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1 year ago

Like a Wave, She Broke; But Like the Sea, She Persevered

A Robb Stark x Yi Ti fem!OC/Reader & GOT AU Fic

Chapter One: Farewell/Goodbye

Next Chapter

Author's Note: Hello, so I am very new to writing fanfiction, and also I have never read any of the books, but I have done a lot of research. This fic will be mostly based on the show Game of Thrones, but it will take elements from the books (especially for the characters Euron Greyjoy and Stannis Baratheon). Also there is practically no information of the language/culture of Yi Ti according to GRRM. So taking in mind that it is supposed to be inspired by "Imperial China," I used simplified Mandarin because while I do think Cantonese would be better considering how the geography is inspired by southeastern China, I need pinyin and can only speak Mandarin. I will offer translations at the bottom. Also for the names, I am not perfectly clear how they work so I basically tried to make a name using characters that I felt would have a lot of impact together.

Warning(s): This fanfiction will include dark themes of the following: sexual content, sexual abuse, violence and violent themes, child trafficking, depression, angst (so much angst), and dark/yandere attitudes. (Please comment if I had missed anything)

“I made it… I actually made it.” I thought to myself as I slumped onto the deck, relief flooding my body as my legs start to give out in exhaustion. I managed to get onto the ship just before it left the dock. I close my eyes and try to breath as waves rock me back and forth like a never-ending pendulum. The last time I had been on a ship felt like several lifetimes ago, although I supposed that it was true in more ways than one. For as I had so fervently sworn to never step foot onto another ship, I could not deny that a part of my heart was soothed by the familiar cries of gulls, the thundering orders of those and command, and the waves crashing against the wood of a vessel completely at its mercy. Still, I felt myself turning green, and soon 黛玉 (Dài yù) is curling up next to me, offering much needed comfort. I curl myself around her, and breathe in her fur. Her fur, whether dry from a nearby fire or soaked in red life, smells of cypress, smoked sandalwood, and spices. It reminds me of Winterfell, of the North, of my second home. Once again, I thank Lord Stark in allowing me to keep my sweet shadowcat when I found her as an orphaned kitten from a band of poachers that had already killed her family and intended to skin them for profit. As I continued to stroke her luscious black and white striped fur, I felt 黛玉's (Dài yù) deep purrs turn to breathing becoming deeper and more consistent to signal she was about to sleep. And just when I was about to do the same, hoping for sleep to be dreamless, I heard my name being shouted out in pure agony.

“龙力 (Lóng lì)!” My head shot up while 黛玉 (Dài yù) immediately became alert and ready to strike any figures that posed a danger to us. I turned my head to look at the dock we just left, and to my horror I found a figure so far that he might have been a trick of light. But I remember those eyes, those clear blue eyes. Eyes despite their clarity, were filled with more fury than any storm I had witnessed out in the seas. Eyes belonging to a figure that once stood tall looked broken and defeated, as if their shoulders had been burdened by the gods themselves, although I supposed in a way they had. Next to him was direwolf the size of a small horse holding his head high, and howled so forlornly as if the ship was a floating pyre.

“Robb.” I croak out, my voice sounded so unfamiliar to me. I tried to look away, but I knew if I did, I would never forgive myself. So, I gazed into his eyes trying to shout out every apology I could think of, begging for his forgiveness. When his figure disappeared, I turned around and let out a sob I didn’t realize was there. I curled into myself, reach to my necklace and grasp on the black pendant and pray to any god that would listen. 黛玉 (Dài yù) mewled softly before laying her head on top of mine, even wrapping her arms around me, as if she were a mother soothing a weeping child. I could not bear to see her blue eyes, so frozen yet alive with winter fire. I knew that sleep would never come for me tonight. So instead, I prayed that Robb would not let his impulsiveness cloud his judgement, that he will only focus on the war and freeing the North. I prayed that he will forget me and move on to find happiness of his own and to grow old and happy with a good woman by his side and his siblings all together. But above all, I prayed that he would let me go and let me be free. I do this until my mind blacks out, and a memory had played out as if I was a spectator to moment that did not belong to me.

~Flashback of 7 ago~

“龙力 (Lóng lì),” I decided, gazing at the stone turned dragon pendant handed to me, knowing the confusion that must be filling Robb Stark’s eyes, “my family name is 王 (Wáng), but my first name will be 龙力.” My parents’ sweet “小玉 (Xiao Yu)” no longer existed, she her lullabies were gone forever, but she will never forgotten, not her nor her parents, never again. But “龙 (Lóng)” had taken her place, it was born from the anguish of the small jade in order to a dragon that clawed out of anguish.  “龙 (Lóng)” was a dragon, and dragons carried a magic within them that could never die, not even when the world demanded it. My grandmother was partly right, I was not born a dragon, I was but I was made into one. As for “力 (Lì)”, that would be something of my own. “力 (Lì)” was a testament to my strength. Even before being a dragon, I was strong. I had a strength of my own that belonged to no one but me. And although it had been cracked and broken down repeatedly, it remained. The events forced upon me to realize that strength, however unfortunate, will not go unrewarded.  This pendent was evidence of that, that if a piece of jade can transform and be molded into a strong dragon, then so can I.

I turn and face Robb Stark, the boy I thought was a spoiled and obnoxious brat that had everything handed to him while so many others claw for just a scrap of his fortune, and give him the first hug that I have given anyone since my parents died. I hold for so long and tight that he has to push me away for air. I smiled with tears almost spilling from my eyes, happiness overtaking me for the first time in what felt like a lifetime ago. I kissed both his cheeks, and he turned so red that he tried to sputter out a response, but I beat him to do it.

“王龙力 (Wang Long Li),” I beamed so brightly, “that will be my name. I finally have decided on my name, it is the only thing that was not given to me but what I gave to myself. It is important, too important, but you deserve to be the first to know. I will wear this forever, thank you so much. Thank you so much.” I hugged him once more, and felt his arms wrap around me before tightening and even saw the tips of his ears turning bright red before Maester Luwin came upon us and I showed him my pendent and told him my name. I didn’t have to tell him the meaning of a name, his smile told me enough.

~Flashback Ends~

Waking up I realized that I was still grasping on the black pendant as if it was the only thing that kept me from falling completely apart. I should have left it behind, but I knew it wasn’t a possibility. If I had to take only one thing that could possibly link me to my past, from the youthful joy and spilled blood in Yi Ti, to the beautiful hope and horrendous tragedies in Winterfell, I couldn’t leave it. This pendent meant far too much, for it alone was the sole witness to my life (past, present, and soon-to-be future). It had seen every moment in the life of that once naïve and sweet 小玉 (Xiǎoyù) that played along the warm breezes of the Jade Seas, the 小玉 (Xiǎoyù) that laughed to her parent’s singing songs of the Jade Emperor, the same one that witnessed her family’s slaughter and was stolen away until she no longer laughed, no longer smiled, and eventually forgotten her own voice. The precious and rare black jade that was eventually picked from the pockets of tattered rags to be used as a paperweight by Euron Greyjoy, forgotten by the shadow of a girl who was robbed of every joy and security that should have been her right from birth. A girl who became so broken, who’s soul became so lost, she carved through men with her knifes with such masterful and impassioned fervor and searched through the gashes with such sober and languid eyes to see if she could find hers in their bodies.

But it also witnessed the gaining of her strength, starting at the glimmer of remembrance in hearing an old lullaby sung by a mother with features similar to her own. Every time she snuck away to hear the woman sing, her eyes daring to show wistfulness as opposed to chilling apathy, the black jade could feel the little girl that was constantly struck down finally begin to stand and walk again. Every step that the girl took, the black jade that lost its luster from being forgotten had slowly regained its shine. Even when the kind woman that sung so sweetly was broken in, taken by the wicked pirate’s men and himself, her face with warm eyes and tender smiles, was mutilated beyond recognition, the girl did not fall again. Instead, her eyes held righteous fury and body was fueled by liquid lightning. Quick were her hands in drugging those men, meticulous and masterful were her fingers in slicing through their facial nerves, cruel glee dancing in her eyes as they could make no sound but knowing they felt everything, the sheer intensity and determination of her strength in hoisting their bodies underneath the sail’s pole. So easily could the black jade remain forgotten, once more losing its luster and shine, but the girl had decided that she would no longer forget the little girl in Yi Ti. Because although that girl was gone, dying the day she was sold in Qarth, she knew that the girl still deserved to be remembered, as did the people she loved that died with that girl.

With that decision, this new girl took only a blanket and the jade before changing into a pair of breeches and tunic that sagged over her body to prevent any suspicion of her sex, left Euron Greyjoy to venture to a new place. A place where she would meet a kind and good man, one who she would gladly devote her life in serving and protecting. She would meet his family, his wife and children. A wife that would take one look at the girl, and think her too savage and wild. But knowing in her heart that the girl was someone who would torture herself before letting any harm befalling her family. Children, all so different yet each one had a foundation of wildness, and were raised with so much unconditional love and loyalty that witnessing it had quickly thawed the suspicious girl’s icy walls. A place where she would meet another Greyjoy, but a different Greyjoy, a better one. A Greyjoy whose blood was Ironborn, but his heart would be northern. A northern boy whose blood carried the salt of the sea, but whose heart and soul were strengthened and bathed by the snow, the trees, and the winds of northern land. A boy who she distrusted before slowly and surely becoming her found brother, and she becoming his found sister. A place where she who had sea water in her veins, was not born in the biting inland North but the tropical breezes from the Jade Seas, slowly rebuilt herself from the ground up and fortified her soul with new memories, new happiness, and most of all, a new name. A name she gave herself, with the help of a boy with auburn curls and blue crystalline eyes that shimmered with wide smiles as he gave her the greatest gift that she vowed to carry with her so long as she breathed.

I let out a shaky breath as I once more closed my eyes and began to pray. I never prayed so much in my life before now. I was never one to pray, never one to truly believe in higher beings despite the stories of ancient and powerful magic I heard as a girl that I once believed in, the same stories I told to Bran and Rickon when they entered my rooms to protect them from nightmares. But my grandmother told me that there is usually no point in praying to the gods, because the gods never listen, and if they do, they will often do the opposite just to spite you. She said they had already laid out plans, and we were at their mercy without hope to change it. But maybe just this once, she was wrong. But maybe there are gods that listen, that will hear this unworthy girl’s prayer, that might grant her this one thing. I always thought I was a good granddaughter, always following and listening to my grandmother’s words.

I should have listened better.

*Switching POV’s to Robb*

As the Young Wolf stood there on the port, watching as the ship that carried his love farther and farther away from his arms, looking more and more like the broken boy that cried his heart out when his father died and less and less like the shapeshifting King that tore apart his enemies in the battlefield sung amongst smallfolk across Westeros.

“Your grace, do you want us to commandeer that ship in order to search for the fugitive? It isn’t too late; we can still hope to catch up to it if we use a galley with our strongest men.” Smalljon Umber tried listing off other ways to get to the ship, and was more than ready to do it himself. But Robb knew that doing so would be of no help to him. He knew what game his lady was playing, and he will let her think she had the upper hand for now.

“No.” Robb steeled himself into his full height and once more became the Young Wolf feared in the South. His eyes no longer full of sorrow as they just moments before, now they were filled with ice and a cold fire that looked it would burn you as horribly as it would freeze you in an instant should you be so unfortunate as to touch it. “Now we continue with our goal, marching to King’s Landing and littering the South with Lannister dead until they acknowledge the North’s independence and free my sister Sansa.” Gone was the naïve lovestruck boy, and in his place had risen a hardened leader that had a blade hungry for blood and screams. “But first we gather up the Frey’s and Bolton’s and call for their execution immediately. When Walder Frey’s and Roose Bolton’s heads are separated from their necks, I intend to make them gifts to Tywin Lannister.”

“Fly, fly, fly little dragon,” Robb’s mind hiding the dark whispers swirling in his head. “Fly as far as you can, but know that you will never escape the wolf you cheated.” Anger and fury had further cemented in his bones with each step he took to his steed. He realized long ago his feeling for his cruel lady love. He was enchanted by Talisa’s warmth and kindness, believing that she could be enough to thaw away your bitter chill. But it was all for naught, for nothing could replace you. He should have known this the moment he set his eyes on you when his father first brought you to Winterfell all sullen and feral but strong and determined. When bitterness and jealousy filled him as he heard you laughing at Theon’s stories and saw you two sitting together at dinner. When he caught you gazing at your black rock that you protected so fiercely and he longed to have you feel that way towards him.

“Ah yes, her precious stone,” Robb almost smiled as he remembered one of his most treasured memories, as it was the first time you truly smiled and it was the day you decided your name, “how could possibly forget that day?”

~Flashback to 7 years ago~

“My grandmother gave it to me,” your accent still a little thick when talking in Common Tongue, but you were making extremely good progress according to Maester Luwin, “she said that I would need it one day in order to protect me.”

“Why? Father won’t let anything happen to you while in Winterfell.” Robb thought this obvious, for his father was the strongest and most powerful man in all of the North, and it filled him immense pride and joy in being his son. His father was good and honorable man, one who always kept his promises to each and every one of his people as the Lord of Winterfell. “He promised you when you got here that no one would ever harm you so long you lived under the protection of the Starks.”

“I know all that,” you stated as you rolled your eyes. Of course, you knew that Lord Stark would keep his promise in keeping you safe, as Ned Stark was likely the best man in the world. “But I think it’s for something different, something bigger.”

“What do you mean by ‘bigger’?”

“I am not sure, but all I know is that my grandmother said that this stone would protect me when I would need it most. She said that this particular form of jade was only precious for those who needed it for its magic.”

“Magic?” Robb now rolled his eyes; you were trying to trick him. “That’s what old people tell kids in order for them to behave and not run in passageways and not track mud into the keep.”

“She said that it would lead me to my fate, to a place full of snow and ice and water with little green in the North.” Your eyes had a far-off look; your eyes only looked like that when you were remembering something. Robb hoped it was something good. “She told me that there was a role I had to play in this place, and that the jade would lead me to it.”

“But how will it protect you?” Robb was quickly growing irate. How could a measly stone protect you better than his father, the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North? A role that he will take over as his heir, making you also under his protection.

“She said that jade protects your spirit and mind from harmful forces, but I must carry it with me and never forget it. Otherwise, it will lose its power.”

“But why does it need to be black? Can’t it do its job if it were white or grey?”

You shook your head. “She told me that it had to be black. In Yi Ti, black is the color of the North, and the North’s element is water, so that means black is the color for water in the North. I think…I’m not sure what she meant, 妈妈爸爸说她喜欢...” you paused as you realized you were speaking in your native tongue; your cheeks grew flushed in embarrassment. Robb pretended that the rosy hue didn’t look the least bit adorable, “I mean, my mama and papa said she liked to…babble I think you call it? But what I do know that it is too important and I need to carry it with me.” Your voice quieted down as faint footsteps crunch the snow behind you only to find Maester Luwin. Deciding that you were done speaking, you stood up and ran to him to see if he could spend some extra time with you how to read and write out Common Tongue.

In that moment, Robb had the most brilliant idea in the world. Truth be told, the preparations alone were remarkably tedious and was probably more trouble than it was worth for a girl Robb had known for a fairly short period of time. It took weeks of searching the castle town to see if any of the jewelers had even heard of “black jade,” let alone worked with it. It was by some miracle only performed by the gods that he half stumbled upon an elderly near blind carver that once apprenticed under a master jeweler who dedicated his life in studying the different practices across the world in the slums. However, Robb was not so young and green to life to expect such luck to spring in his path without something else in demand. But the old man simply asked the chance to meet the wearer of the finished product so that he may see the face of the person who captured the young heir’s heart.

“Though my eyes have almost lost their sight, make no mistake that this old man had lived long enough to know that those in your position would not go so far for someone that did not mean a great deal to you.” He spoke so softly as if witnessing a memory unraveling before him. “And if I had the fortune of my sight, I am sure that your eyes would betray what you deny.”

It took great efforts separating the stone from you, and Robb truly feared for his life if you found out it was him that took it before the product was completed. Thankfully, the old man was a master craftsman, with tools made of bone and fingers so nimble and quick you would never think the man blind at all. When Robb had presented the dragon pendent to you, you first lashed at him something fierce, but in seeing the work had your words failed you. When your eyes lit up and you hugged him so tightly that he thought all the wind had left him, Robb found himself unable to speak. When you had been pushed so that he could breathe, but kissed his cheeks with tears in your eyes, did Robb hear his heart beat at an ungodly pace. Finally, when you had gifted him your name with happiness in your voice, when you chose him to be the first to know your name, did Robb realize that from that day forward, he loved you. He knew you to be the keeper of his heart and soul since he was a lad to when he would become a man.

~End of Flashback~

When he had first awoken from his injuries, barely able to breathe, and you were sitting next to him. Your eyes were filled with glee as you reached for his waterskin and tipped it so gently and carefully to not spill on his wounds. As laid on his cot, cursing himself for falling for such a trap and endangering his men and causing the death of his wife and unborn child. You said no words, only when you so lovingly placed your arms around his neck, allowing his head to rest on your shoulder, did he fall silent. He sat up and held you against him with both arms as you laid tender kisses in his hair. When he looked into your eyes, and begged you to kiss him as he wanted you to for as so long, and though your eyes were uncertain you laid him down on his back, and placed your lips upon his. In that moment Robb’s world felt so whole and happiness had filled so completely that tears escaped and a sob of pure joy was choked out. He knew that he was yours, he always had been, but finally you were his. How happy he was when you pulled away and smiled down at him so sweetly, and you told him to rest so that he can gain strength to fight for his kingdom, his people, his family. How deliriously in love was he in doing exactly as you asked.

And imagine the confusion he felt when he had awoken expecting you by side, only to be met with his lost little sister Arya and his mother. Imagine the fear in hearing how you had left the camp as part of a deal to save him and his men. Imagine the betrayal coursing through him learning that you drugged the water you placed on his lips with a powerful drug that would put him in a heavy sleep that was meant to last a week rather than only 3 days. Imagine the unadulterated fury filling his body as he quickly dressed and called for his steed and Grey Wind to track your scent. And imagine how his heart broke watching the ship being released from its dock, and in a final act of desperation to see your face, he called out your name as Grey Wind let out an ear-shattering howl. Imagine the joy he felt seeing your body turn and your eyes gazed into one another, knowing you hadn’t expected to find you so quickly.

“You will run, you will hide, you can do whatever it takes to be away from me. It will not matter, for in the end I will find you.” Robb’s vow was further his cemented as he rode closer to his camp, ready were the words to carry out the traitors’ executions. “You thought you could escape your wolf, when really all you did was prolong your inevitable fate as his future queen.” Robb’s teeth clenched as he thought this, how stupid you were indeed. To think he would ever let you go now that he tasted your lips, felt your body pressed against his chest, saw your sweet smile as you laid him down to rest. Oh, what he planned to do to you the moment you were in his arms, his cock grew strained and he could feel it leaking at just the thought of him claiming you. He relished at the thought of gazing upon your naked body, laying kisses and bites upon your collarbone and neck for the world to see. He was desperate to suck and nip your breasts as he plays with your soaked cunt with his thick fingers. He could see it so perfectly, you begging for him to mate with you like the bitch in heat you are, begging for his thick cock to ruin you for anyone who even thinks to look at you. How you mewl so obscenely as he slowly slides his throbbing member into your tight heat. Once he is fully sheathed into your wet cunt, and his tip kisses the entrance of your womb, as he intends to go at an ungodly pace with you at his mercy begging to be filled by his pups. How happy you are when he releases load into your womb and praying to the gods old and new that you can be blessed with a child immediately. And how he intends to do so over and over and over until his name is the only thing you can remember.


黛玉 (Dài yù): Black Jade

龙力 (Lóng lì): Dragon Force

王 (Wáng): king, but in this context of the story, it just serves as a very common surname

小玉 (Xiǎoyù): Little Jade

妈妈爸爸说她喜欢... (Māmā bàba shuō tā xǐhuān...): Mom and Dad say she likes to...

Please be kind as this is the first fanfic and smut I have even written, but still please like, comment, and reblog!!!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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4 years ago

Hii! 🍧

I’m a writer in the BTS fandom, and a member of @thebtswritersclub !

I write because it is a fun way to express myself :D Hope you feel safe here, as much as I do, and that you enjoy my stories ^^

here is my masterlist ! <3

You’re free to interact and give feedback !! It’ll make my day and give me strength to keep going ♡

Also I’d love to make friends : my DMs are open (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

info abt me : my name is Lufy ! I’m an asexual bIack woman and I use any pronouns 🦋

ults : btsloona, and more particularly namkook 🐰🐨💜

tags : ask lufy! , lufy talk! ☆

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8 months ago

Please repost!

Palestine, Sudan, Congo, many more. All are war crimes and acts against humanity.

Please Repost!
Please Repost!
Please Repost!
Please Repost!
Please Repost!
Please Repost!
Please Repost!

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1 year ago

Being inclusive with your reader insert fic is a kindness. It tells people of color (poc) that you are considering someone who does not look like you in your fic. It shows love and dedication to our craft. It tells poc that they belong here too and they can see themselves in your story.

Poc aren’t look for activism in fic, we know fandom isn’t that serious, but we should be able to have that same level of escapism when we turn to fic and fandom. We belong here too. This space is for everyone, not just one group of people.

Just to give a few examples of how simple it can be: say “skin warmed” instead of blushed, say “cradled your head” instead of running fingers through hair, say “angles yourself to kiss” instead of standing on tiptoes, use italics to indicate Spanish to take out a throwaway line of “you didn’t understand Spanish” things like that. Small changes that do not impact the fic at all but make a world of difference in inclusivity!

And for anything you can’t/don’t want to change, simply add warning in the beginning. Things like hair descriptors, anything reader might wear, some backstory for reader (especially involving family or where the story is set), readers job, things like that. A lot of times just having that heads up before the fic makes a world of difference!

And one example of kindness we as writers always worked to change: until recently (just a couple years ago) it wasn’t common to label the gender of the reader. But those who aren’t female asked writers to label it so they know which to read and which to avoid, and now it’s common to label the gender/pronouns of the reader. So it is possible! It just takes effort! And I’m a writer myself so I know it can be done!

We can pretend to be a bartender or a bounty hunter or an actress or anything else. But we shouldn’t have to imagine we’re a white one.

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1 year ago

Missing you

Missing You

Khalil Payne moved to Akashic Valley in order to protect Jennifer, the love of his life. He feared relapsing into painkiller and killing the Pierce family. Here he had no friends, no family, no home. At least here he was far from Freeland.

He had tried to forget Jennifer Pierce, the girl he loved and left behind. He had tried to erase the memories of their time together, the kisses, the laughs, the promises. He had tried to convince himself that he was better off without her, that she deserved someone who wasn't a monster. But he couldn't forget her. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't stop dreaming about her. He struggled daily to resist the temptation to go back to Freeland and see Jennifer and his friends there.

The only thing helping him resist this temptation is getting updates from TC during their monthly appointments. Where they try to remove the kill order in Painkiller.

Today was one of those appointments that resulted in failure as the previous ones were. To distract himself from the failure he asked TC for updates on everyone there. To which TC updated him on the new school program of robotics that he has enrolled in to better their chances of removing the kill order and his new girlfriend. When asked about Jennifer TC hesitated to tell him that she had moved on Connor Hawke, the son of the former Green Arrow, Oliver Queen.

He immediately hung up and went to his room. There he felt a surge of emotion, a mix of anger, jealousy, and longing. He couldn't believe that Jennifer had moved on and she was with someone who wasn''t him. He wanted to see her, to talk to her, to hold her. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry, that he still loved her, that he wanted to be with her.

But he knew he couldn't. He knew that if he approached her, he would put her in danger. He knew that Painkiller would try to kill her, or worse. He knew that he had to stay away from her, for her own sake. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but he couldn't. He saw her face in his mind, her smile, her eyes, her hair. He heard her voice in his ears, her laugh, her whisper, her scream. He felt her touch on his skin, her lips, her hands, her tears. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He whispered to himself, "I miss you, Jen. I miss you so much."

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1 year ago

Absolutely well said!! POC readers and writers, including myself, have had to either imagine the reader or Y/N through a Eurocentric lens. As wonderful as some fics are and how talented the writer is, seeing ourselves represented in some way makes us acknowledged in a space that may otherwise leave us behind.

Write us with our fros and our braids. Write us speaking our first languages. Write us with cellulite and stretch marks.

Write. Us.

While we’re on the subject on inclusivity:

Inclusivity in your mood boards is just as important as inclusivity in the fic itself. Please try to include poc and curvy images in your mood boards as well! Please!

Your moodboard is the introduction to your story and sets the mood and the vibe. When you only have skinny white girls in your moodboards, you’re communicating a message that’s all who you thought of while writing and that’s the only type who is attractive and desirable to the characters. Poc deserve to feel seen too and feel like they were thought of while writing. Especially so when you’re writing for characters of color!

You don’t even have to use *only* poc or curvy pictures for your mood boards. Including different skin tones to show that you made the effort is much appreciated. You could also use shadow images or fully blacked out silhouettes to hide the skin tone altogether. There are plenty of resources and images out there that you should be able to find more than just skinny white girls. I know is it takes a little extra digging but it’s very much worth it to show inclusivity!

I know Pinterest is the bane of image finding, but it can be a good resource to find poc images. Just search (whatever aesthetic you’re looking for) + dark skin or person of color or something similar and you’ll find plenty of images. And the more you save the more images will show up in your feed. I constantly collect images to have references later when I need them.

Unsplash is another good resource to find poc models and images. And there’s also models of color pages right here on tumblr! There are resources out there it just takes a little effort to find the right images!

And as an ending note: using only skinny white girls in your mood board and then putting a disclaimer like “images do not represent reader they’re just fitting the aesthetic” isn’t the work around you think it is. I understand it’s not done in purpose and you most likely don’t realize it, but saying that says poc don’t fit your aesthetic and it’s still alienating and hurtful. Just something to keep in mind.

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1 year ago

summer fries - date scenario, pov reader - day 3

Summer Fries - Date Scenario, Pov Reader - Day 3

'What are you doing?'

I was shocked as Cha Eunwoo snagged a fry from my fingers with his teeth.

'I couldn't resist. It was either that hot fry or your caramel fingers '

My cheeks went pink, pinker than they already were under the hot LA sun.

'What do you mean by that?'

He cocked his head to the side, and lazily let his gaze drift across my front. He somehow was making me melt faster than the hot summer day.

He reached across the picnic table, and grabbed my forearm. I looked down instinctively, and melted even further from seeing the contrast of his lighter golden skin against my deeper bronze, and his muscular masculine hand against my softer skin. He bent down to look me directly in the eyes.

'Let's go back to my place, and I'll rub cold cream on all of your hot spots.'

I gasped, but it only encouraged him to get up and draw me closer. I didn't know what exactly I was in for, but I couldn't wait to find out.


Day 3 of studying reallllly hard, so this was my reward. 💪 Hope you guys like it!! I'm open to any suggestions for improving my writing, or for topics as well! Thanks for reading 😁

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1 year ago

teach me - cha eunwoo x reader- day 8

Teach Me - Cha Eunwoo X Reader- Day 8
Teach Me - Cha Eunwoo X Reader- Day 8

'Big deep breath in, and flooooat!'

I gently pushed up against Cha Eunwoo's big back in the water so that he could master the back float.

I was briefly was distracted by the water droplets on his abs glistening underneath the Thai sun. But, I was brought back to the situation at hand when Eunwoo's golden fingers wrapped around my dark bronze forearm.

'Am I doing it right?' For the first time ever since I got to know him, Eunwoo sounded... nervous?

'Yeah, baby, good job.' I winked at my baby, so proud of him.

'Okay baaaay-beeee...' Eunwoo cocked an eyebrow and I could see a glimmer of his normal, playful personality come back. 'Your turn.'

I gulped. I wasn't nervous to swim, but I was...

'I want to see your sexy body,' he huskily whispered in my ear. He had somehow abandoned his floating position and now was standing and was glued to my side, all without making a sound. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and I felt like I was lost in a special world that held just the two of us.

But since we were in public, I was nervous about my so-called 'sexy' body.

'Here, looks like I need to teach you now.'

It was his turn to be gentle as he pulled my arms from my torso. He then simultaneously pushed one of my shoulders down into the water with one hand and pushed my back up with the other. I felt my boobs being buoyed by the water, and reached to cover them. I should *not* have worn this hot pink bikini, but *he* had convinced me otherwise this morning.

He clicked his tongue, and somehow made even that sound sexy. 'No no no.' He covered my hands with his, and I felt his fingertips gently massage my chest for a second, before pulling my hands away.

His plush lips once again returned to the shell of my ear.

'No.' He interlocked our fingers together.

'No.' He pulled my back to his front, my derriere settling into the crook of his hips.

'No.' His lips found mine for the briefest, most beautiful second, and then he let go.

My eyes were closed and I was panting. When I opened them, I saw Eunwoo had never closed his at all.

'Hey, why do you keep staring at me? My face, my body...' I whined.

'Like I said, you're sexy, Noona. You have to trust me the way you want me to trust the water.'

I sighed, amazed at my dreamy boyfriend. How did I get so lucky? I rested my head against his hard chest, and mumbled, 'I guess we'll take it one lesson at a time.' I felt my cheeks burn.

I could feel his chest rumble before I even heard his laugh. He then drew us deeper into the water, effortlessly, with a smooth, practiced swimmer's kick.

'Ya!! You know how to swim!'

I looked up accusingly at him. Somehow I was laying on his chest while we were both in ths water. What can't he do, I thought to myself.

Cha Eunwoo just winked and laughed some more. I couldn't help but join in.

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11 months ago

you're mine noona - pt 2 - cha eunwoo x reader - day 15

You're Mine Noona - Pt 2 - Cha Eunwoo X Reader - Day 15

[For reading my past entries, I recommend searching the following tag: #cha eunwoo x reader ; enjoy!]

[Pt 1: https://www.tumblr.com/blowingcookies/746785037098385408/youre-mine-noona-pt-1-cha-eunwoo-x-reader?source=share ]

You closed the windows to your cottage. With all the rain and humidity, your curly hair needed a break from all of the moisture, just as you needed a break from the main house. That's why you decided it was time to move into the little cottage in the far backyard; with how the funeral went, a little distance couldn't hurt.

You set up your laptop on the countertop, intent on watching some kdramas while cooking and cleaning, when someone knocked at your door. 'Who could that be?' you thought to yourself.

Before you could make it to the door, it opened.

'Hi Noona.' Dark eyes bore into yours, and you gasped.

Big, solemn, and wet, the uninvited guest moved into your kitchen and personal space . Cha Eunwoo's thick, corded arm reached around to shut off the stove behind you, and he bent down to whisper roughly into your ear.

'Careful. We wouldn't want another accident.'

A cry left your lips, and you tried moving past him, but he was like a steel wall. His hands went into your hair, then one grasped the back of your neck to pull your head back.

'This is how things are going to go...'

'No, Eunwoo, leave me alone!' You felt desperate to leave, knowing if you stayed you would give into him and be humiliated once more. Again, you struggled against his hold, but to no avail.

'Noona...' He drew out the dreaded word, mouthing the vowels against your dark cheek.

Suddenly, you had an idea. Talking back, struggling, and being passive weren't working, so you had to change tactics. You subtly palmed the keys in your jean pocket while stroking his cheek with your other hand. He shuddered, and loosened his hold.

'Interesting,' you thought to yourself.

You then caressed the sides of his torso, letting your fingertips dig into his slightly fleshy sides. He was startled, and moved slightly back.

This was your chance. Feinting left initially, you went to the right side towards the door. You miraculously made it to your little Volkswagen Beetle car, but before you could open it, Eunwoo's golden hand slammed against the blue paint next to the handle.

You looked back in horror at him.

'You know you're just adding to your punishment, right?' He smirked, and your heart sank.


I was able to get through some more questions; if I finish the set tomorrow, I'll write a (hopefully) good sm*t chapter next!

Thank you so much for reading, and for being part of my study journey ❤️

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1 year ago
Katsuko Gaiden

Katsuko Gaiden

WIP Intro

Genre: Romance, Fantasy

POV: Third person limited

Warnings: Violence, blood, implied sexual activity (fade to black)

Setting: Heian Period (794-1185) Japanese fantasy, in the underwater palace of the sea god. Queer-accepting setting.

Summary: Inspired by the Japanese folk tale Urashima Taro. When the ship of the nobleman she worked for capsized, Itazaki Katsuko was expected to go down with it. Instead, she's rescued from her watery grave by the eldest daughter of the sea god himself. Tasked with being the princess' personal guard, it isn't long before they find themselves a little too close.

Being mortal, Katsuko's existence is only tolerated in the underwater palace. If anyone were to find out, there was no telling if the sea god would even give her the mercy of a quick death.

(Pictures aren't mine)

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1 year ago

Asteria Heights

Asteria Heights

WIP Intro

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Fantasy

POV: Third person limited

Warnings: Blood, descriptions of mild gore, mild violence

Setting: Modern-day gated community filled with magic.

Summary: A quiet, sleepy gated community is plagued by a sudden series of “Robin Hood” murders. While nervous, normal citizens felt relatively safe--until a seemingly innocent woman turns up dead. Now, the entire community is in a panic. Because Francesca Soren wasn’t just an innocent woman--she was also human. 

And when Francesca’s family starts demanding answers, the residents of Asteria Heights, all various supernatural creatures who’ve spent their entire lives hiding in plain sight--are in danger of not only death, but of being discovered.

Perhaps the last person to ever be encouraged to get involved is Megumi Wilson, college student and witch. But something is odd about her neighbor Fran's murder, and when the police refuse to listen, Meg decides to take matters into her own hands, for Fran's sake.

(Pictures aren't mine)

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1 year ago

Crown of Blood (unofficial title)

Crown Of Blood (unofficial Title)

WIP Intro

Genre: Dark Fantasy, Suspense, Political Intrigue

POV: First person

Warnings: Blood, violence, death

Setting: Pseudo-Medieval European and Japanese fusion fantasy kingdom

Summary: Kairi never considered what would happen when she died. She always figured she’d find out when the time came. She never realized that time would come so soon. After a freak car accident, she wakes up not only in a life not her own, but in one that is all too familiar. 

She finds herself in the world of the last book she read as none other than the main antagonist, the dreaded Princess Adrasteia. Now, Kairi must scramble to not only survive a new and dangerous life filled with more enemies than allies, but to change the course of her own ending. But nothing-and no one- are as they originally appeared, especially compared to what Kairi remembers from the novel. And as for Adrasteia… it seems she isn’t as “gone” as Kairi might have thought.

(Pictures aren't mine)

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The Beginnings of Larion (Part 2)

The only thing that managed to stop their chaos were the giants from the sky, the only ones that lived up in the clouds. These giants were known for their compassionate ways and strength, along with harnessing high intelligence. They used the ancient tongue of scrolls in their communities and wrote it with ease, learning to decipher it for the rest of the land with their magic. Unfortunately, they were on the side of the Barbarian Giants at one point, thinking that their conquest would aid in an era of flourishment for the beings below but learned that their actions would only bring in sadness and death to those affected. So they left their barbaric allies and decided to stay in the clouds for safety, soon learning that the rest of their kind caused more bloodshed as they slayed more majestic animals. One of the sky giants decided to take action against their former allies, and his name was Aevargar. Aevargar was already well known as a leader of the sky giants, having formed them as a clan after they left for the clouds and led them away from a life of devouring humans and elves. With his skills of leadership on full display, he encouraged the other sky giants to head back to the land below to stop the barbarians yet many did resist. Those who didn’t followed him on the flight below, having sprouted wings from overexposure to magical clouds. A fight breaks out the moment they land in the Golden Barrows mystical forest, being claimed to have infiltrated new Barbarian territory. The sky giants defended the land for weeks, plaining and enacting rescue missions to get the magical creatures back from their enemies. Once a month had passed, many of the animals and people who lived in the forest were returned, giving Aevargar and the sky giants praise. Word about their success spreaded throughout the rest of the land, many sending thanks to the sky realm. Aevargar decided to harness the praise and asked for the sky giants to become Larion’s protectors, allowing them to have say over all in the realm. Fortunately his efforts worked, the magical beings of Golden Barrows annointed Averagar as the first king of the Cloud Realm and his kind as the official protectors of the people of Larion. Many rejoiced as soon Aevargar wouldn’t be the only royal, getting married to a fellow giant by the name of Mabrika. 

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