No Sound - Tumblr Posts
omg so we have 1 seeing dog and 1 blind dog and whenever there's a toy they both want, the seeing dog takes it and just...stands very still. immobile. she KNOWS he will try to wrestle it from her but she has figured out that if she does not squeak it, then he will not find it. leading to this.

"god....grant me the strength to not squeak the squeaky toy"
Vortex marble by physicsfun
Weird things happen
Flugbild - Thomas Meyer-Hermann - Liquid Television
After a long day of school work and all of the enragement finally breaks out like.

Character Introduction 01
Mirabella Tuk, a somewhat different kind of hobbit, but well known for her positive and humorous outlook on even the gloomiest of days.
She is based on the story “Gefährten 2.0″ by Elenor-Rohir and one of eight new companions.
Short snippet from the story (I translated it):
The 38-year-old drove her mare into a gallop with a merry song on her lips.
“Run, Nightstar, as long as we still can! We’re late anyway. You can rest once we get to Bilbo.”
The young woman’s appearance was quite unusual: She was a hobbit-woman, which was particularly noticeable by her long, brown curls and the cheerful, natural demeanour. However, what stood out was her rather big appearance for a hobbit and the shoes on her feet. For a hobbit a very rare sight indeed.
Nonetheless, she was friends with Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit that one day just up and went on an adventure with some dwarfs and the old wizard that roamed around the Shire from time to time. He had returned with riches no hobbit had ever seen before and the people quickly ushered whispers of inheriting his thirst for adventure from the old Tuk, his grandfather.
Perhaps, that was the reason why Mira got along with him so well. She also belonged to the Tuks family and with it the call for adventures, but that was not all. It was rumoured that her unusual size was due to the fact that no pure hobbit blood flowed through her veins. Perhaps she would still sit quietly at the stove and live an ordinary, peaceful life, if it hadn’t been for her parents’ death.
She had lost her parents at a very young age, leaving her behind as an orphan, raised by Bilbo Baggins as if she was his own. But that was another story for another day; today she might go on her biggest adventure yet, where her serenity and courage will be tested. Has her previous adventures prepared her enough for what is to come?

Character Introduction 02
Nellá Fuieg, the red. It is said she got her byname because of her red hair but perhaps it is the red crystal edged into her staff instead.
She is based on the story “Gefährten 2.0″ by Elenor-Rohir and one of eight new companions.
Short snippet from the story (I translated it):
The Dwarf was just about to answer, as a bright shine and a sudden heat drew their attention to the campfire. Nellá stood by the fire, which had almost burned down and held a long branch into the embers. Instantly flames blazed to the sky and the fire started to burn so brightly that it lit up the entire campsite. Ruons first instinct was to stop her, but he soon realised what she voiced in the next second: “They have found us anyway.”
The moment she withdrew the stick from the fire, the Easterling realised that it was by no means a simple branch, but Nellás staff she carried everywhere with her. The crystal that was edged into its tip glowed a fiery red.

Character Introduction 03
Yarína, a born Eorlinga, is more of a lone wolf, appearing unapproachable and cold. Perhaps too young for such an adventure, but still waters often run deep… Or so they say.
She is based on the story “Gefährten 2.0″ by Elenor-Rohir and one of eight new companions.
Short snippet from the story (I translated it):
She managed to climb the tree just in time, watching the black rider storm along the road underneath her hiding spot. The moment he disappeared behind the turn of the road, she let out a slow breath. Climbing down she hesitated for a moment, feet dangling above the ground. There was nothing but the cold wind that the rider had left behind and so she let out a shrill whistle.
Whereupon a black horse appeared from the undergrowth and with a nod of his head, stopped right in front of Yarína.
“Take it easy, Salózian.” She hummed, soothingly stroking along the dark fur of the animals neck, “You felt it too, didn’t you?”
The gut- wrenching dread came suddenly and without much warning. She had ridden along the road, unsuspecting, when she was suddenly seized by a strange unrest. Her stallion had felt it too, so she quickly guided him off track into the bushes, before climbing the tree to surprise whoever it was.
However, upon seeing the haste and the unnormal dark clouded figure, she had stayed hidden until the ride was gone. Whoever it was.
Salózian snorted next to her, as if he was thinking back to the strange rider as well. “Everything is fine, my darling.” She soothes once more, “He’s gone. You don’t need to be afraid anymore.”
However, she couldn’t help the knot that had twisted her stomach, that deep thought that told her to better stay far away from wherever this rider was going. Yet, she had to get to Bree and that lay in the direction of where the rider had disappeared. Curiosity however couldn’t be helped as she slung herself back onto her dark Stallion.
“Change of plan, Salózian. We’re following this scary rider and I know it’s not a good idea, but I want to know what that was. Because that wasn’t human for sure and that can’t be ignored.” She spurred her horse to trot down the path, “And I know just the person who might know more about this.”