene with Steve and Nat and I just wanted to see them side by side so that’s what this is. Enjoy :)

I Only Recently Started Having Tbs Show Up On My Tumblr And When I Saw This Gif I Immediately Thought

Also gifs are not mine but the tumblr app crashed as I was making this and I lost my place so I have no idea who made these I’m sorry.

I found where I got the second gif! Thank you @mrs-starkspangledbanner

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3 years ago
Please Like Or Reblog If Used.

Please like or reblog if used.

(no publishing on other websites without my permission)

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8 months ago

Little Doll

Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Miss Y/n Y/l/n (Porceline Skin China doll look) Rating - Sweet AF Word Count - 4638

Little Doll

Jack finished up with his work in the theatre heading out as he pushed the sleeves of his white long-sleeved shirt under his blue waistcoat up to his elbows and ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. However, he immediately met his eyes with a familiar sight.

Miss Y/n Y/L/N, stood in the main figure of the hospital. She was wearing a pair of tall black boots laced up tightly, a long plaid lavender skirt with a large bird cage crinoline underneath, a white button-down blouse, with a belt tightly around her corseted waist with a silver moth buckle, crisp white gloves, tight waves of Y/H/C curls, with a bow of the same lavender plaid of her skirt, pale porcelain skin with perfectly placed freckles across her nose and cheekbones, and large emerald eyes. Her leather-bound notebook clutched to her chest.

Jack chuckled to himself as he saw her, seeing her made him feel bubbly as she reminded him of one of those beautiful porcelain dolls dressed up and set perfectly. He knew why she was here, and what she wanted. “Morning Miss Y/L/N,”

“Doctor Dawkins!” She turned excitedly, “Just the gentleman I was looking for,”

“Where are you now?” He raised an eyebrow,

“Could I have a word, please?”

“Go on Miss Y/L/N, tell me what you need and quickly I’m a busy man,” He said as he headed through the corridors towards his ward,

“Well firstly, have you given any more thought to allowing me to shadow your surgery silently?” she smiled as she happily followed behind him her skirt bouncing a little as she walked,

“I’ve already told you, you're not allowed in the surgical theatre.” He told her, “I don’t let little girls into surgery,”

“I see.” She nodded, “But secondly, would it be possible for me to shadow an autopsy in the morgue? Please,”

He rolled his eyes and sighed, “Alright, But you’re quiet the whole time.”

“I will I promise,”

“Alright come on,”

Jack headed down to the morgue with Y/n following behind him like an excited puppy, Jack began to set things up tying his leather apron around his waist and gathering his clean tools. Y/n closed the door and happily hopped onto an empty table. But Jack merely glared her down and she hopped off the table again,

“Sorry,” She gulped,

“Thank you,” He warned, “Get a stool if you want to sit Miss Y/L/N,”

She nodded excitedly adjusting her skirt as she fetched a stool, bringing it over to the table across from Jack sitting kicking her feet, a smile as wide as a kid on Christmas,

Jack would sighed, and continued working the corpse. "You're excited about this? Aren’t you?"

Y/n shrugged, "I find it all so fascinating" She smiled

"Well if you find this all so fascinating, why don't you get in close and watch my hands closely?"

She giggled and put the books down shuffling her stool over to sit closer to him her nose almost an inch from his hands her eyes wide with excitement,

Jack pointed at the lungs and spoke, "Now these are the lungs, they are what is used to supply the blood with fresh oxygen for the heart to supply the rest of the body. Notice their dark colour, that's a result of the disease. As the disease infected the lungs, it stopped supplying the blood with oxygen." He smiled down at her, "Do you understand?"

"… But how do you know they go that colour because of the disease and is not simply because they're dead?" She asked,

Jack thought on it for a moment, "You sure are a curious one. You're correct it could simply be due to death, but I'm making an educated guess based on prior knowledge. The man we're cutting open had died due to infection, and in turn, I would figure that his lungs would be infected as well due to the way he was coughing. And lo and behold the lungs are dark, that and dark coloured lungs would generally suggest infection."

"but you don't know that you didn't take his lungs out while he was alive,"

"That's a fair point. But as you see his lungs are collapsed. That wouldn't be the case if he was alive, they would be inflated like balloons." He'd poke one of the lungs, "As you can see, they're collapsed, and thus I am making the educated guess that they are infected."

"hummm…" She nodded,

Jack would look down at her, "Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?"


"Occam's Razor is a philosophy that states that you should assume the simplest explanation for something unless further evidence suggests otherwise." Jack explained, "So Occam's Razor in this situation says, the lungs are dark due to infection. I don't have further evidence to suggest otherwise, so therefore… The lungs are dark due to the infection."

"… Whenever you eliminate the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth"

"Precisely. You catch on quite easily." Jack paused for a moment, "Didn't take you for that type."

"I like to read, one of the few things I enjoy father hasn't taken away… And I think that's only because he can't be bothered to read my books to check their subject matter," she explained her fingers wiggling itching to poke, prod and investigate

Jack chuckled at her comment, "You're father sounds like a real charmer." he would say sarcastically. "What, if you had to guess, do you think this man died from?" Jack asked,

"well… You made a point about the darkness of his lungs due to infection however due to the elasticity of the lungs so late Into this stage in the morgue the body didn't die from the lungs giving out, there was scaring in his nose and his eye sockets are swollen out instead of being sunk in. This means the lung infection began as a meer sinus and chest infection which he ignored. And he smoked. Given the discolouration in his nails… I'm going to say he choked to death trying to smoke while having a lung infection" she explained

Jack was stunned by her level of deduction, even going to the level of checking the fingernails. "How in the?" Jack would ask. "Yes that was my observation as well, but your observation about his nails. How could you tell he was a smoker, and how can you tell he was smoking whilst infected?"

"… Tobacco stains the ends of your fingertips yellow over time and causes your nails to turn very sickly due to the lack of good health collagen in the body. He isn't a very old man so he had a thick habit makes sense he'd want to still smoke"

Jack was extremely impressed by her observation, "I can see why you enjoy reading, You're a very good detective. Most women your age are getting married, not reading about murder mysteries!"

"I don't know whether I should be flattered or insulted…" She said "I know most ladies are off at their debutant balls and popping out babies but I don't know, men don't find me very palatable" she said her fingers stroking the exposed rib but she saw him looking so pulled back,

Jack tilted his head, "Men don't find you palatable? That's a shock to me. Most would fall head over heels at first sight." Jack smiled down at her, "Maybe they can read how clever you are, and they're put off at the idea of a young woman being smarter than them."

"Perhaps… I think a lot of it is my… More macabre interests, most men are put off by such things"

"And what exactly are your morbid interests? Are they that offputting?" Jack questioned. He certainly didn't care, if anything he had a rather morbid view of life as well.

"I'm sitting watching an autopsy for fun?" She answered

Jack chuckled, "That's considered off-putting? Sounds like normal curiosity to me." He smirked at her, "I'm curious to know other interests. What else is considered morbid?"

"I read a lot of horrors, a lot of crime stories, I like to research the occult and supernatural, I used to collect small bones but… Father put a stop to that"

Jack chuckled, "What's wrong with collecting bones? Sounds like a perfectly normal hobby. If anything, it sounds kinda cute."

"I used to have a frame filled with bird wing bones that I collected all laid out with diagrams and names but father didn't like it so… He made me burn it"

Jack grimaced at the thought of such a beautiful display burnt to ash. "Did he give a reason for making you burn it?" Jack asked, looking confused "He just sounds like a control freak from what you say."

"he said such things are not becoming of a young lady"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Seems like an excuse for a control freak to burn something you loved. Are there any other interests your father ruined for you?"

"he said I couldn't use and or own a planchette board"

Jack looked down at Y/n, "That spiritual board thing? Why would he not want you using that? Scared you'll find a ghost in the house?"

"ohh I did several they were nice but I think seeing it move freaked him out"

Jack smirked, "Wait, you got them to work?" He asked, sounding quite surprised, "And what about the ghosts you found? What were they like?"

"They were all very nice, I met a nice lady who died in the town in 1656. They burned her as a witch but she's very nice"

Jack tilted his head, "A nice ghost eh?” He chuckled, He thought, "Wait, how in the hell were you using a Phancheeetty- or whatever board that young? You're twenty-four. Did you get one instead of a rocking horse?" he asked jokingly.

"I made one.." she answered sheepishly

Jack looked surprised, "Now that's impressive! Most people would need years and years of supernatural study to get something like that to work, but let me guess. Is that another thing your father burned?" He sounded slightly annoyed on her behalf at the idea of burning it,

"mhm" she nodded

"This father of yours sounds more like a dictator than a father." Jack sighed, "Does he also burn your horror books?"

"no, but I don't tell him what is in the books and he's too lazy to read them and find out"

"At this point, I'm starting to think laziness is a blessing from this tyrant father of yours." Jack paused for a moment, thinking. "Is there anything he hasn't tried to burn?"

"…I'd say me… But he's threatened it before"

Jack's eyes widened at her response, "Wait, you mean to tell me that your FATHER has threatened to burn you?" He was slightly taken aback, he couldn't understand a parent being so abusive.

"he was worried I was becoming a witch"

Jack's face darkened. "I have a feeling this man should never have been allowed to have children."

His face lightened slightly, "Have you been intrigued by the supernatural since you were a child?"

"mhm, I don't know why I find it all so fascinating. I suppose it's just another form of religion at the end of the day. Some people read the bible every day, go to church, sit in their room read tarot cards and go for walks in the graveyard secretly hoping they can find a pet bat"

Jack's lips twitch at the idea of Y/n with a bat as a pet, "That is quite a lovely analogy. Most women would probably be disgusted at the idea of walking through a graveyard. But you love it." He smiled down at her, "You're an interesting one Y/n Y/L/N."

"thank you Doctor Dawkins" she giggled as she happily poked at the heart

Jack's eyes widened slightly as she called him Doctor Dawkins, it felt nice to hear, instead of Doctor Jack or just plain Jack. "No problem, Y/n." He smiled down at her, it felt nice to speak with her.

"So what is your opinion on supernatural and ghosts and all that?" Jack would ask in a curious tone.

“My Maid says I use to talk to ghosts when I was little say things I couldn't have known any other way, it makes sense I mean… Humans sort of exist in two parts the body and the soul, when he body dies soul has to go somewhere"

"That's not a common belief you know Y/n. Most people would say you're insane or crazy for thinking that the dead can linger around in ghost form." Jack smiled, "I think you're very intelligent, seeing the world as it really is. What about the supernatural? Does that exist?"

"I suppose the undead are possible if a soul was to re-enter a dead body. Demons and spirits seem possible just higher ranking ghosts, cryptids make sense too I mean I wouldn't be that surprised to hear a large yeti thing exists, some big bear that walks on its legs covered In white fur and fangs, when you think about it a tall long neck spotted creature with thin legs is just how anyone would describe a giraffe"

Jack found himself nodding at her explanation. "I've never had anyone else look at the supernatural so… Logically. You certainly have a unique view on the world." He smiled, "And what of the idea of vampires. Do you think they could exist?"

"people are weird I'm sure someone out there as licked blood, liked it, and kept doing it" she shurgged

Jack snorted at her response, "True that. I can think of many things worse than a blood fetish. You seem to have a very logical view on the supernatural, as if magic can be explained with science."

"I think all magic is just science we have yet to explain. I'm sure one day the human soul and where it goes well be explained by science and maybe it does linger on a way we would call a ghost we're just not there yet. I mean a few thousand years ago they probably thought tiny people can clockworks machines inside us to make or organs work" she giggled looking at the body he worked on with such thrill and excitement

Jack smiled down at her, she really was a unique one. Logical yet curious. She had a sort of endearing personality. "That is probably one of the most unique and interesting takes on science and magic I've ever heard." Jack chuckled softly, "You’d make a very good doctor Miss Y/L/N, You certainly have the mind for it, and the curiosity of a child."

"father wouldn't allow it, the only reason I'm allowed to linger in the hospital is because I lied to father. He thinks I'm at dance classes"

Jack rolled his eyes at that. "Again, I can't blame you. He sounds like quite the dictator. What exactly does he want you to become? A baby factory?"

"a trade for a business deal I suppose, and then a baby factory."

Jack grimaced at Y/n's response. "You're father sounds like a real piece of work." Jack was quite frustrated at the father, just the way Y/n spoke about him made him infuriated.

"he's old fashioned is all" she shurgged "not a very modern man." She giggled

Jack looked at her with a slightly stern expression, "You shouldn't make excuses for him. That man's a control freak and a dictator." Jack was slightly annoyed at her shrugging and laughing her fathers faults off.

"I suppose…" She said too focused on her fun she was having with the body

Jacks sighed, he couldn't force her to get angry. "You certainly have a way of not letting the mood get grim, don't you." He smirked, "How are you even having fun in a morgue with corpses around you?"

"I did say I was morbid"

Jacks chuckled, "No kidding, you seem more fascinated by a corpse than I do, and it's my job to look at them."

"you see them everyday, I imagine surgery must be fascinating" she smiled

Jack smirked slightly when she mentioned surgery, it was something his was passionate about, and Y/n clearly had some interest. He looked down at her with a curious expression, "Why do you sound sad? Did you want to watch a surgery? You know hospitals don't allow young ladies in the surgery theatre."

"I know… But I'd like to, it's not fair the men all get to pay a penny and watch I'd pay a whole shilling"

Jacks snorted with laughter at her response, she certainly had an adorable innocence to her. He gave her a fond smile, "That would be quite the sight to see you sitting beside some gentlemen in a theatre next to a surgery. But Y/n, aren't ladies meant to be fainting at the sight of blood?"

"ladies see more blood then men" she answered

Jacks eyes widened slightly, but then he started laughing, "You really are quite unlike other girls. And you are certainly observant." Jack looked at her, "If you don't mind me asking, how much blood have you seen? Other then that which comes from a period."

"… Some" she answered sheepishly

Jacks smirked softly, he could guess how she would have seen more then most girls. "You make me wonder if most girls would faint at the sight of my work. Though you seem quite interested."

"I'm sure most would"

Jack chuckled softly, "Most likely, you might be the only one who could handle the sight of a surgery. Though most ladies would either faint or be horrified." He smiled, "What would your father think of you if you had an aptitude for surgery and medicine?"

"… Lock me in my room I imagine"

Jacks expression darkened, "That man really is a monster isn't he." His tone was dark as he spat the word monster, a wave of anger washed over him at the image of Y/n being locked away in her room for having an interest her father didn't like.

"… He's… Protective I suppose"

Jacks expression immediately lightened when she responded, and he shook his head with a chuckle, "You're too kind. Just the idea of that man locking you in your room for enjoying something he didn't like made me enraged and you call that protective?"

"I guess so… Don't know what else to call it" she explained as the autopsy was now finished with "doctor Dawkins?"

Jack raised an eyebrow slightly, "What is it Y/n?" He inquired curiously.

"can… Can I sew it up? I'll be ever so careful I promise."

Jack smirked slightly, "You want to try stitching it up?" He inquired. He found the idea of Y/n suturing a stitched up corpse quite endearing, she certainly was an eccentric young lady.

she nodded excitedly

Jack smiled, "All right. You can try stitching the body up."

He began to instruct her on what to do, as he prepared surgical thread and surgical needle to try and make the process a bit easier for Y/n.

she giggled and happily sat taking the needle and thread she was slow and careful stitching like fabric she needed to be corrected a few times but he just loomed over her shoulder watching her inhaling her soft lavender perfume

Jack inhaled her gentle lavender scent, finding it quite soothing. It wasn't often a lady with a perfume walked into a morgue and happily tried to suture a body.

Jack couldn't help but softly smirk she was quite the sight, the sweet young lady sat on the stool her feet didn't even touch the floor, her sweet Lilac skirt around her, her beuatiful curls pulled back with a matching bow, needle in her bloody hands, a somewhat wicked smile on her lips and a gentle humming in her throat she was so happy she smiled and even hummed a little song as she sutured the body to perfection Jack couldn't help but watch Y/n, it was an amusing and endearing sight seeing her happily sat on the stool, stitching up the body. And even more amused by the sight of a bloody needle in her dainty little hands.

A thought suddenly struck Jack, "What if your father saw you like this? Working beside a me, cutting into a body with a bloody needle. How do you think he would react?" Jack inquired with a smirk.

"he'd lock me in my room, have a preacher stand outside and shout bible verses at me. Or sell me off to India"

Jack snorted with laughter at Y/n's response. He knew he probably shouldn't Laugh because it wasn't a joke to Y/n. But for some reason, the idea of Y/n being locked away in a room with a preacher standing outside shouting bible verses at her sounded humorous. Maybe it was because he found Y/n such an interesting young lady. "What a lovely father you have Miss Y/L/N." Jack commented sarcastically, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"he's not good but he's mine"

Jack smirked slightly at Y/n's response, he understood why she defended her father. It was normal to want to defend someone despite their flaws and behaviour. but he couldn't help but wonder what kind of father would treat his daughter like Y/n's father did. Locking her away for having an interest, treating her like she's just for baby making… Jack couldn't help but feel disdain towards Y/n's father,

Jack glanced at Y/n again, he couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle when he saw the amount of blood on her hands. Some had even splattered on the delicate material of her outfit. Jack found it both endearing and amusing. He knew that a lady like her wouldn't want blood on her clothes but at the same time there was something captivating about seeing a doll like her with bloodied hands. A doll he pondered, she reminds him of a doll, the sweet polcerline and china dolls lined in toy store windows in sweet dresses with perfect hair. But now she looked like a haunted doll covered in blood with a wicked little smile, Jack continued working, still observing Y/n with mild amusement.

she happily sat watching him work, "hummm…" She ponders "sorry… I'll be quiet doctor Dawkins"

Jack shook his head, no longer laughing as Y/n tried to apologise.

"No, no, Y/n no apologies." He gave her a fond smile, "Don't apologise or get shy for your enjoyment. iT’S fascinating, especially when you don't hide them as much as most girls do." He glanced at Y/n, "If I was to be honest, your unique thoughts is probably why I find you so fascinating. The way you think isn't like most ladies. And I honestly find it endearing, especially your thoughts on corpses and science."

she blushed a little

"That's that done." Jack said with a smile.

she nodded "all done, slightly disappointing to put all that work in just to bury him"

Jack looked down at the body and nodded, he couldn't disagree with her there. "Yes, it is a strange thing. We spend all that time looking into a dead body, yet at the end we just bury them and move on to the next mystery." Jack then looked at Y/n, "There's something I've been wanting to ask you."

"yes doctor Dawkins?" She asked cleaning off her hands

Jack smirked as he watched Y/n clean her hands of blood. He knew most ladies wouldn't even want to touch blood with a ten foot pole, and yet Y/n was happy to just sit with her hands in blood, cutting up a body. If it was any other woman, Jack would find it unsettling. But on Y/n it just seemed endearing. "I have noticed that you have a very interesting way of thinking Y/n. In regard to the supernatural and life." He commented.

"I do?"

Jacks nodded, his smirk widening, "Yes you do. You don't seem to be afraid of the mysteriousness of life. I've also noticed you have an interest in death and corpses." His tone was gentle, he was still slightly amused by the amount of dried blood on the dainty young lady. He couldn't help but find her doll like appearance coupled with her thoughts endearing. "You are definitely not like most young ladies."

"I guess not…" She said but her tone turned sad as she finished cleaning her hands even if the blood had left a slight red stain on her pale skin "your going to tell me it's unbecoming of a lady too? Tell me I should use my wine to find a good husband…" She sighed "I wouldn't bother you anymore if you don't want me to doctor Dawkins"

Jacks expression immediately darkened at her response and he reached out and cupped Y/n's cheeks with his hands. He couldn't stand her being sad. "Please don't ever think for a second that I wish for you to stop coming here. You're a fascinating girl. I look forward to your visits." Now his tone was softer and slightly affectionate, "And don't you dare think that you're unbecoming of a lady, you're perfect just how you are. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise."

she blushed hard her freckled cheeks turned pink, but she stepped back so his hands left her cheeks "thank you doctor Dawkins…"

Jack smiled gently as Y/n blushed at his compliment. He hoped he had managed to prevent her from feeling upset. However, he couldn't help but feel slight disappointment when she stepped back, it felt nice holding her cheek and seeing her blush. "You're welcome Miss Y/L/N." His smile widened and then he smirked, "I do hope you still come and visit my morgue."

"I hope to doctor Dawkins" she nodded "thank you so much for such a lovely day, I hope you have a nice rest of your evening" she smiled

Jacks smiled once more in response and watched as Y/n prepared to exit the morgue. He couldn't help but feel slightly… Disappointed she was leaving already. Sure Jack was normally glad when work was over, but this time he felt like he didn't want it to end and for Y/n to leave. He was starting to become fascinated with the unique and adorable young woman more and more.

She picked up her parasol and her small hat giving him a small polite curtsy before she heads out the morgue.

Jack watches her as she goes watching how her crinoline causes her lilac skirt to sway side to side as she walks, her Y/H/C curls and her little bow, he couldn't help thinking of her lavender scent, of her happy excited smile, of all the words they shared… Of the sight of her sewing the body, hands covered in blood, smiling and humming. Y/n… His little doll

He can't help thinking of her as his morbid macabre haunted little doll

Jacks stood watching Y/n leave the morgue, he couldn't help his eyes following her. As she left the room he felt something strange. He missed her already, and he couldn't help but notice how adorable she was when she did her little curtsy. How beautiful her dress swayed with her crinoline. He loved hearing her sweet little voice, every word she said fascinated him, and of course he couldn't help notice the way her hair fell slightly loose with her bow sitting just perfect.

… And then the realisation hit him. Oh dear.

Jacks felt an icy cold realisation wash over him as he stood there still watching the door Y/n had just left through. Oh…. No…. Not good… No….

Now he realised what this weird feeling was for Y/n.

He realised why he got so protective whenever Y/n mentioned her father.

He realised why he found her thoughts fascinating.

He… He…

He was starting to have feelings for Y/n.

Jack was completely dumbfounded by his recent realisation, and he felt a mixture of emotions.

Panic. Because if Y/n's father found out that he had feelings for her he would kill him.

Fear. Because he knew Y/n's father was the type of man to cause Y/n a lot of suffering for having feelings for someone he didn't approve of.

And… Hope? Because Jack knew that if he managed to win Y/n over he could possibly bring her away from that horrid man and into his arms where he could hold her close and let her watch autopsies and surgeries to the content of her morbid little haunted doll heart.

Oh… He definitely had feelings for Y/n.

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3 years ago

missing piece, part one. thomas x reader

summary 📰: in which reader is ex-wicked worker with all her memory still intact and once she feels she’s finally gotten away from all that, it comes and pulls her right back in

warning/s 📬: swearing, NOT EDITED UGH

slater’s note 📮: this was originally an original fic on my wattpad but that was years ago but i wanted to bring it back so hi


“where’s y/n?”

“who’s y/n?”

“his girlfriend.”

“she’s not my girlfriend.”

the newfound safe haven had brought a lot of different anxieties, and the last thing thomas wanted was to be separated from his friends, especially you.

five minutes into sitting at a lunch table with new people and familiar faces of the glade, you were really the only thing on his mind as he searched the other tables looking for your face, listening for your laugh, but he found nothing.

“i didn’t see her get tested.”

“nor did i.”

“maybe she’s with teresa,” minho offered, “i saw her walking through the glass hall with a bunch of doctors. they could be running some extra tests... you know, girl stuff?”

“girl stuff?” frypan’s face screwed up as he looked between minho and winston, his mind not exactly processing what that was supposed to mean.

“i don’t know man, i’m sure she’s fine,” minho shrugged, trying to pry away from the awkwardness that took over as fast as he could.

“well, we can look for her later,” newt gave thomas a comforting look, his hand gripping his shoulder as a reassuring gesture, “right now, you need to relax, you’ve had a long day.”


the cold fluorescent lights gave you a piercing headache as you sat in a practically empty medical hall with a needle up your arm and a comforting hand gripping your shoulder.

you couldn’t actually tell whether or not if it was comforting or rather just forceful so you would stay in place against the cold metal chair.

something about the place was rather odd, cold, and slightly uncomfortable. it wasn’t as scrappy as it should’ve been, it was well put together, well built, well secured, it didn’t make sense.

it resembled WICKED headquarters all too much, especially with how many doctors swarmed around you, gripping, pinching, breaking against your skin, desperate for whatever you had.

“alright, y/n, we’re done with you,” the lady removed the needle before placing a plain colored bandaid over the breakage of skin, small amounts of blood beginning to spill out.

you gave her the best small smile you could give her, placing your hand in your lap, trying to fight to the urge to question every single thing that was going on.

“janson wants to see you, and then you can go.”

you nodded, rubbing your hands together before pausing, eyes slowly raising up before saying ‘what?’ and just as fast you heard his voice.

“miss y/l/n, what a pleasure it is to see you again.”

you got out of the cold chair as fast as possible, almost tripping in the process. you felt your heart pick up as you begun backing away, not knowing where to go or what to do.

“why don’t we have a chat?”

you felt multiple hands grips both your arms as you continued to walk away while still facing him. you know this couldn’t end well.


“you were always such a smart girl, even when you were younger. never so sure about anything unless you did it yourself. you had to know everything if you hadn’t known it already.”

it had taken a lot to hold you down before moving you into one of the interview rooms, handcuffing you to the chair.

“when ava heard we were picking up your section of maze, she was absolutely pleased,” janson paced back and forth before you, a stupid smirk slapped on his face, “more than pleased really. she’s hoping the past three years will have been more than enough punishment to have learned your lesson.”

“i’m not a fucking school girl, janson,” you scoffed, struggling against the metal practically digging into your skin, “what your doing is wrong and those three years only made me realize it even more.”

“oh really?”

“i’m finally past all this, why do you need me?”

janson scoffed, shaking his head before leaning over the table that separated the two of you. he was trying to get a ride out of you, you could just tell by the playfulness that surfaced in the center of his eye, “you think you can just take back all that you did? you were after all the one who created the maze.”

“yes but it wasn’t meant for the torture of young kids, janson. do you have any idea what it’s like in there? what you did?”

“i think it’s more or so what you did.”

“suck my dick,” you tried to get up but the handcuffs were preventing much movement, “i didn’t do anything but create a fucking maze. it was you and the rest of the fools that work for WICKED that twisted it into a death con.”

it’s silent and janson have you look as if asking if you really believed that. you wanted to punch him right in the mouth, make him realize that you weren’t one to fuck with at the moment.

“it seems you care a lot about these people, especially with how much lying you’ve done to protect them...” he sat in the chair across from you, folding his hands as if he was coming to reasoning.

you felt sick, your head slightly turning to the side as you felt something coming on, a catch, but you didn’t know what.

you couldn’t do anything for WICKED anymore, there was nothing left you could give them, and you knew what they wanted, what ava wanted was something more than a silly bunch of maze drawings.

“what do you want?”

“you want to keep your secret, you want to protect friends? you’ll give me what i want.”

you stayed silent.

“i think you know what i want.”

“i don’t.”

“i want your blood.”

“you mean you want to drain me?”

“ava thinks you’re the cure.”

“ava’s a fool.”

“but yet she’s gets what she’s wants, always.”


“you okay?”

“yeah, i just need you- i just need you to- please.”

thomas stared at you, questioningly with his head ducked down close to yours, a look of slight desperation filling his pupils to the brim, wanting to know what was running though your mind.

you wouldn’t be able to answer him if he asked. it already took a lot of you to tel him to meet you in the bathroom hall in private to talk to him without breaking down before the rest of your friends eyes.

janson gave you two options. one, you could sacrifice yourself and give up the supposed cure to ava and not risk anymore young innocent lives, or two, you could be sacrificed but this time, your friends would join you.

you had to decide by the next morning.

the answer was becoming clearer and clearer as minutes went by and the images of innocent teens being strung up and drained for their blood flashed up through your mind, something janson thought to show you just in case you already weren’t convinced of outing yourself.

you felt like you couldn’t breathe, your chest tightening up as you gripped his forearm firmly, trying to steady yourself from passing out or breaking down, but the overwhelming feeling of pain was swallowing you whole.

“what, y/n, what’s wrong?”

“thomas, they’re gonna kill me,” your voice came out strangled and breathless as you look up to him, your eyes beginning to water.

it was beginning to get harder and harder to breathe.





join the taglist bug

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3 years ago
Her Laugh. Newt X Reader

her laugh. newt x reader

summary 📰: in which newt calms reader from her anger against gally

warning/s 📬: unedited, blue eyed thomas

slater’s note 📮: uhh this originally was a thomas fic but oops


gally could tell he was losing power just as much as anyone could. it was obvious he was no longer the center attention once the boy with pretty blue eyes entered the glade with chaotic curiosity for the truth with him.

gally was angry with the way thing were folding out before him, with the way things were changing. it was all right before his eyes happening so fast he couldn’t even do anything but yell.

you could see the anger inside of him, fuming to the brim as you stared intently, watching him go off about how thomas was breaking the rules and deserved to be punished.

you bit your tongue, resisting the urge to argue with the wall of bullshit he was building. he was completely ignoring the fact that even though he did break the rules, he saved two important people of your glade.

“the rules are the only thing that have kept us together, why now are we questioning that?” gally looked around the circle of the eight of you before looking back to newt, “you know alby would agree with me on this.”

“don’t bring him up,” you mumbled, shaking your head as rubbed your finger tips against your bottom lip.

“what?” gally raised his eyebrows as if taunting you, challenging you speak up against him again and with how close he leaned towards you, you would usually shut you right up but it only fueled your fire more.

you looked up to him, challenging him right back, “don’t talk about alby, gally. he’s not here right now, so you don’t know what he would agree with.”

“well someone here needs to state the obvious and that is the fact that of new greenie here needs to be punished.”

“yes, and that someone is newt,” you gave gally a pointed look, “there’s a reason you weren’t pointed as second in command.”

his eyes just about popped out of his head as he stared you down. it seem as though he was about to strangle you if you hadn’t exited the tent.

you felt heat rise to your cheeks as an unusual amount of feeling overwhelmed. you knew that was about to bite you in the ass near future because no one ever felt the need to stand up to gally but rather allow him to bitch it out. it never really was worth the fight.

“hey, wait,” you felt a hand reach your shoulder before rather roughly turning you around to face them, to face newt, “calm down, cowgirl.”

you shook your head as both of newt’s hands reached on both sides of your face as if steadying you in place. he smiled lightly, his eyebrows rising as if questioning if you were alright.

his eyes dazzled and it made you swallow roughly, “he’s going down too hard on him, newt, and if he doesn’t knock it off i’m gonna punch him in the gut.”

“settle down, alright?” he gave you a light pointed look, amusement twinned up and around his slowly forming smile, “you’re too pretty to worry about big old gally and his problem with the new greenie, okay? i’m starting to get worried he’s gonna strangle you before you can do it yourself.”

you rolled your eyes, nodding your head for no entire reason of agreement aside to bring peace of mind to newt. you laid your hand on his, slowly bringing it away from your rosy left cheek, moving it so you can hold it tightly.

he nods, satisfied with the simple nod, “alright, now before you do anything crazy... i want a kiss as a reassurance that you’ll somewhat listen to what i’ve told you.”

you rolled your eyes, shifting your head from left to right before reaching your hand up to the side of his head, rubbing his cheekbone, “you’re not getting a kiss that easy, babe.”

he smirked, his hands going back up to clutch your head tightly, shaking his head, “you know you’re really lucky i like you.”

you smiled, before giggling loudly, something that rarely ever happened and made newt smile even harder as he begun to press kisses all over your face and lightly on your neck.

your laugh became louder and louder and more heads begun to turn your way as the sweet noise echoed throughout the glade. your laugh was always nice to hear, it brought sweet thoughts to the young boys’ heads, reminding them of better things that went far from the glade and the maze.

“alright, alright, alright! i’ll kiss you,” you smiled widely, trying your best to pull away from his strong grip full of love.

“good,” he whispered, pulling away finally, waiting for you to lean in, pressing your lips against his. “alright, now try not to kill anyone, love.”

“cant promise anything.”



join then taglist little greenie

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3 years ago

okay everyone i have solved the rabbity problem

for those of you with an actual life, theodore nott’s canon physical appearance is apparently weedy, stringy, and rabbity. So he’s skinny and er... whatever rabbity means. And because I like suffering, I took it upon myself to figure out what on earth canon!Theo is supposed to look like.

Okay Everyone I Have Solved The Rabbity Problem
Okay Everyone I Have Solved The Rabbity Problem
Okay Everyone I Have Solved The Rabbity Problem

I still stand by 'rabbity' being a non-sensical descriptor because i had to think about it for a long time.

And it feels weirdly specific and I'm still not 100% sure what it means. Maybe it's the dark 'beady' eyes thing @mistress-riddle mentioned??

Check back for more intellectual discourse brain vomit the next time I feel like procrastinating.

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Where does this picture even come from? FROM WHAT GODFORSAKEN, HELLISH VIDEO????

It Hurts Me

It hurts me…

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8 months ago

My personal Fancast for Tim Drake is Thomas Brodie Sangster. The guy both has personal experience in playing nerdy yet deliberate characters as well as not aging past 17.

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1 year ago
This Scene Fucking Killed Me. Jack Keeping His Fingers On Belle's Pulse All Night Just To Make Sure She

This scene fucking killed me. Jack keeping his fingers on Belle's pulse all night just to make sure she was still alive is such a romantic yet sad little detail. Man probably didn't get an ounce of sleep that night. 😭

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1 year ago

I finished watching The Artful Dodger like 5 minutes ago. And I NEED a season 2. I don’t care they intended in to be a miniseries.

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4 years ago
Imagine: Thomas And You Were At A Party And Some Guy Kept Hitting On You And Making You Feel Very Uncomfortable.

Imagine: Thomas and you were at a party and some guy kept hitting on you and making you feel very uncomfortable.

Thomas is not a fighter and not one to start trouble but his anger was getting the best of him.

“Hey she said she’s not interested” Thomas spoke through a raised voice.

“Well I don’t really give a shit. Who are you supposed to be?” The creep retorted.

“Her boyfriend and I give a shit” Thomas was now directly in front of him and his voice is now almost yelling.

“Thomas he’s not even worth it lets just leave” you beg as you push your hand on his chest.


He put his arm around you and turned around keeping his hard gaze on the guy until the last second.

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4 years ago
Love At Midnight | Newt One Shot

Love at Midnight | Newt One Shot

*Contains Smut*

Keep reading

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6 years ago

Gut Feelings [Newt]


Description: Y/N’s gut feelings strike again.

Warnings: Cranks. They are creepy as hell. 

Y/N and the rest of the group had just escaped Wicked, again. Teresa directed them into what looked like an abandoned mall and they split up to get supplies. Y/N went with Teresa while Newt, Frypan, Aris, and Winston were a couple of feet away.

She quickly found a grey t-shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, a Army green jacket, a bandana and a new pair of combat boots. She grabbed some extra clothes, shoving them into the bag she found before going over by the boys and grabbing some supplies. Newt, Frypan and Aris watched as the girl fumbled with shaky hands.

Y/N had a feeling, and it wasn't a good one.

Newt had continued to watch her for another minute or two before deciding to go over to her.

"Why are you shaking?" The familiar voice pulls Y/N's attention away from opening the knife holster in her hands.

She sighs and looks up at the blonde boy.

"This place is just giving me a feeling."

"What type of feeling, love?"

"Like something bad is going to happen."

"Is it paranoia, or a gut feeling?" Newt asks.

"Gut feeling."

Over the years Y/N and Newt had learned to trust her gut feelings, because somehow, they were always right.

"Alright, we'll pack up and get going as soon as Thomas and Minho get back." Y/N nods and zips up her bag, but as she goes to stand up the power turns on.

"What's going on?" Frypan asks. Aris, Winston and Teresa gather around the three with their supplies.

"We need to find Thomas and Minho and get the hell out of here." And as if on cue Thomas and Minho came running and screaming while being chased by cranks telling the group to run.

Y/N was right. They should've left, and now they've lost Winston.

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11 months ago
First Post!!

first post!!

I'm writing a newt story because i want to. I've never posted on this app before so please bear with me while i figure it out. I just started writing the first chapter so i hope it doesn't take too long long. I'll release the detail a little bit before i release the story.

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11 months ago

Chapter 1: Becoming friends

female reader, friends to lovers, slow burn, mentions of newt offing himself, use of y/n

(Y/Ns perspective)

I’m sitting around in the med-jack talking with Clint and Jeff, my best friends. Our days usually turn out like this, sitting waiting for another slicer to patch up or anything else of the sort.

“Do you think we’re ever going to get out of here?” jeffs says after we sit in awkward silence. We always end up having this type of conversation, which makes sense considering there not much else to talk about. Plus, me being a girl, they don’t want to say anything too weird.

“I hope so, I hate being stuck in here with all these boys. If we got out there maybe I could finally find a girl-friend,” I say looking down at my finger, picking out the dirt from underneath them. I look up and clint and jeff and they’re looking at me like I just killed all the Gladers.

“Okay we’re not that bad,” says clint, looking at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I mean he’s not wrong it could be so much worse. But I still wish that every time that box comes up, it’s another girl. I’ve only been here for 8 months, and those 8 different times the box came up and it was just another boy, I felt so disappointed. I don’t even know why I’m the only girl, I’m not sure I’ll ever know.

“Try being the only girl in this whole place clint, being stuck with a bunch a smelly boys. I mean you too aren’t that bad, but some of these boys I can’t stand,” I look back down at my hands. We continue chatting until we hear yelling from outside. It sounds like Minho and Alby. I look at the boys in front of me with a concerned look on my face, and we all stand up and jog to the door to see what’s going on.

In the distance I see Minho and Alby holding someone. Once they got a little closer, I could tell that someone was Newt. I hadn’t really gotten time to get to know newt that much considering he was always out in the maze running and I was in the med-jack hut all day. Our relationship consisted of small smiles while walking past each other in the mornings or nights, or small telling me what happened when another runner got hurt.

Panic was quickly flooding my body and I ran back inside and prepared the bed while Jeff and Clint went out to help getting Newt inside. The four boys bring Newt inside and carefully lay him on the table in fear of hurting him even more.

I look down at Newts leg and roll his pants up to get a good look of his ankle. I see its dislocated and broken in some areas as well. I get a sense of what could have happened but still ask Minho anyway.

“What the hell happened, Minho?” I say slightly panicking.

“I don’t know, he hasn’t told me anything. I was just running in the maze when I heard and loud scream. I ran for a minute or so until I found Newt lying on the ground and started taking him back here,” I look up at Minho and I see the sadness on his face from seeing his friend in this much pain.

Clint is holding down Newt making sure he doesn’t move too much while and me and Jeff look at his ankle. Jeff gently presses down on Newts ankle, and he lets out a loud yelp.

“Its shattered, the bone is completely shattered,” Jeff says solemnly. “It’s dislocated though we need to realign it before we do anything else, alright?”

“Got it,” I rush over to the bandages and grab and few then come back and place them down on a makeshift table next to me.

“You too hold him down” I nod my head towards Alby and Minho signally them to help Clint. I direct my focus back to Newt.

“Newt, can you open your eyes for me,” He opens his eyes straight away. “Alright focus on me okay. We’re going to realign your foot. It’s going to hurt a lot. We’ll go on three, okay?” He nods.

I nodded back. “Alright. One, Two, Three,” I twist his foot into the right direction and back into place with a loud crack. Then come a loud wail from Newt. Newt writhed in pain, but the boys continued to hold down newt as me and Jeff bandaged the splints. Jeff dabbed a bit of chloroform on a cloth and pressed it to Newts nose. Soon the boy became unconscious.

A little while later while me, Clint, and Jeff where cleaning we heard the bell for dinner. “You guys go have dinner, I can stay here with Newt for the night.” “Are you sure, we can do shifts if you want,” says Clint. I shake my head no. “Alright I’ll bring you some food,” says Jeff as him and Clint walk out to dinner.

I was sitting down next to Newt when he awoke in a panic. “Hey, hey it’s alright,” I stand up and say letting him know it’s all right.

“My ankle, it hurts,” Newt says, his voice very dry. “We’ll I’d be very confused if it wasn’t,” I say trying to joke with him as I pick up some painkillers and a glass of water for him too take,. “Here take these, it’ll take them 10 minutes to kick in, but it'll be worth it,” He takes them immediately.

We sat in silence for a minute before Newt spoke up again. “How bad is it?”

“It’ll heal that’s for sure, but not properly.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He says and looks down at his ankle.

“You’ll have a limp,” I say and look at Newts expression. This is hitting him at full force and he’s realising the consequences of this limp.

“I can’t be a runner anymore?” He questions and looks at me. I’m looking at him with a blank expression on my face. “Me being a med-jack my answer if definitely a no, I guess its up to Alby, but I think we already know his answer to that,” I look at him trying to figure out what he’s feeling.

“Do you even want to go back in the maze, I’m not sure about everyone else but to me its pretty easy to tell what happened in there,” I look at Newt and I can 100% tell what he’s feeling now. Embarrassment. He knows I know.

“Are you going to tell everyone, let everyone know how idiotic I am.” “you’re not idiotic,” I look away and start cleaning the place up.

Newt stops for a second and just looks at me. I do feel sorry for him, for the way he thinks about himself and why he did what he did.

“It was running accident, or at least that’s what were going to say. Right?” obviously he doesn’t want anyone to know. If I were him, I wouldn’t want anyone to know either. I don’t want him to feel embarrassment either, so we can move past what really happened out there. All the details. He doesn’t have to tell me.

“Yeah, a running accident, of course,” he looks away from me. He’s still embarrassed.

“It’s not my place to tell anyone what happened, you can tell everyone when you’re ready too. Including me,” I can feel his eyes burning into me, I turn around and face him.

We look into each other’s eyes; I want him to say something. I also want to say something to him. Comfort him in some way, but my minds gone blank. I feel as if the only thing I can do is be here for him and help him recover. And I decide right now and right here, that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t want to see anyone suffering like this. Especially Newt, he’s too kind and a level-minded person and I don’t like seeing him in this state.

“Do mind if I get some rest, if you want me to stay up that’s fine,” I say still looking in his eyes.

“No, get some sleep. I should get some more rest anyways,” he answers back.

“Thanks,” I give him and small smile and return to the seat I was sitting on before he woke up. I grab a blanket and pull it over me.

We sit in silence for a bit, and I can’t pull my mind away from Newt. How he must be feeling right now. I just feel so bad that I have to speak up, make him feel better. So that’s what I decide to do.

“Newt,” I say quietly.

“Yeah,” he calls back.

“I know this may sound a bit stupid to you, but I think its very brave what you did. I don’t want you too feel idiotic or embarrassed about it. I’m sure you were scared or hopeless or something like that but too me it was truly a brave thing. You did something about it, and it wasn’t the best thing to do. You still did it. I admire you for it.”

I wasn’t expecting a response from him. I didn’t want one either. I just wanted him to know what I was really thinking, whether he cared or not I wanted him to know.

(Newts perspective)

“Newt,” she says in a calm voice. It’s nice, very comforting.

“Yeah,” I answer back.

“I know this may sound a bit stupid to you, but I think it’s very brave what you did. I don’t want you to feel idiotic or embarrassed about it. I’m sure you were scared or hopeless or something like that but too me it was truly a brave thing. You did something about it, and it wasn’t the best thing to do. You still did it. I admire you for it.”

I feel my eyes starting to water, then the tears start to fall. Brave? What I did was cowardly. But she admires me for it. For trying to kill myself? I know she has her own reasons, but I’m still confused. I don’t know how to answer, what to say. I turn my body over to get a look of her. She has her back turned away from me, all cuddled up on the chair. Her body rising and falling with each breath she took.

I can’t sleep for a while, all I could think about was her words, how she admires me and thinks I’m brave. No one has ever thought that about me. I don’t think anyone could have comforted me the way she did.

(Third person)

Newt and Y/N didn’t know that that day they had made a new connection with each other. They were friends. Newt would always go to the med-jack hut when he knew Y/N was in there so she could check on his leg. They would eat all their meals together. Give the greenies the tours together. Every moment they weren’t working, they were together. They were best friends.

Here is the first chapter! I’m so sorry it took so long to get out, I wrote most of it and then had like writer’s block or whatever. On the first of April, the maze runner movies are coming onto Netflix (Australia) so I will wait until they come out to start writing more because I will base this off the movies instead of the book just because I feel like its easier to insert my own character in the movies. I was going to make this whole chapter reader perspective, but it was too hard to write a good ending so here we are. Anyways that all for now. I really got to learn how to use Tumblr better (I have no clue what I’m doing and I don’t know how to write a fanfiction).

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