Pmd Comic - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Team Azalea Is Ready For Action!!
Team Azalea Is Ready For Action!!
Team Azalea Is Ready For Action!!

Team Azalea is ready for action!!

Holly, Blue, and Cinnabar from @pmdlittlelapses, by @saltnpepperbunny and @zeropro!

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1 year ago
Dumb Pmd Rescue Team Comic I Made
Dumb Pmd Rescue Team Comic I Made
Dumb Pmd Rescue Team Comic I Made

Dumb pmd rescue team comic I made

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1 year ago

PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation

Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 1)

PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation

Been replaying Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky and I got the urge to turn it into a comic like I'd wanted to do as a kid. Didn't want to spend too much time on it though because I have neither the time nor the energy to invest myself in a huge project so I got the idea of limiting myself to only working 30 minutes per page, an idea which I fantastically failed to achieve (i think i must have spent about two hours on the third page), but I still managed to whip these up in two evenings' time, which isn't too bad in my opinion. Maybe I'll continue it?

(also, please forgive my undignified handwriting)

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1 year ago

PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation

Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 2)

PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation

Ended up continuing it after all! Let's see how long I last until I give up lmao. Still, these don't take too long to make, so I think I could release five pages every week? I mean the whole reason I started this in the first place was because I wanted to force myself to complete something, no matter what the end result looked like, so I think it's feasible to think I could make this comic an actual thing, as long as I keep it as casual as I started it.

Also, I don't know who allowed me to draw a Treecko, but they need to get fired right this instant.

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1 year ago

PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation

Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 3)

PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
PMD: Explorers Of Sky - A Comic Adaptation

Okay so maybe I was slightlyambitious by thinking i could release once a week, so once every two weeks will do. Either way, DID YOU KNOW TORCHIC IS ACTUALLY SURPRISINGLY HARD TO DRAW-

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