Pm Seymour - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

original post and creator: @cyle
Heck YEEEEEEEEEE i was on PM SEYMOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reblogging this infinitely useful gem! All of my mutual need to see this. (And many non-mutual too)
There’s a reason lots of good parents say to babies stuff like
“You’re excited to go to the park!”
“Oh, it makes you mad that we can’t go outside.”
And then when the babies get a little bit older the parents can say
“You seem upset. Are you sad?”
“Are you excited that gramma is coming over today?”
Which lets the kid (who is learning to utilize speech) respond with yes or no, which may prompt more questions, like
“So you aren’t sad, are you angry?”
“Yes, does it make you happy when gramma is here?”
And then, finally, when the child is learning to use language in a more complex way, the parents can say,
“How does it make you feel?”
“Why are you feeling like that?”
And it’s all about teaching emotional awareness. I really reccomend using the process on yourself. Learn to ask, “am I happy?” “Am I sad?” “Am I anxious?”
Then practice identifying, out loud or on paper if you can, “I’m happy.” “I’m upset.” “I’m sad.” “I’m anxious.”
Final step: “Why am I feeling anxious? I’m still thinking about that awkward conversation earlier.” “Why am I happy? It’s such a beautiful day outside.” “Why am I sad? None of my friends are responding to my messages.”
It really helps you notice patterns (“I’m more likely to be happy when I’m around this person.” “When I haven’t eaten, I often feel angry.” “If I don’t plan ahead, I get anxious.”) which is the first step in avoiding things and people that are bad for you and encouraging things and people that are good.
okay i understand people thirsting for cyana but that man's intimidating aura made me reach for my water
I’ve come to bargain
I don’t have the guts to do this, but would love to have a yard sale or a table at a flee market. But I would be dressed up like Dormammu. And I would have an unadvertised discount to anyone willing to say they have come to bargain.

Posting my cat daily until P.M. Seymour calls him a fluffy boy: day 1
I thought this was a rorschach test for a second and was like "Hmm... I think it's a bunny
You guys ready for Halloween,
I sure am ( -_・)

I have been watching you for awhile now. Stay Weird!

watching a P.M. Seymour binge on youtube and the video starts echoing itself?!? Thought it was a lil joke of his until it. just. wouldn't. stop. And when I paused the video it stopped the echoing but one voice was still narrating!?! Thought the essence of Tumblr had finally taken over youtube like a zombie virus until. I realised. I had managed to play the same video in like THREE DIFFERENT WINDOWS?!? Alas my own folly had created the monster, and my fear was only a fleeting mirage...
Don't worry! If we reblog this enough times you'll get your moment!
my current goal in life is to be in a pm seymour vid
its gonna take a while