Pennywise 2017 - Tumblr Posts
Spare Pennywise headcannons? Hmmm?
This is gonna be fun to write. I absolutely love this character with all my heart. Enjoy ✌️

•He’s super confused as to why you would spare him. He was being beaten to a pulp by your friends but all of the sudden you intervene and stop his pain. Why? That’s what he wants to know.
•Penny will now try to get the answer out of you. Which means he’s gonna follow you around like a lost puppy and bother you. He will walk around with you in human form and keep asking you about his pondering question.
•Once he gets his answer he still doesn’t understand. You felt bad for him? No one has ever felt that way towards a creature like him for millennia. Not even his own species did. So why do you? He doesn’t smell fear rittiling off of you, so he’s also confused about that.
•You becomes his favorite human to play around with. Penny will try to scare you all day long and sometimes to works, other times not so much. He refers to you as his “pet” or something close to that.
•Once you spared him, you aren’t getting rid of him. You now have to deal with him everyday. He will also become possessive of you. You are his little human after all and you saved him. He’s going to repay you in some way
•Having him around all the time now, you two form an actual bond with each other. Yes you do get into fights, which some are physical, but that’s because Pennywise doesn’t know how to deal with these emotions, hell any emotions. You two will walk together around town, Penny being disguised of course, and do anything really.
•He will send you little “gifts” from time to time to accommodate your kindness. After a meal he might think you’ll like the skull and wrap it up for you. Sometimes it’s actually normal things like bracelets, balloons, or candy, but mostly bones or slivers of flesh
pennywise sleeping with his s/o

•He loves to cuddle you when you come over and sleep in his nest with him. Penny just admired how he can wrap his arms around around and hold you against him and not leave
•Penny is a purring mess. He’ll get comfy and give off a small smile as you play with his hair and purr like a cat.
•Playing with his hair or puff balls helps you sleep, or listening to his heart beat. It’s like a little lullbably and you are unconscious in minutes.
•Of course this clown is going to litter you with little goodnight kisses and songs he’s heard over the millennia. It’s one of the sweetest things he does for you
•He will watch you sleep for a while before going asleep himself. He wants you to be safe and make sure no one is around to hurt you.
Pennywise is a short s/o?

•You’re so small compared to him and he doesn’t know what to do with you. You are one small human and he admires it.
•He has to bend down to give you a kiss or even go eye to eye with you. You’re like a regular house cat compared to a cougar. Penny doesn’t mind though
•He picks you up constantly. Whether it be to give you kisses or just hold you. He loves picking you up. You’re just so easy to carry.
•Penny is pretty protective of you. Not just because you’re his mate, but so small. No matter how much you try to convince him, he still believes you can break easily.
•He will deliberating put items on the tallest cupboard or shelf. Penny just loves fucking with you and see you struggle to grab what item you need. It always gets a kick out of him.
•He thinks it’s adorable how you will just sit in his lap and cuddle up to him. Your smaller frame just fits perfectly into his. Not to mention he can wrap his arms all the way around you and he loves it
Pennywise, Jason, and Chop Top reactions to their S/O pushing them into a chair and giving them a filthy lap dance? Cuz..... I thirst lol
I think everyone reading this is thirsty too 😂 you’re not alone

•Human? What are you doing? Why are pus-oh!
•It’s not the style of dancing he does, but he loves it. You keep doing what you’re doing and he’s a happy lil clown
•He’d be confused at first, not like he ever got a lap dance before, or even saw one for that matter. He does realize what you’re doing after a minute and just rolls with it.
•Penny is gonna ask you to do that more often. Maybe even teach him? He wants to give you a lap dance.
•Penny is a smiling mess the entire time. Drool falling out of his carnivorous mouth, eyes splitting apart at times, and not to mention lust.

•Jason is way too innocent for this. He doesn’t know what to do and he’s too scared to ask to know what you’re doing
•This poor boy just sits there the entire time just staring. Not sexually, just confused as to why you’re doing this
•He gets embarrassed when you have to explain to him what you’re doing, but once he knows, he doesn’t mind you doing it again.
•He finally understands what all those teens were doing and he understands why they do it. It’s fun.

•ChopTop is nothing but exited for this! Fuck yeah! A free dance! He’ll take that any day. Push him into a chair and dance for him all you want! He doesn’t care
•He gets super horny when you dance on him. His erection is practically ripping out his jeans! You just created a horny monster
•Fuck yeah he’s going to touch, grope, and slap any part of your body! It’s his lap dance and Chop is going to do what he wants. He’s mostly grabbing and slapping your ass though
•He’s going to give you a lap dance back. Shaking his ass and everything. It’s not the sexiest thing in the world, but he’s trying okay. He even bought a speedo for this
•He’s fucking you in that chair right after that. There will be no mercy to you or that chair. You put this upon yourself. Enjoy being sore for a few days
Pennywise seeing his s/o after his 27 year slumber?

•27 years. It’s been 27 years since the last massacre Pennywise had brought upon the little town called Derry and 27 years since he had seen his mate.
•You has grown old, the ripe age of 54. No children, no husband, but you had Penny. You awaited his return. The 27 years is up.
•The carnivorous clown strolled out of his nest, making his way to get his fill. Before he could, he stopped an older woman sitting on a bench, a small calendar in her wrinkled hands.
•He snuffed the air, recognizing the oh so familiar scent of his lover. A wicked smile formed as he ran at an inhuman speed towards the human female, wanting to make sure it was her.
• “Penny? Penny it’s you!” The woman screamed, jumping from her spot on the bench and into his arms. He held onto her for dear life, happy to have his mate in his arms again.
•He did let go though, putting the woman down and studying her features. Her eyes never grew dark, they still shined like they had once before 27 years ago. Though he noticed her skin had changed, her voice became more frail, and her body had grown old, not her spirit though
• “Penny I have gotten old. As much as I love you, I will not be here for much longer. The clock is ticking for me. Time is catching up. Please forget me love. I don’t want you to bare the burden of my loss.”
• “You’re not leaving me Y/n, even if you are old, I shall care for you. Just like you did to me before I went to sleep.”
•Pennywise picked the woman up in his arms and stormed into their nest, which hadn’t changed one bit. True to his word he did care for her, yet she fell ill and sadly died in his arms just before he was due to sleep once again
•The cries of sadness and loss of the monster were heard throughout the town, echoing in the abyss as he crawled into his nest with his mates lifeless body, being put to sleep once again.

i’m way too lazy to add full detail but yeah
Okay so, I just saw It Chapter 2 and I’m happy to announce that the Losers Club is now on my request list! Request away ❤️
Some bitch complaining about It Chapter 2
"Oh, Mikey, you never showed them the fourth side, did you? [Laughing creepily] Didn't want them to know what actually happened to the poor Shokopiwah...? Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum..."

Happy international clown week! May all your days be filled with whimsy and good times!
You're gonna have to share that elixir pal this might be the solution for art block /jk

Made these when I was drunk, anyway have a lovely time living. Imma go die in a clowns hat of misery

Ok my loyal hench-I mean followers, G U E S S
Characters left 2 right: Art the clown, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray and His wife Tiffany, Hannibal Lector, Norman Bates, Pennywise(1990 and 2017), Fresh Sans and Lust Sans
Tagged peeps: @creepypasta-fan666 @epicnessqueen @mamamaries @michaelmyersleftfoot @heartfullofleeches @eldritch-spouse @madpatti

L to R, top to bottom:
Rohan Kishibe (JJBA), Joe (Sk8 the Infinity), Galo Thymos (Promare), Loid Forger (Spy x Family), Kento Nanami (JJK), Daisuke Kambe (Fugo Keiji: Balance Unlimited), Tsuchigomori (TBHK), Aki Hayakawa (CSM), Hatori Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Tagging: @lostinthe-jojos @giogio-gucci-gangstar @pensivespecter @angry-geese
(if anyone else wants to do this feel free)
Do u write for penny? (Pennywise 2017/2019)

fics and garbage diy memes 🥵🤪

dear tumblr
stay tuned i’m finishing some gross pennywise s m u t watch o u t
p e r s o n a l l y
i’d let pennywise chew my arm off and drag me into the sewers

it’s usually scream but my husband is t i r e d

were just not gonna talk about anything