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look what came in today!

Matt Carriker i love you.
Be warned, rant time about Marvel coming up
After rewatching Infinity War, I have come to the conclusion that StarLord is the to blame for them failing to stop Thanos the first time round, don’t get me wrong he is kinda at fault, he did mess up an otherwise successful plan, but I think Gamora is the one to blame. She gets Quill to promise to kill her to stop Thanos getting the location of the Soul stone, fair enough I applaud that, that was the right move, but then she decides to be the biggest hypocrite in the entire universe, and gives up the location when Thanos tortures Nebula. I completely get her wanting to protect her sister, but after her making Quill promise, if she had just kept her ground, none of it would have happened. I just think Quill gets way too much blame considering Gamora gets none of it.
Anyways, here’s a rather more heartwarming Mother’s Day fanart piece of young Loki learning magic from his mom :)
“You [Thor] and your father cast large shadows. I had hoped by sharing my gifts with Loki that he could find some sun for himself.”

Olivia Grant Gif Pack
Under the cut, you will find 93 gif of Olivia Grant in the role of Patricia Coleman Jones in The Irregulars. Feel free to use for roleplaying purposes, just please don’t claim them as your own.
Warnings: smoking, drinking, substances, flashing light (lightning), guns