Ponynatural - Tumblr Posts

Thank YOU BOTH 💞💞💞@kisris and @chxrrylungs💞💞💞 for the inspiration🙏🙏I made my version too I AGREE THIS IS SO FUN!!!✨
JOHN, MARY AND BOBBY!!! i adore bobby look at him oh my god

Decided that even tho Sammy is the "oddd one out" in their family, hes still a unicorn like mary and john, where as dean, while he is the perfect little brainwashed son and hunter, hes an earth pony which causes resentment on johns behalf. His "good" son isnt a unicorn, while his "bad" son is. Mwahahah angst >:) once again @chxrrylungs is the inspo!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR ART!!! ITS LITERALLY AMAZING OH MY GAWDDD
Sooo... @chxrrylungs inspired me to draw Sam, Dean and Cas as ponies...

Guys... ive been touched by an angel of the lord!!!
Cue inconsistant size difference,,

PLUS a stupid little comic my wife inspired me to make. She said cas totally walks around on his hind legs like a freak (shes never seen spn) and I SAID YES!

Behold, the bastard man!

I HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING CROWLEY!! Honestly love him. Hes my boy, my ride or die.
I wanted to lean into his whole crossroad demon vibe, and so i was like OH A CHANGLING?! Apears "human" or in this case "pony" to lure bitches into contracts. Hence his cutie mark too. Also decided to go the red way with his changling colours cause this is MY AU AND I DO WHAT I WANT. He is taller then bobby but just shorter then dean. Canon heights mean nothing to me :]
Ive been...busy?

I made her 3 hair styles because i love her amd she is VERY dear to me. I struggled with her colours for a while but i settled on creamy oranges n rusty reds, cause my future plan for Rowena is RED.
Anyhow charlies cutie mark is a laptop ofc and the magic sparks cause shes a fuckin wizard with a computer. I thought about making her a eartj pony but unicorn spoke to my soul... i also find it HILARIOUS that everyone around dean is either a unicorn/pegasus/alicorn/changling and hes like... the only earth pony. Im pretty sure garth n benny are gonna be earth ponies tho. ENOUGH RAMBLING HOPE YOU LOVE CHARLIE AS MUCH AS I DO OKAY BYE
....im bored + i forgor to even add it to the previous drawings but here!!

Behold the corn colours! I feel like my reasons for the colours i choose make sense? Enough so that i dont have to...explain it? Im just worried there is too much green?? Hmm
Well Rowena won the poll!! For a while her and gabe were tied so im surpirsed she pulled ahead!

I love her, shes so fucking sassy and funny. Wjthout my glasses i cant see the detials i put on her dress so i think yall should click for better quality for sure. Gabe will be next since he was 2nd in the poll!!! Stay tuned for more >:)
Behold- his bastardness, GABRIEL

Gabe is one of my favourite characters and i had SO MUCH FUN DRAWING HIM!! i actually drew him before rowena since he was ahead at the start of the poll before they tied and rowena won
He has 2 pairs of wings both of which he can make invisable. His magic is so potent that it takes on a sharp appearance. He has feathers on his hooves to make his movement lighter cause magic.
His cutie mark isnt actually real either! None of the angels have cutie marks but because gabe is so powerful he can summon one to "blend in"

ALSO IVE BEEN LISTENING TO SIR MIXALOTS NASTY DOG ON REPEAT AND ITS LITERALLY GABE @ SAM!!! HE IS A NASTY DAWGGG + a doodle of gabe, his size difference with cas n a destiel doodle
You guys ready? TO GET GARTH'ED?!

Okay okay i have LORE FOR HIM!!
So! Prioir to being bitten by a werewolf, Garth was that dusky muted green all over with just thag bright patch on his nose. When he got bit his body changed.
He grew fangs, his ears got fluffier and fuller. He grew a thicker darker patch of fur from his neck down to the tip of his tail. Speaking of his tail, it morphed into a fluffy wolves tail, which is topped with the darker olive colour from his original tail!
Other changes include his eyes, becoming slits with golden centers, his hooves spiltting into "claws" and the fur above his hooves becoming thicker, fluffier and darker.
Despite these very obvious changes, nobody notices? This is due to the fact that Garth is extreamly charismatic and loveable. Everyone is completely blind to the changes.
(Lowkey glad cause i was NOT ready for lucifer..)

Benny was special and i hate they killed him off without him and werewolf garth meeting. I mean Ty Olsson and DJ Qualls ARE ENAGED IRL COULD YOU IMAGINE HOW FUN THEIR INTERATIONS WOULD HAVE BEEN?!?!?! RAUGHHHH WE WERE ROBBED FOR REAL.
But not only that but his relationship with dean?? Dean found someone like him and then fucking lost him, and the fact that sam never got to know the real benny--
ANYWAY IM RAMBLING. Bennys cutie mark is a fly lure cause i said so. I also struggled so much with his design? Like...nothing was working for AGES. But what i finished with im REALLY happy with :] he is more draft horse (?) Shaped, big n beefy!
You guys ready? TO GET GARTH'ED?!

Okay okay i have LORE FOR HIM!!
So! Prioir to being bitten by a werewolf, Garth was that dusky muted green all over with just thag bright patch on his nose. When he got bit his body changed.
He grew fangs, his ears got fluffier and fuller. He grew a thicker darker patch of fur from his neck down to the tip of his tail. Speaking of his tail, it morphed into a fluffy wolves tail, which is topped with the darker olive colour from his original tail!
Other changes include his eyes, becoming slits with golden centers, his hooves spiltting into "claws" and the fur above his hooves becoming thicker, fluffier and darker.
Despite these very obvious changes, nobody notices? This is due to the fact that Garth is extreamly charismatic and loveable. Everyone is completely blind to the changes.