Poem Prompts - Tumblr Posts

Here's some hastily thought out ideas for poets: - the way the girl you just met in class mumbles her words like a bubbling brook and has eyes the colour of honey - growing drunk on her whispered words while lying underneath the stars - the way the wind blows through the trees and whispers secrets into the ears of strange men - you're trapped in your body your entire life, your spirit stuck in this decaying sack of flesh, until one day, you find a way out (and it's not death) - joyless love and loveless joy - the echoes of oblivion coming to claim your lost soul - you give up on finding happiness, then one day, she finds you - one day, you wake up and can taste songs - death is tired, he begs you to take his job and you say yes. but, the twist is that you refuse to kill. you watch the world decay for millennia's, maybe even an eternity, every being's eyes becoming hollow and begging you for death, until...

comment things you would would want to read/write a poem on!

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