Osdd1b - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Uhh I think I'm asexual and am having a crisis about it

anyway have a nice day

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2 years ago

calling all alterhumans, nonhumans, kin, therians, the otherhearted, fictionkin, plurals, voidpunks and everyone else

i had an idea.

what if we gathered the works of the wider alterhuman community and published the collection?

i’m talking poetry. journal entries. quotes. uplifting words. educational posts. discourse. the art we create of our kintypes. our opinions. our pain. maybe even a glossary of terms in the back.

i don’t expect us to become rich and famous from this. and i know this is going to be a lot of work. but i really want us all to have this. this could really be something special.

so. i’m calling out the mature members of the community. i’m also calling out blogs with a wider reach than mine to get the word out. i’m also also calling out anyone interested in publishing their work. this would be a collaborative effort and i can’t do it on my own.

your help and support is much appreciated.

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4 years ago
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner
System Sketches From The Last Year Or So. Drawn By Various Alters, Of Various Alters, And Of Our Inner

System sketches from the last year or so. Drawn by various Alters, of various Alters, and of our Inner World.

It’s been a stressful, insightful, eventful journey since the May of 2019, having found out we had Dissociative Identity Disorder. A lot of things started to make sense, but in that, a lot of things were new and unrelenting. Those ‘episodes’ we had suddenly had a name- dissociation- and those ‘overbearing reactions’ had a reason- emotional flashbacks- and god our host was in such heavy denial of it all for so long.

But eventually the confusion let up a little, and we started accepting it, and working together to find coping mechanisms, and using our openness of it all to help educate others and fight the stigma. Things got better, but it’s still been incredibly tough. So, to see if it helps piece the puzzles of our fragmented being together, we’ve tried to document things in amongst the forgetting.

- Atlas

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4 years ago
Mr Kensington; The Primary Protector -- 28 - He/they - Marionette

Mr Kensington; the primary Protector -- 28 - he/they - marionette

Some of you might actually remember Mr Kensington, one of two matching marionettes that we once thought characters, and eventually ‘Mental Guides’. In all actuality- and in hindsight it’s so very obvious- they were both Alters.

Mr K’s been looking out for us since childhood, primarily handling high-intensity situations that the others can’t handle. He's had to put up with a lot of shit, and we’re incredibly appreciative of him and his logical, no-nonsense attitude, and even- dare I say it- his sarcasm.~

- Atlas

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4 years ago
Hypnos, God Of Sleep

Hypnos, God of Sleep

You know what we haven’t done in a while? Dissociated heavily, and come back to scribbles drawn by an unknown Alter. At first I thought it was the Hypnos Introject that turned up a few days back, but he claims it’s not him...

so that poses the question of ‘who?’

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2 years ago

Semi-back. Recently we've been working on Videos r.e. our experiences with DID, so expect a lot of the art we post to be related to that at the moment. Whether it be alter photos, experience-sketches, etc.

... or Wonkaposting.

Or, most likely both. Because childhood trauma resulted in us being eternally haunted by a psychologically trialling chocolate factory. ✨✨👌 it's not as weird as it sounds, I promise lmao

For mild context, here's an emulation of the place for a series we've been working on. You don't need to have watched the others to understand the vibe, and the opening section actually explains it:

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2 years ago
DID Introjects, Not Fanart Reblogs Are Fine
DID Introjects, Not Fanart Reblogs Are Fine

DID introjects, not fanart ▸ reblogs are fine

Some sketches of our Mike & his mother, Dolly.

These two are a great example of the healing that's finally been happening within the Factory Cluster, and it warms my heart to see. Dolly- Mrs. Teavee, sourced from the musical- unfortunately lost her son in the tour; she's been so scared of the whole factory, that besides one or two outer-factory trips, she's refused to leave her room for years.

So when Mike- sourced from the first movie, but fused with the second- reawoke, now a young adult, she was quite nervous. She didn't want to see him because it hurt too much at it not being her Mike. But he sort of persisted in that mischievous way he does, and barriers were broken, and she adopted him as her own son because it felt right. It was a form of acceptance for the mind to heal.

Dolly used to refuse to even talk about her son, but I'm allowed to say all this here because she's personally spoken about the whole thing on stream, which is... something we didn't think would ever happen. She's healed a lot, and she's helped Mike a lot with his own anxiety around the Factory. Sadly she still won't leave her room, but it's small steps.

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2 years ago
The Inner Worlds - DID System Art The Factory, Chocolate Room

the Inner Worlds - DID System art ▸ the Factory, Chocolate Room

One of the location shots for our ongoing emulation series on Youtube, allowing a visitor to dive into the inner world of a dissociative identity disorder system, and experience both the good and the bad.

Squidgevt- our first visitor- ended up in one of the most infamous, trauma-filled location: the Factory. Overseen by our childhood persecutor (which is an incredibly simplified explanation of the man), it's perhaps better akin to a fae-trap than a wonderland...

Drawn in biro pen & mildliners Please do not repost. This is for our use only.

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2 years ago

hey, I just wanna let you know we've seen your content before y'all realized you had DID and we found you again recently. we're so sorry you also have to shit disorder. take care of yourselves and keep fighting the good fight. your inner world series really inspires us. anyway. we hope you're safe and living your best life!

Oh gosh- that's such a strange concept to us, because y'know, memory issues, I don't even remember what it was really like to live without DID. And we only found out in 2019. You probably remember more about our stuff than we do in some areas!

It's funny, but I would say things have actually gotten better since we found out. We had to deal with all the nasty shit before we knew, but now it's less like trying to spar with ghosts; 'I' can see we're 'We'. The picture becomes more and more visible over time, and that makes it more manageable. Slowly trying to wrangle everyone into place, heal trauma, make amends, y'know? We're not aiming for final fusion or anything, but for mental rest.

The first year or so was really hard, adjusting to it all, but other than the occasional alter that did not like that the host knew, it was more the public that made it a trouble. People not understanding, stigma, coming to terms with internalised ableism caused by all of that. It's one of the reasons we speak up about it; it really is a shit disorder at times, and we're all just trying to live our lives, and we- as in, those with the disorder- don't need judgemental-ness and ignorance to make it worse. We've all been hurt enough. It's why we're like this.

Anyhoo I'll stop rambling- but thank you so much for the compliment, and for coming back- even if it was by accident! I'm so glad the Inner Worlds can do that; it's our baby, and we just hope it can... I dunno, do something to help systems feel less alone, and to inspire them, and to help singlets realise 'hey it's weird but it does actually make sense if you think about it' haha.

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