Oc Collab - Tumblr Posts
redrew mine and @plaguepresence’s scp ocs … didn’t like the first one cuz it looked too bland D:
so have ani and dr silverstein for a second time woohoo!!

Oc Collab?
Sounds like a great plan
I believe dms are open for general anyone to respawn but it's neat

I did it I did a thing
if yall wanna collab thats cool

og pic

I also posted this on twitter but twitter ruined the transparent picture
TIME FOR A SECOND SMG4 OC INTRODUCED!! Meet LSMG2 Aka Cole! I don’t have him before Lawsuit Arc, but we all know it’s just a re-color of Luigi. Anyways Lore time!(gasp)
Trigger Warning:BLOOD AND DEATH
Arc One/After Lawsuit Arc

This is Cole, another Luigi’s SMG and Lucia’s Guardian partner. Unlike the other three, he’s more serious and prefer not to be in some trouble every other day. Lucia and Cole have a sibling figure bond and Cole acts like a big brother to her. After Lawsuit Arc, he stays away from any chaotic stuff and tries to relax himself after basically dying and such. Though, not everything will go the way he wants with the whole ‘It’s Gonna Be Perfect’ thing with the castle being taken down by SMG4’s mistake.
He was PISSED at SMG4, blaming him for everything that happened and the destroyed castle, but he stopped himself from yelling and slapping him on the face. Despite his serious and sarcastic tone, he did helped Mario or ‘Marty’ with the Pizza Place along with Lucia and also accept Lucia of being a trans female. He finally started to feel in peace and relaxation after working and finally have the new castle rebuild..BEFORE he was dragged and join the crew to the Wild West.
After Western Movie, Cole, again, getting pissed at Meggy for dragging them into a traumatized situation, and this time, he yelled at Meggy for being so reckless and so stupid and ended up having a fist fight with her til Lucia and Tari break it up and Cole just stays at the Mario Brothers’ house. During the new castle times, Cole wanted to plane a way to kill Mario and stop this chaotic world he’s in.
Arc Two/WOTFI ‘23 and Aftermath
Art, SMG-K(mentioned), and Shared Idea by @echostarsys

During his planning, he was having trouble of HOW to kill Mario…or at least get a reasonable closer to him without giving away. He soon see how SMG4 and SMG3 fight about SMG3’s notebook and noticed Mario being all questionable lately. Cole mark his chance and get closer to Mario, asking him what’s been going on. After getting Mario to speak, Cole learned that he’s playing to get Smg3’s notebook and steal the pizza recipe. At first, Cole actually thought Mario was insane when he heard it was Marty’s idea, but once Cole got to actually see Marty(after the pizza work) and surprise to hear him talk..he plans to get close to Mario by Marty and then stabs him in the back once the plan is done. Though, he knew it’s risky for anyone to know, so he hide behind a red cloak and tricked Mario into thinking it’s a stranger that wanna helped Marty and Mario with the plan.
During WOTFI, Four, Three, Lucia, and SMG-K went to the casino to get the notebook back, but K got split up from the other SMGs while being chased by Chris and Swag. During that time, K went through the casino and see Marty alone with a strange red cloak figure. K couldn’t do anything, before Cole pull out a gun and shoot K in one of her arms, before he rush and use his dagger to cut part of her left ear off. Cole was manage to injured her tail and slice her face, making her half blind with two hits of his dagger.
Before he could finish her, K use her cat claws to attack him which really fucked his face up, giving him the same scars and losing one of his eyesight and such. Fortunately, Cole turns away from her face to cover his face and not reveal himself and barely escaped with his life. Once he escaped and left the casino, he could barely feel his face and had to bandage his face up by himself. By the time that he’s finish bandaged himself, Mario and Marty were in jail and Three got his notebook back. He went to check on the three SMGs, but not see K anywhere..he didn’t care anyways, that was the least of his problems.
For the few days, he stayed away from the crew..he couldn’t let anyone find out about what happen..course, this worries Lucia, but Cole just bush it off, saying that he just have a small cold and just need time alone. Once the scars are healed enough, Cole came back to hang out with the group and tries to plan another way to kill Mario, but the other problem was that no one will stop asking him what happened and how he got the scars, Especially SMG4 and Lucia, which he always avoid and act like it’s personal to him. It took a while for him to get used to being half blinded, but after a while, he got used to it and learned how to still fight and all with being half-blind. After sometime, he begin to tries to plan again to kill Mario..but he had no idea…yes, he knew the world was gonna die, but if that means he can be in peace for once..so be it.
It wasn’t until after The PuzzleVision Movie that he remember Marty existed. He hate Mr Puzzles, but he got to admit..he glad he was there to remind him of WOTFI ‘23. Whenever he’s not with the group, he would visit Marty in prison and plans revenge against Mario for leaving him in prison. Course, Cole didn’t had money to bail him out…so as anyone would, he grabbed his old red cloak and break into prison with his gun and dagger to break Marty out of prison. Soon they both plan a revenge on Mario and kill Mario for good.
Arc 3/Betrayal Arc

After a long time of working and planning, they finally made a cult that makes poison spaghetti sauce. Cole was FINALLY gonna have Mario killed…but there was a problem…he knew Mario been poison a lot…he knew he need a plan…a MURDER plan…so he pretend to be a cop and told someone that a terrorist escape and purposely send Mario to the cult with a spaghetti poster to trick everyone.
Once he got to the cult, he acts normal and rush in to see Karen tackled Mario down and acts like he heard chaos nearby and ask what’s up. When Karen found out about the poison, Cole was dragged by SMG4 to Karen’s house where they see K with the kids and..with Marty..which kinda shocked Four, because he haven’t seen K since WOTFI. Before he could do anything, K and Cole make eye contact for a hot second..before K realized..HE was the cloak figure from WOTFI. When SMG4 realized of them having similar scars..he looks shock and surprise, before Cole grabs his dagger, but Mario quickly kick Cole to the ground.
Cole would just laugh and explain that it’s all part of his plan to end Mario and finally have some peace, even if it means killing his avatar’s brother. However, The crew defeated them and Marty and Cole escaped and that when Cole changed his outfit. His next plan was to try to get Lucia to his side and get more information of Karen and K, so he breaks into the castle and breaks into Lucia’s room when everyone is sleeping…only to have a gunpoint at him by Lucia.
Four told Lucia about everything…how much he was a traitor…how much he planned to kill Mario. Cole tries to explain his actions to just to ‘have some peace’, but Lucia didn’t want to hear it. She TRUSTED him..like a brother she had…to only wanted to kill the only avatar that could kill the universe by just dying. She just yells at him..saying that she trusted him and loved him like a big brother she ever had..but now she hate him and just…couldn’t let him do his killing.
With a moment of hesitation, Cole grabs the gun and twisted Lucia’s arm, before he slam her to the ground. “I’m sorry….but you’re in my way…..” that line…that single line…made a difference…before a shot to a head happened..he tried to get her to listen…he tried to reason with her…but nothing will be enough for him, will it?….After the final blow, Cole flee the castle, before anyone walked into the room and see his former sister’s bloody body.
FINALLY!! This took me whole day! I really hope you enjoy this lore and thanks for @echostarsys for the collaboration and shared idea with Cole and their upcoming OC, SMG-K. If you have any questions, please be free to ask. Have a good day
If you don’t remember Lucia, this is Lucia.

Hey!! Got a BARGHEST oc? They looking for company? Look no further!! Garnett and Kerberos wanna hang! I wanna connect with my moots some more and I’m majorly bored too. If you have a BARGHEST oc (or really any cyberpunk oc!) shoot me a ref, and I’ll draw them chilling with Garnett or Ker! I might open comms in the future, but for now this is just for fun.

Hey!! Got a BARGHEST oc? They looking for company? Look no further!! Garnett and Kerberos wanna hang! I wanna connect with my moots some more and I’m majorly bored too. If you have a BARGHEST oc (or really any cyberpunk oc!) shoot me a ref, and I’ll draw them chilling with Garnett or Ker! I might open comms in the future, but for now this is just for fun.

Soldier, Poet, King

10hrs drawing, and I forgot to draw some things again 😔
Maren the draconic soldier belongs to @mewiyev
King Arthur belongs to @4rthur_K (on X and instagram)
Inspired by this song :