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GT 2023 Day 10: Bruises/Beaten

Y'know, I cannot help but feel bad for that delinquent girl who sits across from us in class, Sayaka.. Knew her since grade school and.. let's just say those days weren't the *best* for her..
Side note: Yep. Using a younger version of an OC/showing a bit of their (not-so-great, honestly) childhood here. For a delinquent later on in life (who honestly isn't a *normal* person) I cannot help but feel sorry for her..
Karin belongs to me!


The Grove family can be...something
Weirdcore/object head ocs (some of my favorites) //TW: pencil sketch g0re, mentions of m3d!cal tra^ma, tra^ma in general, sm0k!ng, dr-g ab-se, eyes/eye contact (lots of it) // please stay safe !!

first up: Kendall !!! {he/they}
This fella probably has the most art made of him because he’s easy AND fun to draw so fun to draw in fact I made a whole animation meme with him (you can go look at it on my YouTube channel or my stray fawn studios ;])
lore-wise he doesn’t have much compared to these other guys but I’m working on it I promise

Jack !!! {he/him/they} this fella has the least art bc I can’t draw sunflowers 😭😭 I’m sorry I did him dirty
Lore: his dad was a doctor and gave him lots of medical trauma (think forced dr-g trips & general ab-se) and then he ran away and started having withdrawal and seeing ghosts but surprise he wasn’t actually seeing things and the ghost was actually there

Emilia {she/they}
uhm she’s the ghost Jack was seeing lmfao
Lore: she got st4bbed to d34th in the stomach by her father

Joshua {he/him} i titled him the token straight friend but realized momentarily he is also one of the queers (Demi & Bi [w/ a women preference] if u were wondering) I also don’t draw him v much bc I can’t draw dogs or canines 😔
Lore: Jack’s childhood best friend & partner in crime who helped him run away & also he has undiagnosed adhd yes he does

Marcy !!! the lady !! {she/they}
absolute pan icon, very angsty & emo lmfao looser /j 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lore: got their eye torn out of its socket at a rather young age of 13 by their twin sister & has held a grudge ever since bc she wouldn’t just donate one of her many eyes to them & they think she’s being stingy and greedy so uh they don’t have the best relationship but joined forces with Jack after they found him just kind of wandering aimlessly around their neighborhood

Elenor {she/her} Marcy’s twin sister & eye ripper, very traumatized, kinda feel sorry for her tbh
Lore: she’s on med!cation to keep her head from going supernova & exploding & also to keep her from uh committing murder ?? When not on her p!lls she’s a real force to be reckoned with (Marcy learned that the hard way) but when on them she’s pretty chill, she has really serious anxiety so uh yeah

This is all of the main guys on Halloween for the last prompt of arttober I did !!! the one holding Joshua’s hand is his little sister Belle but she’s not really important
I have quite a few others but they aren’t NEARLY as flushed out as these guys are so uh we’ll go over them later (and by later I mean either never or when I actually do flush them out)
hope you liked em (you’ll probably see a lot more of them sometime soon
(couldn't get the audio so here you go)
Oc animation thing
His name's Tyler and the other person next to him was his daughter Delila
Found family, but with the thickest layer of racial context in it. That's it, that's the trope.
that moment when u start to cry at ur OC’s trauma that u gave them

wanted to see if anyone could guess which one of my silly’s is the primary antagonist, this experiment is already quite interesting on TikTok wanted to know if the guesses would change across platforms.

Ocstudy-tober Day 1-2: Introduction
here’s the prompt list I am using
This is my angsty scientist disaster, his name is Dr. Haliday and I’ll give you a cookie if you can guess his traumaaa

Did this trend with my oc sky :D