Petz Catz 2 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I feel so dumb I have like a panic attack I no longer ySve one of my old computers and the files for the Catz game

And that I think I thriout dogs 3 cd because I had to move. I should of not done that or any of my outdated tec but I had to be fast. Why do I have to be this way? It hurts souch

It's so stupid. It's been so long. And I want to reuse pet names from Catz for Xanje .

I'm also upset I lost a cool dog becayibwss greedy doin the glitch where you get your babies early by forwarding your computer clock

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3 years ago

I now have the world record in both any% and 100% for petz dogz 2!

but at what cost...

I Now Have The World Record In Both Any% And 100% For Petz Dogz 2!

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3 years ago
Benefits Include: Lying To Your Fish Studies Group And Then Getting That Kid To Help You By Telling Them

benefits include: lying to your fish studies group and then getting that kid to help you by telling them to catch a fish that doesnt exist am i right petz catz/dogz 2 for wii and ps2 gang

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3 years ago

Almost a year after I finished day 1, here's my day 2 of @northpawville 's Pawville Prompt Week: Victor! (Better late than never, right?)

Almost A Year After I Finished Day 1, Here's My Day 2 Of @northpawville 's Pawville Prompt Week: Victor!

I was never super attached to Victor but I've come to appreciate him a little more over the years

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3 years ago

Pawville Prompt Week day 3: home

Pawville Prompt Week Day 3: Home

Listen I love Pawville as much as anyone but... the wizard house my beloved... (I wanted to draw the inside but then I didn't oops)

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3 years ago

Happy 14th birthday to Yukes' Petz Dogz 2 and Petz Catz 2! (Initial release date: 14th Nov 2007)

Yuke's are apparently best known for making the WWE games, which was news to me, someone who only knew about them from their trio of Wii/PS2 animal adventure games.

Petz Catz 2 and Dogz 2 were first released in North America, and Europe wouldn't get their version, named just Dogz and Catz, until November 30. Japan got it in December with new cover art and named something else entirely - Nyanko/Wanko to Mahou no Boushi (Kitten/Puppy and the Magic Hat), otherwise the same game but with no references to Petz at all.

The PC and DS games, despite sharing the same name and cover art, have no relation and are about raising a pet rather than stopping a wolf from destroying the world.

man the history of this game is sure something.

Happy 14th Birthday To Yukes' Petz Dogz 2 And Petz Catz 2! (Initial Release Date: 14th Nov 2007)
Happy 14th Birthday To Yukes' Petz Dogz 2 And Petz Catz 2! (Initial Release Date: 14th Nov 2007)
Happy 14th Birthday To Yukes' Petz Dogz 2 And Petz Catz 2! (Initial Release Date: 14th Nov 2007)

(Also, it's a crime for me not to mention THE DOG Island, also by Yuke's and released earlier that year - it has near the same gameplay, but has a different story, different areas to explore, and is imo a better game. Still like this one though!)

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3 years ago

Since the original Pawville Prompts was so long ago and I've heard there may be a new one in the works, I decided to represent the final few days of the original prompts by grouping them together into a handful of scribbles ft. one decent Bartholomew. That said, I did have plenty of big ideas for the original week that I may still draw in the future (or perhaps even some writing?). More info on my "answers" to the prompts under the read more!

Since The Original Pawville Prompts Was So Long Ago And I've Heard There May Be A New One In The Works,

Day 4: Townsfolk

My favourite NPC is Bartholomew. I came to see him as one of the most interesting characters, even though we see so little of him. He may only be around for 5 minutes at the end of the game, but he's around forever in my heart.

Day 5: Day Out

My favourite area is Jade Fields - it has such calm music and is just a nice place to be. I also like how even though it's one of the first places you visit, it leads to one of the last, with Lonesome Park having a much different atmosphere. There's a real contrast there and I think it's good for both of them

Day 6: Hat Stealer

Fun fact - Ivlet actually never speaks again after he escapes from jail, his last line being "I've been waiting for this...!" It's not really related to the week, but I found it interesting when I realised it. I'm also interested in drawing his different form(s) at some point, since they seem quite underrepresented in fanart. Can't forget the dragon as well.

(i really ran out of juice for this drawing sorry)

Day 7: Free Day

My original idea for this day was redrawing the Japanese boxart, but having a mix of dog and cat designs, or maybe even including both. I've been quite biased towards the cat designs because they're the ones I'm used to, but this is cartainly one way of evening things out. I don't know if I'm ever going to do this, though, so if someone else wants to try it, please please do!

And finally:

There are so many amazingly skilled artists among the fans of this game and it's awesome to see. I'm looking forward to what the future has in store :D

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3 years ago

Pawville Prompts: "Childhood Games"

I wanted to do something other than the usual "victor and the player" and in the process... barely did the prompt. the only reference is in their conversation but yknow what! I drew it!!

Pawville Prompts: "Childhood Games"
Pawville Prompts: "Childhood Games"

Player isn't any particular character of mine, just made them up on the spot for this! Place is the Catz Hideout, an optional area only accessible by talking to Maria in Jade Fields.

I also watched a bunch of old Warriors AMVs and speedpaints in the process of making this. (I have never even read warriors but. wow some of them are talented)

Version of main image without caption:

Pawville Prompts: "Childhood Games"

Pawville Prompts: "Childhood Games"

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3 years ago

Pawville Prompts: The Wizard Brothers

Pawville Prompts: The Wizard Brothers

(bartholomew turned himself into a rock. as one does)

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2 years ago

Realised I never finished Pawville prompts 2, so here's the last of the weekly set: "The Final Battle!"

There's not a whole lot of art out there for Ivlet's final boss form. Much like the rest of the event, it was pretty fun ^^ I may be coming back again next year for the monthly prompts!

Realised I Never Finished Pawville Prompts 2, So Here's The Last Of The Weekly Set: "The Final Battle!"

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2 years ago

Magic mirror, break this curse of eternal night (Monolith Isle)

Magic Mirror, Break This Curse Of Eternal Night (Monolith Isle)

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2 years ago

Pawville prompts: Waking Up

Back at it again with the year-round prompts this time! I just was not feeling "oh protag is waking up at the start of the game" so WHO ELSE WAKES UP? SKREE SKREEEE FLAP FWAP FLAP

Pawville Prompts: Waking Up


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2 years ago

Pawville Prompts: Exploring the Unknown

Pawville Prompts: Exploring The Unknown

There were two things on my mind for this - 1. Years ago, I wondered what sort of area I could come up with for the game if I could make my own. I ended up with this ocean/glacier type place near Polar Fields, which had sharks and seals and you could explore underwater. ...Probably ill-advised for a cold place, but we can decide the wizards have a spell or magical object to counteract it ahaha

2. I'm sure a few of us could relate to being at Dolphin Coast, finding out you can swim and wondering how far out you can go (especially with an island visibly there). The answer might be not far, but it didn't stop me from dreaming of exploring the unknown...

See you guys next month for more funny little animal drawings!! and thank you so much @northpawville for setting up the prompts this way i have been loving this

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1 year ago

Pawville Prompts: Hot or Cold

Pawville Prompts: Hot Or Cold

If Ivlet used magic to freeze it, how can we thaw the waterfall...?

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1 year ago

Pawville Prompts: Island Life

Pawville Prompts: Island Life

As also inspired by a message from @catz-hideout:

Pawville Prompts: Island Life

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10 months ago
Doodle Of The Lad From Yesterday

doodle of the lad from yesterday

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6 months ago
Based On The Nyanko To Mahou No Boushi Japanese Cover Art ^^ I Thought The Protag Would Really Suit A

Based on the Nyanko to Mahou no Boushi Japanese cover art ^^ I thought the protag would really suit a lower poly style so I went for it! The cat is 144 faces total and the magic hat is 81, bringing them to less than 250 polys total (if you don't count the background stuff)

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5 months ago
winter-doggo - Winter Doggo

coloring study of Lappy Lake from Petz Catz 2 for Wii and ps2

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