Pokemon Black 2 - Tumblr Posts

i’m gonna talk about Pokemon pink because i want too

obviously we all know that that the first pokemon games, red and blue in the west and red and green in japan, were released in 1996 in japan and 1998 in america

between the japanese and western release the pokemon anime started, with pikachu as Ash’s partner, however 5 months or so before the anime’s debut there was a comic called ‘pocket monsters’ that had clefairy as the protagonist’s partner pokemon (pikachu was there but the cover made it clear clefairy was more important)

Im Gonna Talk About Pokemon Pink Because I Want Too

they decided to make pikachu Ash’s partner because of how popular it had become, quickly surpassing clefairy

because of red and blue’s/green’s massive success they released pokemon special pikachu edition: version yellow however in april of 2020 someone found an early concept for its canceled partner game that people are calling pokemon pink version where instead of pikachu as your starter it was clefairy, most likely because of how important it was before the pikachu switch, and had it would feature a female protagonist! which would have given us a female option two years sooner than the release of pokemon crystal!

sadly pokemon pink was canceled presumably because there was no guarantee it would sell well amongst girls, and boys probably wouldn’t have wanted it or there parents wouldn’t have bought it because it could have been perceived as to feminine

here’s the official pokemon yellow boxart next to fan made pokemon pink box art by user puddi101 on reddit

Im Gonna Talk About Pokemon Pink Because I Want Too

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just so everyone knows my first ever shiny encounter was a ratata on route one of the rom hack pokémon heart red (by @shima-draws ) and i had no idea how to get to my pokeballs so i killed it

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the next pokemon remake we’re gonna get is obviously gonna be black/white but that probably won’t be until nintendo releases there next hand-held:

red / blue (gb) >>> fire red / leaf green (gba)

gold / silver (gbc) >>> heart gold / soul silver (ds)

ruby / sapphire (gba) >>> alpha ruby / omega sapphire (3ds)

diamond / pearl (ds) >>> brilliant diamond / shining pearl (switch)

and so if i’m right we’ll get something like this:

black / white (ds) >>> purest black (?) / sterling white (?) (???)

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1 year ago
My Depot-sona! His Name Is Corvus Cardinal (bird Theme LMAO) And He Is My Bbg Istg

my depot-sona! his name is Corvus Cardinal (bird theme LMAO) and he is my bbg istg

the text reads:

- quite awkward

- Team: Corviknight, Braviary, Talonflame, Gliscor (Ace)

- Fav show got cancelled

- Eyes red in light, purple in dark

- Usually quite stoic but he gets embarrassed/flustered easily

- tired most of the time

- has a lichtenberg figure/scar and thus is mostly blind in that eye, not that he had great vision to begin with…

He has albinism if yall curious :]

lovely refs by @mellon-soup!!

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1 year ago

slight change made to the previous two drawings with a lovely suggestion by @cloudlover-2 !!

Slight Change Made To The Previous Two Drawings With A Lovely Suggestion By @cloudlover-2 !!
Slight Change Made To The Previous Two Drawings With A Lovely Suggestion By @cloudlover-2 !!

thamk sm bestie

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1 year ago

Unovan Ace Trainer

Unovan Ace Trainer

Decide to draw my favorite design of the Ace Trainer from Pokémon.

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10 months ago

…Lacey looks a little like Yancy, no?

From the postgame of Black and White 2. She forms a pseudo-relationship after the protagonist returns an item to her-specifically the male protagonist, because Game Freak were cowards.

The resemblance is probably not significant, but I would like to at least bring Yancy and Pokémon postgames further into the spotlight. Also, I like her and really want to find a legitimate White 2 game

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4 years ago
Digital Painting Practice With Roleswap!colress By @zangodz Because The Idea Was Just To Intriguing For
Digital Painting Practice With Roleswap!colress By @zangodz Because The Idea Was Just To Intriguing For

Digital painting practice with roleswap!colress by @zangodz because the idea was just to intriguing for me not to draw anything-

(Open for full quality)

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2 years ago

had a pokemon thought again today

if unova’s based on new york

would it have a huge christmas tree lighting as well

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7 months ago
The Beginning Of Meraki Mooring!
The Beginning Of Meraki Mooring!
The Beginning Of Meraki Mooring!
The Beginning Of Meraki Mooring!

The Beginning of Meraki Mooring!

A farm sanctuary devoted to the restabilization of displaced wild or abused domestic Pokémon. It is located northwest of Mistralton City and east of Anville Town in the Unova region. Due to the proximity to the airport, Pokémon from anywhere in the world can be flown in easily to the sanctuary along with supplies.

Hooooooo boy I haven't posted in... well, ever! But here is my first jump into the Pokémon fandom.

Meraki Mooring is set 12 years after Black and White. A lot has happened.

More About Touka:

Touka is the owner of the sanctuary and the sole caretaker. Due to events before and during their first journey, Touka left Unova and got stability by exploring around other regions with their Pokémon. A now mostly well-adjusted individual, Touka has followed their dream to open their own Pokémon rescue and rehabilitation center. Being the only person (besides Pokémon) on the sanctuary is oftentimes a thankless job. 

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2 years ago
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)
I Call These Younger Sibling Solidarity(which Isnt Exactly Right Bcs Daki Is An Ony Child But Whatev)

I call these “younger sibling solidarity” (which isnt exactly right bcs Daki is an ony child but whatev)

I love how in the submas fandom Emmet is seen as this absolute menace, and I can just imagine him cut loose with no responsibilites (and memories) while in Hisui. Unfortunate for the ppl of Hisui, bcs he finds a kindred soul in the savior of Hisui of all ppl.

But yeah, I just imagine Emmet and Daki becoming real good friends, the kind that love to step on each other’s toes but also genuinely have a good time together. And that get into a looooot of trouble together.

They’d also totally bond over weird bug/electric pokemon, and once I replayed USUM and finally got myself a Grubbin, I knew they’d get super excited about it.

I also found out Joltik and Grubbin can bread, and uh, that totally would not end well hahaha.

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2 years ago

Just showing off a few pokemon ocs of mine!

First one is Ametri, my Sona, just pokemonfied.

Second one is Siphon, a SCVI oc.

Just Showing Off A Few Pokemon Ocs Of Mine!
Just Showing Off A Few Pokemon Ocs Of Mine!
Just Showing Off A Few Pokemon Ocs Of Mine!
Just Showing Off A Few Pokemon Ocs Of Mine!

Ametri uses fairy types and ghost types, her pokemon consist of Sylveon, Gardevoir, and Chandelure (Honorable Mention, Tinkaton). Shes from Unova.

Siphon doesnt have a designated type but he uses Tinkaton, Paldean Tauros, and Bombirdier. Hes from Paldea.

Ametri runs a (fictional) company in unova called the cupid foundation, where they help people in need and the less fortunate, and give pokemon to people for protection. (shes also shipped with Larry)

Siphon goes to Uva Academy, and is a pretty good student, just quiet a and a bit more on the sad side. He helps with Miriam in the nurses office from time to time. (Hes also shipped with arven)

Ametri is Bisexual and uses She/her. Siphon is gay, Transgender (ftm) and uses he/him.

Ametri is half mexican, half white. Siphon is fully mexican.

I will draw oc x cc art of them with the characters theyre shipped with eventually 😈

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