Penny Bunce - Tumblr Posts

hello lovelies! I was planning on doing the whole Carry On Countdown, but I got some really crappy family news so I´m not sure if I´ll actually manage to do so. However, I had todays lineart already done so here´s the finished version! The prompt was social media :)

Happy five years to these idiots! ❤️
I don't think smut scenes are supposed to make you cry but clearly Rainbow Rowell didn't get the memo because "If I want him warm, I have to do it myself" and "I can see him, even when I cant, even with my eyes closed- I know him too well" and "Is this was people do? Get as close as they can and then push closer? Burn each other into every gap? And then what? Then just tomorrow and more?" and "Just kiss me for the sake of kissing me" and "I want my sheets to smell like you" and "Be gentle with me...even though you don't have to" and "Don't say please. Why not? Because you don't have to. I'll give you whatever you want" and "I couldn't break him if I tried. I won't try" and "Is this what he wants? Is this what I'm allowed to take?" and "I was never magic" and "Is this magic? Is this enough?" And now I'm sobbing.
Simon: Baz made me feel things.
Penny: What things?
Simon: Feelings.
Penny: Baz made you feel feelings?
Simon: Yep.
Penny: What a bitch.
Baz: my bloodline ends with me
Penny: that’s a fancy ass way to say you’re gay

Happy Birthday Simon Snow Salisbury 🫡 Welcome to 27!!! I will always love you, thank you for teaching me that life can gets better and to keep trying 🌹

Women of the Simon Snow Trilogy
Thank you for the support for this collection. I love these women and I’m glad they exist in this awesome trilogy. Ps. Happy Birthday to Any Way The Wind Blows.
Somehow I forgot I did these after finishing Anyway the Wind Blows.... I think I made them to celebrate the end of the Carry On series... Well... they're a bit late for the party but here they are I guess ^^

i just read carry on and wayward son in less then 48 hours dhmu

thats all