Pmd2 - Tumblr Posts

Become a Pokémon and save time itself!

IM NOT GOIGN TO MAKE A COLROUED SUSIE SPRITE JSUT FOR THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :SOB: :SOB: I LOVE HER TO BITS BUT i am not doing that anywyas going to tag somethgin properly for once <333

man isn't it cool how weirdly strong Dusknoir is, it sure would be terrible if he didn't use it for good hihihaha

i found this job and thought it was so funny 😭
big dinosaur girl and her little water strider body gaurd
i ended up recruiting the aerodactyl from the job (which is why i accepted it in the first place... bc i wanted an aerodactyl) and named her tamako :3
i decided to make her and her little buddy canon in my pmd au
since all recruits from jobs are lv 1 i imagine tamako never really fought anyone so she never got stronger and was pretty weak but drizzle is like a lv 100 surskit or something
@heropartnerweek day 6 - Farewell / Alone / Return
Hero - Torchic/Sereno // Partner - Treecko/Oceano
My take on that scene from pmd2. (Sereno doesn't have her ribbon because she lost it while battling the sableye. Which actually happenned when I played the game)

I've had a lot of fun making these so I wanted to do my take on our dear guild too <3

This time I drew my team, in Red Rescue Team and Explorers of Sky.

Been doodling my team and this bunch of guys from pmd2. Have I mentioned this game is perfect

I've had a lot of fun making these so I wanted to do my take on our dear guild too <3

Sereno (torchic/hero) and Oceano (treecko/partner) find Grovyle staring at the distant sunrise. They've always seen only focus, strenght and endurance from him - but now there's a glint of sadness in his eyes.
They sit by his side. Talk a little. And after a while, end up singing to him the Team Rainstorm!'s Theme Song (still a work in progress).
Hearing the off-key cheerful chant, Grovyle notices how that torchic is still his same old Sereno... only now, she's allowed to be happier.
Good thing she has such a good new partner to share that happiness with.
PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 1)

Been replaying Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky and I got the urge to turn it into a comic like I'd wanted to do as a kid. Didn't want to spend too much time on it though because I have neither the time nor the energy to invest myself in a huge project so I got the idea of limiting myself to only working 30 minutes per page, an idea which I fantastically failed to achieve (i think i must have spent about two hours on the third page), but I still managed to whip these up in two evenings' time, which isn't too bad in my opinion. Maybe I'll continue it?
(also, please forgive my undignified handwriting)
PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 2)

Ended up continuing it after all! Let's see how long I last until I give up lmao. Still, these don't take too long to make, so I think I could release five pages every week? I mean the whole reason I started this in the first place was because I wanted to force myself to complete something, no matter what the end result looked like, so I think it's feasible to think I could make this comic an actual thing, as long as I keep it as casual as I started it.
Also, I don't know who allowed me to draw a Treecko, but they need to get fired right this instant.
PMD: Explorers of Sky - A Comic Adaptation
Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea (Part 3)

Okay so maybe I was slightlyambitious by thinking i could release once a week, so once every two weeks will do. Either way, DID YOU KNOW TORCHIC IS ACTUALLY SURPRISINGLY HARD TO DRAW-