Pcos - Tumblr Posts
My favorite part of PCOS is forgetting for months that I have eggs, then one day feeling like someone took a rusty viking sword right through my left ovary for almost a full week.
But yeah, tell me more about how it’s “just a period cramp” and I should just “ignore it like a proper adult.” There are more important things I have to get done, right?
It’s 1am and I’m cold, bloodied, and alone.
PCOS has struck again, that bitch.
Guys I’m so angry I don’t know what’s wrong with my body. I’m so drained right now because of my blood sugar. This morning it was at 169, I’ll check again at lunch but like ZAMN. IDEK WHATS WRONG WITH ME CAUSE MY MOM HAS PRE DIABETES AND PCOS AND MY DAD HAS HYPO-GLICEMIA(however you spell that) AND IT MAKES ME ANGRY CAUSE GRRRRR
Guess who just found out that they have PCOS. 💃🕺💃🕺
I'm scared.
A few days ago, I was found to have a teratoma--a somewhat rare and disgusting, but most likely benign, kind of cyst/tumor--on my right ovary. Then, today, I was diagnosed with PCOS due to my elevated DHEA-sulfate levels.
Is it good that I discovered all this so I can have it treated? Yes, of course! But I'm feeling nervous and honestly kind of hopeless about what lies ahead.
PCOS is correlated with higher risks of all sorts of wonderful things: insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, endometrial cancer, anxiety, depression... All that good stuff. So now I'm freaking out about how my upcoming glucose tolerance test will go, but more importantly, how I'm going to live the rest of my life. I'm already on a ton of different medications for my other health conditions. I don't want another one just for this. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to "treat myself" with a nice dessert or even a slightly sugary drink like lemonade again, either. I don't want to permanently give up my favorite foods for one stupid disease that just decided to worm its way into my life.
I don't know if anyone in my family understands just how distraught I am. It's not their fault; I keep making stupid jokes about my "inevitable demise" to cope/divert attention from how I'm really feeling, and even when they do see that I'm worried, I play everything off like I'm completely fine. But I'm not. My mind is racing at billions of light years per second. I'm barely holding myself together on the outside. And on the inside?
I'm frightened and absolutely lost. I feel like an inferior version of my brother. I was born first, but I also have the vast majority of medical issues between the two of us, with this whole situation increasing the gap further; it feels like the universe used me as a rough draft before "perfecting" him. I know that's not true, but emotions don't really listen to reason and truth, you know? I don't feel anything negative toward him, and I don't wish any tragedies on him to "make up" for what I'm going through. I'm just confused and upset. I'm scared that I won't really have a chance to simply live life the way others my age do.
I don't want to lose my ability to enjoy life.
Dang. I didn't realize how much I needed to read this today.
PCOS has been a bit rough for me in the weight gain department over the past couple of years--not the worst it could be, but still enough to make me self-conscious about it. I've had stretch marks for years because puberty do be like that sometimes, but the recent weight gain has caused more of them to appear, some of which are quite long and rough. Add that to some preexisting appearance drama involving my F/O and an IRL friend (I won't spill the tea here, as it is something I'd like to keep private), and you've got a recipe for an unconfident mess.
This post...means a lot, to say the least. Thank you for reminding me that my appearance doesn't determine my worth. Thank you for reminding me that I am deserving of love. Thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone in having a fictional other.
Thank you, kind Internet stranger, for making me feel just a little bit more accepted today.
HI. HAVING THOUGHTS. i have stretchmarks. i know its hard to believe because im like, the human equivalent to a twig. but i have them. and i LOOOVE them. so you know what?
shoutout to selfshippers with stretchmarks!!!
to those who got them via fluctuating weight change like me! its not very fun constantly being a weight rollercoaster, whether it was at one point in your life or you still do, but you came out with amazing tiger stripes regardless!!
to those who's stretchmarks are a sign that they got bigger! whether its because youre recovering, you had a sudden weight gain, you've always been big, or youre bigger bodied for some other reason, your stretchies are so cute!!
to those who have them because they got thinner. whether the subject is more sensitive like an ED, or an illness, or you personally really wanted to lose weight, your stretchmarks are awesome!!
to those who's stretchmarks predominately are on their lower halves(also like me), yours are fucking awesome!! whether its on the tummy, the waist, the ass, the thighs(inner and outer!!), the calves, the shins, the knees— your stretchmarks rock!!
to those who's dominate the upper half of their body, fuck yeah your stretchmarks are so amazing!! whether its on the shoulders, the chest area, your actual tits/pectorals/chest area, your upoer arms, your elbows, your forearms— your stretchmarks are stunning!!
i don't know if there are any selfshippers who fit this, but if you're in the community and you've given birth or you've been pregnant, your stretchmarks are such an incredible show of strength!!
to the selfshippers who's stretchmarks are faint!! to the selfshippers who's stretchmarks are vibrant!! to the selfshippers who's stretchmarks are new!! to the selfshippers who's stretchmarks are old!! your stretchies are fucking fantabulous!!
to the selfshippers who are confident and love their stretchmarks and dont mind them!! you fucking go!!
to the selfshippers who aren't as confident and just can't see the beauty in your stretchmarks!! i get it, but that won't fucking stop me from calling you cute!!!! i can only hope you'll see the beauty in them one day :((
to the selfshippers who show them off!! to the selfshippers who don't!! to the selfshippers who honestly dont give a shit!! you're so valid!!
your f/o(s) would LOVE your stretchmarks they are OBSESSED with them!! they may find them cute, they may find them attractive, they may find them hot, they may find them as a sign of strength or growth for you!! they love your stretchmarks so much!! they love to kiss them, they love to feel them, they love to admire them!! your f/os love your stretchmarks!!!
sorry i love stretchmarks so much and they make my world go round. ehehehehe
Hoping for (a) Season 3 of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, (b) a cure (or at least a new treatment that isn't birth control) for PCOS, (c) enough confidence and organization to juggle my two physics classes this semester, or (d) the ability to pass my Linear Algebra final with a B or higher. Any of these will suffice.
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
My freakshow of an endocrine system has me like
My experience with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
When I entered high school, I began to notice changes in my monthly menstrual cycle. It was when I turned 15 that I saw my period coming irregular. I thought I did something wrong to not see my period even though I’m not sexually active.
I have what they call a ‘deep’ monotone voice for a female. And trust me, I’m tired of the criticism and it seems like people have nothing else to do, but torment me. Also, I began my period very early at 9 years old and I remember I was in 3rd grade.
The symptoms I have due to PCOS:
-thinning hair
-oily skin that leads to pimples
-dark patches
-skin tags
-pelvic pain
-absent periods
May of 2009 I visited a general practitioner and he diagnosed me with PCOS after a array of tests that had to be performed. It was a very pricey doctor visit. However, my GP prescribed me pills to control my high blood pressure and gave me Metformin for my PCOS. But my biggest regret was not taking my medication like I was supposed to. I was confused about how to take the Metformin, and out of fear of overdosing, I discontinued it from the second week. I think that because I stopped taking Metformin, my health has deteriorated. I felt like everything has gotten worse. But good news is that I finally went back to get my prescription in late March, and I am back on Metformin. I see some effects of it, but I still need to put the effort to changing my lifestyle to accommodate my condition.
To my fellow PCOS battlers, how has your experience been so far? I for one am frustrated with the excessive hair growth and thinning hair.
This was initially suppose to be my weight loss blog.
And still is! My deepest apologies for being inactive. I guess I've been consumed by my other blog so much that I gave this one the cold shoulder.
I have lots to share in regards to:
-weight loss
Please bear with me!I will soon post photos of when I was my highest weight until now.
On another note, those cysters who have PCOS, what was your initial reaction when you first found out you were diagnosed?
I shouldn't eat these biscuits, but they're so good. Plus, they're not high in calories.
A Vague, Brief Introduction:
If anyone comes across this post, I want to informally introduce myself. My given name is Chelsea, but I’ve recently altered the spelling to Shellsea to coincide and fit the persona with the whole “sea” theme. Moving further, I am twenty years of age and I’m far from perfection. From as far back as I could recall, I’ve always had weight issues. It got worse my sophomore year in high school, where I went from being overweight to becoming morbidly obese. Every year after that has become a constant battle for me. I must admit that my inability to efficiently lose weight primarily deals with my struggle to defeat my negative mind. I feel as once I conquer and gain control of my mind, I will be headed towards success.
Nonetheless, I pretty positive that Tumblr’s weight loss community has expanded its interest in regards to wanting to lose weight and live a healthy, happier lifestyle. Kudos to all who makes that decision. No promises are guaranteed, but I’ve made a commitment to dedicate myself to lose weight in order to live a healthy, prolonged life.
I’m tired of the monotonous existing patterns that occur in my daily routine. I don’t want to become a victim of my own deception and false hopes. I mention deception because I’m one of those people who constantly tell themselves that they will change and they will do this or the next, or say they’ll lose weight and then you never live up to what you proposed. Sounds familiar right? But it seems like my bad eating habits and laziness prevent me from achieving my initial goals to lose weight.
It’s literally mind over matter! I need to understand that this is not a game of any sort because I’m putting my life at risk every time I neglect my body. Neither is it a competition or fad. You all should remember that it’s your life you’re dealing with. The sad part about existing on the face of this Earth is that life is not guaranteed. One day we could be here and tomorrow we could be deceased. And that’s what sort of had an impact on my decision to go on this weight loss journey and approach it differently. I’ve evaluated how I pretty much wasted 20 years of my being trapped in my own body, in my own mind, in my own misery, and never had the courage to stand up and change.
I see it as follows, I will become forty in twenty years (if I’m still alive by then). Forty alone seems ‘old’ in this generation. Every year you get older, your body starts to be prone to more health issues as age kicks in. I’m thinking how the hell could I relive the twenty years I wasted? The answer to that is that I can’t. But the good news is that I’m not letting that avoid me from succeeding. It’s been too long. Too long. Change makes all the difference in this world.
To be continued…
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is a condition that affects women in their reproductive years. It is basically the result of undeveloped ovarian follicles which create cysts that in turn release androgen (male hormones) into the bloodstream, causing an incurable chemical cycle....
Welp, this one’s gunna be pretty specific to me...
So not sure if anyone is gunna relate or anything, but I just gotta get it out...
So I was having a good time with my best friend, great time, drank a little, thinking about how I love this person, I adore them. They are great and I can just be so udderly me with them...
But of course it haaad to be ruined
I’ve been having some PCOS issues, hormones going all out of wack. So I’ve got some acne troubles and some slight facial hair crap on my lip (typical shit for PCOS)
And my friend decided to point this out, okay I guess, a little upsetting because I already know it’s there, we don’t have to point it out and you don’t have to let me know that you know, but okay maybe it’s just curiosity of what’s up because I’ve never had that before..
So I tell them, oh it’s because of the hormone problem, my dr told me about it, that it’s there because of the PCOS going full fledged right now.
So they say, “oh wow really? I figured it could cause acne problems, but I didn’t think it would turn you into a man”
I guess I can’t actually just be comfortable being me around you as much as I thought I could...
Having PCOS genuinely feels like having a fully developed monster in my body. I'll be happy and strong one minute and in an instant, the only thing I want to do is curl up and cry until I feel my entire soul has been depleted of any emotions. Don't get me wrong, I have been depressed way before my PCOS symptoms started but I can still clearly remember the time of my life when I completely lost control of myself. One summer, when I was actually at the peak of my physical fitness, I gained several pounds in weeks, lost any and every will to live and realised that my body is no longer listening or responding to me. To feel that helpless, especially when your life is constantly stressed and every other person is forcing you to study more, work harder, eat healthier, lose weight and all you want to do is wail so loud it shatters the whole world. My parents keep telling me it's just me being lazy and I believe them and end up hating myself more. With all this mental torture, my body goes through such high inflammations that it genuinely feels like I am burning in hell for 2 weeks straight until my period does arrive. I wake up more tired than I went to sleep and don't remember the last time I felt good about myself. There is no medical help or emotional support and as always, I have to help myself. It is truly excruciating.
Especially when they don't work properly and you are naturally unable to reproduce 🥰
Every time someone talks about how it's our "purpose" or how we're "meant to" to reproduce, I want to tear my reproductive organs out and slam them down on the table.