Shimada Brothers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Old Drawing From November. Re-watched The Dragons Short, Wanted To Draw The Angsty Japanese Brothers.

Old drawing from november. re-watched the dragons short, wanted to draw the angsty japanese brothers.

bonus sketch page: 

Old Drawing From November. Re-watched The Dragons Short, Wanted To Draw The Angsty Japanese Brothers.

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7 months ago

Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon

This was actually gonna be very simple sketch after playing like ass as hanzo lol i may suck but he will forever be my husband

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5 years ago
Genji: Thanks For Having My Back, But Wasnt That A Bit Much?Hanzo: No.

Genji: Thanks for having my back, but wasn’t that a bit much…? Hanzo: No.

Just some wholesome Shimada content. 

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3 years ago

hanzo’s kanezaka skin

ok so I know his skin came out sooo long ago but I have no idea if someone talked about this already:

Hanzos Kanezaka Skin

his skin? doesn’t it look as if it could be an Overwatch uniform?

from his lore related skins like his default (his cinematic clothes), scion (the time when he ran a yakuza) and casual (when he went through a mid-life crisis, while also making an appearance in one of the comics), all three of them all have a specific design choice which is that they’re all blue, his whole theme.

Hanzos Kanezaka Skin
Hanzos Kanezaka Skin
Hanzos Kanezaka Skin

pls ugly hanzo came up first okay

another important detail is his name.

what we know of Hanzo, mentioned in his cinematic fight against Genji, he has stated many assassins came for him but he was always successful on his own. if he did have a partner, they might have been mentioned by now but there is nothing confirmed.

why would he have his own name on him if he worked alone?

that’s because he doesn’t; he works for Overwatch.

sure that may be a huuge stretch but what if he did? the orange and black theme matches well with Overwatch’s logo. the name on his strap may also be a name tag or something to refer to the agents to. and why would he even need (ugly) glasses if he was literally trained at birth? it may be old age or possibly a gift from the team.

even with recent cinematics/ leaks of Overwatch 2, we can clearly see that Overwatch is getting back together with new and old heroes. Hanzo could be one of them !!!

anyways, that was my take on his new skin. it could be wrong but it still intrigued me how he put his own name on a bow; a weapon no other character (that we know of) uses in the game.

btw I haven’t caught up on all other heroes’ lore or looked much into Hanzo’s besides knowing the gist of it so please, I’ll be happy to hear your own theories :)

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4 years ago
Aaand Its 2Demons Once Again. This Time Very Colorful Hanzo And Genji Who I Love.

Aaand It’s 2Demons once again.  This time very colorful Hanzo and Genji who I love.  

I can’t think of anything else other than I made this while suffering art block and if ya haven’t read 2Demons by Dilfosaur, you should.  It’s amazing, trust me.

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3 years ago

I'm listening to a riding on a "carriage ride through the woods" ambiance playlist and I got inspired. Enjoy.

The night is still, there are no storms tonight. A winding path with swaying tress that surround it. It's beautiful, really. The peace of the wind, moon; the chirping of nearby insects, the occasional who from a wise owl. And the sound of hooves hitting pure earth. What they carry makes soft clinging chimes, but it is not overpowering. Just peace. Just the night.

Two men on horseback walk down what seems to be a never ending path tonight.

Hanzo shimada, the dark archer in a hooded cloak; riding a midnight mare. He carries bow and arrow on his back, he didn't trust putting it with the luggage. What can be seen of his body, show's it's defined, perfectly muscular in the smoothest way known to man. Or elf, in his case. His hair is sleek and soothing like the darkest blues of the sky, long as well. But it is tied back in a low ponytail with a golden Seigaiha ribbon acting as a tie. For the features under his hood, it twists in the meanest form of resting bitch face.

Riding beside this powerful elf is Jesse McCree, a simple human with impeccable aim. His horse varies, a strong stallion with amber hair and a mix of white and brown spots. He wears another cloak, one much more decorated and worn. It's red with western sunsets that act as accents. Most predominantly about his style, is his boots that have spurs, yes they make sound as well; and a leather cowboy hat that's seen better days. Jesse's cream button down has chest armor that catches the moon's reflection in it. He always wears a holster over his layered pants, it has a revolver he calls "Peacekeeper" in it.

Another thing to note about these two wanderers is the emotions they carry. Jesse Cowboy McCree is relaxed with that lopsided grin on his face. He rides like it's the most soothing thing in the world, like he's done this his whole life. If the peace this night had a embodiment, it'd be him.

Hanzo hardass Shimada, rides with posture and a tight grip on his horse's leash. Resting bitch face giving no signs of going away. He clashes with the night.

Jesse - You need to take a break?

Jesse genuinely asks. It catches Hanzo off guard and he takes his time answering.

Hanzo - No.

Hanzo trots past Jesse, who quickly catches up, getting amused despite Hanzo's annoyance.

Jesse - It's just, if ya squeeze that leash any tighter it might break.

Hanzo finally, finally, turns to him in a stone cold stare. Yet Jesse doesn't look away from it.

Jesse - Something bothering you?

He asks once more, still laced with care. Hanzo sighs like this is the hardest thing he's had to do today.

Hanzo - Are we not out in the open, vulnerable? We could be attacked by anything.

Jesse chuckles, as if Hanzo just told the funniest joke. Which does nothing to ease Hanzo.

Jesse - Darlin', I'm the best gunslinger there ever was. We can defend ourselves just fine.

Hanzo rolls his eyes, but Jesse does notice the slight realise in the man's hands.

Jesse - So stop worrying so much, and just enjoy this.

Hanzo - What is there to enjoy?

Jesse scoffs.

Jesse - The quiet, Darlin'.

Hanzo shoots up, not expecting that answer. Not in a million years, not from someone as gregarious and smooth as Jesse McCree.

Hanzo - Quiet?

Jesse - Yeah, the thing you love so much.

Hanzo shakes his head. His hoarse does too, seemingly interested but in a way that she's judging Hanzo.

Hanzo - I did not mean to oppose-

Jesse - I know, ya don't have to apologize. It's weird for me to like that, I get it.

There's a pause where Hanzo hears Jesse breath. It's soft and alive and deep. Hanzo waits.

Jesse - I'm a social guy and you've only seen that side, so it's understandable. Doesn't mean I don't like alone time where I can just-

Jesse pauses and Hanzo honestly thinks he's pushed too much. He focuses back on the road, still never ending. The little pebbles, the dirt, the speks of grass that's made its way on the path. So many little pieces of material coming together to paint a portrait.

Hanzo's daydreaming stops by a sudden drawl, it forces its way into his brain and pulls his head to look at the source.

Jesse - Just... relax. I can think whatever I want to. Say everything I never got to say, apologize to my mama for leaving her behind to join some gang and hope she hears me.

Jesse chuckles, and that softness and life and warmth melting into hurt that he tries to conceal with a dry laugh. Hanzo still stares at him in a different, empathetic, expression. After a pause, he finds the courage to speak.

Hanzo - I... used to have people too.

Jesse's heard snippets of this, so he keeps his mouth in interest to know more. He doubts he'll get the full story, but partial is just as good.

Hanzo - I- ... I used to have a little brother. When we were children, he meant everything to me. Every time I would find my classmates picking on him I'd defend him. At night when he had nightmares so bad he wouldn't fall back asleep, I soothed him. And-

Hanzo smiles sadly.

Hanzo - When we'd steal treats from the kitchen I would eat the parts of them he didn't want.

Jesse smiles too.

Jesse - Sounds like a dream, Darlin'

Hanzo - It was. But it never lasts; as we got older, we stopped.

He stops, unable to go on. He tenses again. Jesse speaks so kindly, it takes over Hanzo's mind twice.

Jesse - It all went to hell.

Hanzo nods.

Jesse - You don't have to talk about it if it hurts too much. I'm just glad I got you to loosen up for a minute.

Hanzo laughs, small but sincere. Jesse finds it evading his own brain.

Jesse - I um, had a few sisters. Was the only boy so pop tried hard to make sure I didn't grow up weak. Be the man when he was gone and all that.

A pause.

Jesse - He- He wasn't my favorite. I joined Deadlock cause I didn't want to die in a barn, like him. I didn't cry when he-

Jesse breaths again, regaining some of his warmth.

Jesse - My ma was that everything to me. She taught me and my sisters how to read animals, instead of just riding them. Included me in lessons on how to make flower crowns when pop wasn't looking. Her and my sisters were the only thing I regret leaving behind.

As Hanzo was about to speak, they reached a clearing. Jesse scanned it, then smiled.

Jesse - About time. Hey Han, help me set up?

Hanzo chooses to leave the past conversation behind to join Jesse on the ground. Gone is the tense full of a frown and not needed posture, he was relaxed now. A thought pashed past him, that he'd have to thank Jesse for this, but that was left behind too.

Hanzo - Sure.

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3 years ago

Could you draw the Shimada bros as dragons?

Could You Draw The Shimada Bros As Dragons?

The amount that went into this was weeks worth of thought even tho it's not much. But may I present, dragon Shimada's / sum pride cuz of the month. Hope ya like it, I hate it for the mental strain it gave meh.

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7 years ago

thanksgiving with overwatch

genji:im thankful for my brother hanzo

hanzo:b-but i tried to kill you-

genji: im thankful for my brother hanzo killing me so i could get this tight cybernetic ass.

Thanksgiving With Overwatch

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2 years ago
It Took Me Six Years To Finally Finish This

it took me six years to finally ‘finish’ this

original ‘sketch’ under the cut (oct. 2, 2016)

Keep reading

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