Pov - Tumblr Posts

Pov: You saw the mixraptor in the rainbow forest, finding food to eat blueberries and apples

Pov: You Saw The Mixraptor In The Rainbow Forest, Finding Food To Eat Blueberries And Apples

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11 months ago

Pov: You encountered a glitch monster in the forest and starts to staring at you with his black pipul.

Pov: You Encountered A Glitch Monster In The Forest And Starts To Staring At You With His Black Pipul.

RP in @theglitchmonsters

RP for @myfishei-rp @jatcv930rp @mean-bf777 @kaiju-wolfdragon-the-rp @mightybeck and everyone.

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10 months ago

Mahogany: ...NOT THIS TIME...

Mahogany: ...NOT THIS TIME...

pov :0

Now ... it's dinner time ...

Pov :0

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1 year ago

My favourite POV 💥💥💥

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1 year ago
Favorite Pov

Favorite pov

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9 months ago
I Need A Partner For Take Photos

I need a partner for take photos 🥺

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1 year ago

Finally made a backstory for that drawing I did long ago:

It was hard at first. My father executed. Being kicked out of the tribe by her own mother. Having to sleep in the woods alone cold and hungry. Always being underestimated by others because I didn't use magic, it hurt.


Still, I always was positive though no matter what. I still loved my mother even after everything, and tried my best to think everything is completely normal, that I was completely normal. I guess I should of known it wasn't good enough for dear old mother, as she was resentful ever since my mire birth.


Nothing was ever enough for her, as long I was the child of my father, a user of the dark arts. It wasn't his fault though, he did it for my mother out of the love that burned deep within him, but what my mother saw was different. My mother was power hungry, and what she saw wasn't love but a block in the road.

All my father wanted to do was bring back our grandpa, and her father, but what did my lovely mother do; a bloody execution is what. I still shiver with fear when I even dream of it, I could even feel the event sepping in my mind, playing over and over. Not much later than that of course I was kicked out, and at the tender age of nine.


I wish I could of stopped this, if only I "COULD" of stopped this i thought and thought over and over again. I couldn't remember too much what happened after, but a thing I do remember is a nice elve who lived at the outskirts of the evergreen jungle taking me in. I didn't even get to see them live for long, as ruined of old age, but they were more mother than my own have been for my entire life.


They took care of me, told me stories about the past. Including the gods that used to guard the grassy place which was of Elora, including the goddess of spring. They said she was the one who created Elora, and was beloved by all creature small and great, and desented from a place simlar to the great mount Olympus from the old Greek storys I read from the few books we had in our tiny little village. This place was where all the gods in our universe came to be, both bad and good.

One I could recall was named Magiena, and was the goddess of total destruction. It felt like we were both the same, in background of course, we were both judged on things we can't even control. In blood, in power, we were both helpless with own fate, as if it was laughing right in our face. Well, more like in her face more than mine, at least mine was a little less tragic than the cruel one she had.

 At least in my story, I found true happiness, with the people I met along the way. All of them meant so much to me; my dad, the mother who took me in, my magic teacher miss ana, and my friends: Barbara and Soli.

 Its still a little blurry of what happened since my mind has been focused elsewhere these days, but I do remember coming to a nameless kingdom looking to see a magic master, and found Barbara sneaking out of the castle. I can assume she was going to see them; her parents.

Barbara was an orphan taking in by the royal family, ever since her parents left her for the war. She told me that they still visit, in secret, oh course when she trusted me enough to tell me the tale of hers. Although, she never ever told me anything more that, she hasn't even told soli either. We found more about it later, but still, it would of been better if it came from her, but thats her business; not ours.

I met soli when arriving to the kingdom. She was having some tea with some talkative nobles, so we didn't really talk to much. Soli never really liked nobles, but it's better than being lonely she told me in one suble conversation we had while riding horses. She would rather grow plants of different kinds, all diverse in their own way, and that's how we actually met. Me and Barbara were taking a walk within the woods when we got tangled by some flowering vines made by soli herself, and those were fun to get out of. Never less, I were surprised by her magic ability, as I never saw power like that in my tribe.

Sometimes I even feel insure, that both my friends can use magic and I can't. It ate me up alive, it has ever since I was four. This was the whole reason I when to the kingdom, to learn to use magic, in which I still can't today. It has crossed my mind to use the dark arts to help me use magic, but the blood stained on the fabric would just be tragic, and I'm not that type of person.

At least I dont think so anymore.

I'm glad where my life is right now, that I'm granted peace of mind temporarily. Sure, I do know it can't last forever, somethings gonna happen eventually, its obvious, but I still wouldn't change a thing. Even if I dont use magic I learn about it, thats something, and I have actually friends, its mostly a win-win for me. I'm happy, even if life didn't give me what I wanted in life; it gave me what I need; and thats enough for me.

This was "The story of Elora: short tales", a story I made on wattpad. It is the second part, mostly because I didn't work on the first part, so I'll gonna have to work on it.

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11 months ago

The Walk outside (Part 2) 

(Segment 1: The Talk) 

"Are you even listening?" Yalena said slamming her hands on the table. Daniel looked up in surprise, which made him accidentally mess up the artwork he was doing, "Sorry- Yalena," he said putting his drawing aside. Daniel was supposed to be discussing with his assistant, Yalena; about the recent technological advancement in the company, but to be completely honest, he would rather be at home drawing.

At 20 years old, Daniel was already a CEO of a popular company in New Shorre, and it wasn't because he earned it. It was mostly because of his parents, who wanted to give him the company ever since he was little. They pushed him to learn everything about their company that there is to know. Mostly about technology stuff, he knew how to fix computers, build sites, and more. 

Then after this family all moved to New Shorre, and his parents suddenly just made him CEO.

He didn't even have much of a choice. He did not even think he deserved this title; he was really an artist. All sorts of different art styles fascinated him, ever since he was little. Seeing artists' paintings inspired him to be an artist. Although, his parents, mostly his mother, hated the idea of it. Sure, they allowed him to do it as a hobby, but never as a full-time job. While he was thankful for his parents giving him a job, he wished he had a choice. 

"Sir you have yet to approve of the new equipment stock," Yalena said breaking him from his thoughts, and handing him a load of documents. Daniel sighed, "Yes Yalena, I'll get to work right away," he said taking the documents and setting them down. Yalena nodded and turned around, "I'll be taking my leave now, I have to pick up my kids," she said picking up her purse and then walked away into the corridor which led to the hall. Daniel looked on as she left, and then sighed again, "She doesn't see me as her boss doesn't, she," He turned around to the window next him, seeing Yalena get into her car. 

Yalena used to be the assistant of his parents while he was growing up, a responsible lady like her should have been CEO of the company. She   He knew she tried her absolute best to prove herself, worked hours on end, plus the fact that she did all that while being a mother, she should have gotten the promotion, and yet she didn't. He still remembers the way she reacted when she heard the news; the news that her boss's child who has done nothing got the title of CEO she worked so hard for; and let us say she wasn't happy. While he knew she did not mind being an assistant, giving the job to some kid who had little experience sounded like a nightmare to her. 

He felt bad for her; here he was treating his job like a playground in front of someone who wanted it so badly. Sure, he could try asking his parents to give the job to Yalena, but he had done that once before, and they just brushed him off. Daniel looked at the papers on his desk and sighed, "let's get this over with," he said as he started filling out the paperwork. 

A few hours later... (Segment 2: Artist Crisis)

Daniel groaned in relief; he was finally done with that hellish paperwork. "I should have done that sooner," He murmured to himself, annoyed at the fact he was dumb enough to let a pile of paperwork just lay there. He stared at the ceiling, all the paperwork needed was done, what should he do now? "It's already nighttime," he said to himself, and then looked over at his desk. The picture he had been working on earlier that day was neatly stacked with other unimportant documents that just layed there collecting dust. 

"It isn't my best work," Daniel said observing the picture as he picked it up. It was definitely something, messy would be the word. You could see the eraser marks on some parts of the drawing, and the part where he messed on when Yalena startled him made it hard to what the picture was. 

He then looked out his window, maybe he could draw the stars, that would be a good thing to sketch. Yet, what he saw was the lights of the city, and no stars to be found. Disappointment was evident on his face, where were the stars? A while back when he first came to New Shorre, he could at least see a couple of stars, but now there was zero to none. He sighed, "I'm just gonna to go home," he said while getting his stuff, there was nothing left to do. Turning off the light, he walked his way down to the entrance of the building. The hallway had many pictures of his parents, technology, and more. It was interesting, to say the least. 

Then he finally made it to the main entrance, where he could his car was ready to drive him all the way home. He then checked his business bag for his keys and let us say they ran away. 

"Where are my keys?" He groaned in frustration as he started looking in his pockets, did he lose his keys again? "Found it," He breathed out in relief as he found the key in the back of his coat pocket, now he could just head home. Getting into his car, he inserted the key into the keyhole which made the car start and turned his car into reverse. Then he pushed on the gas and started going. 

A few minutes into the drive.... (Segment 3: Into the woods) 

Daniel was there, only a few miles away towards home, "just a few more minutes," he whispered, assuring himself. Trying to keep his eyes on the road, Daniel gripped the steering wheel. Driving at night was not the best for a tired person like him. Then he passed a forest, and for some reason he forgot he was tired. Daniel stopped his car and parked on the side of the road.  

The forest was the perfect place to draw, inspiration was around every corner. He grabbed a sketch book and pencil out of the drawer in his car, and then closed the door behind him. Doing a few nighttime sketches would not hurt, and he would be back home before he knew it. 

"The Forest is beautiful," he said speechless from the beauty of nature that surrounded him. It was nothing like where he used to live, compared to here, it was cold and bare. He surveyed the area, lush plant life was all around him, he could draw anything. There were animals too, but that might not be the best idea, he did not want to scare the animals, or be their food. 

He continued walking around for a few minutes, debating about what to draw. Everything looked amazing, how could he decide? There were berry bushes, trees, and even some flowers along the way. Deciding to draw a pretty flower he found on the way, he bent down and opened his sketch book. The flower was beautiful, the petals a pure blue. He was about to sketch the flower out when he caught sight of a flower not too far from where he was. "I should go there when I'm done," he said, continuing to draw the flower in front of him. 

Minutes after that, Daniel was done drawing the sketch of the plant, working with no distractions helped his artwork. "It's better than the other drawing I did," Daniel said closing his sketch book before getting up to walk toward the flower field. Like the flower he was drawing, the field was a party of colors. The moon gave their petals even more beauty, making the field seem like an enchanted grove. 

He carefully walked through the flower beds until he found a group he liked. The flowers were a similar blue hue like the flower he had just come across, but different at the same time. Kneeling down, he opened his sketch book again and turned to a blank page. He had just started drawing when he heard something snap. His heart raced, it had to be a wild animal, no people in their right mind would go into the woods in the middle of the night. Looking around, he sighed in relief, nothing was there. Just as he started to draw again, he noticed someone.

"Who is she?" He thought as he gripped his pencil, he was not really in the mood to deal with people right now. He averted his eyes away and tried to focus on his drawing,

but could not shake the feeling of guilt from not saying anything. "I have to talk to her, don't I?" He said to himself, if there is one thing he was not good at, it was talking to girls. 

He gulped, and then looked around to see if the girl was still there, and it was clear she wasn't. He sighed and turned back to his artwork, "This is good for now," he said to himself. He was about to get up when he saw the girl right next to him.

"Thats a pretty drawing," she said blushing, which made him blush too. There was much silence after that, too much silence. Then the girl broke it, "Not to be rude, but what are you doing in the forest at almost midnight," she said tilting her head in confusion. Daniel was just speechless. 

To Be Continued

Finally finished it yay, next part will be Daniel and Claire talking to each other.

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3 years ago

does he get deja vu? ✧ t.holland

summary: and when you see them, you always wonder if he gets deja vu.

warnings: sadness, angst, breakup(?

a/n: so this song is pretty famous so i thought about this ya know? send some requests! english it's not my first language so i'm so sorry about any mistake. take care of yourself please <3 (not my gif)

Does He Get Deja Vu? T.holland

"Are you paying attention to me?" Hemsworth asked and rested his hand on the table.

"Huh?" you asked, returning your puzzled gaze to him.

"What are you looking at?" he asked and then turned his body to see where your gaze was directed. Soon his eyes collided with Tom and his new girlfriend sitting at another table.

"You almost drop my lemonade!" Anthony arrived next to Sebastian and Evans, making a lot of noise.

"Such a drama queen, oh my god." the blue eyed rolled his eyes and took a seat next to you, while Anthony and Sebastian sat across from you. "What's the matter? Why the puppy eyes?" he asked you when he saw you didn't look too happy.

"Isn't obvious?" Sebastian asked without waiting for an answer. "The spidey boy has a new girl and they are eating like three tables behind us."

"You're sad because that kid?" Anthony asked in disbelief, you didn't answer. "Teenage love it's gross. At your age nothing is real."

"I knew Elsa when I was her age," Chris said, taking a piece of his food into his mouth. Sebastian smacked him lightly on his arm for what he said. "Sorry."

"Just-" the man next to you spoke and put his hand on your shoulder. "Lift your ass, go to a party and fuck some random guy." he said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Chris!" Sebastian immediately scolded him for what he had suggested to you. Hemsworth and Anthony started laughing together.

"What i'm supposed to say?!" he shrugged and looked at him.

"She's 23!" he reminded him and you held in the laughter you had been provoked to laugh. "Ignore him, he's drunk," Stan told you and took your hand so he could talk to you. "Just don't look at them, and don't cry on set because you're gonna ruin your makeup and that would be awful."

The mood had improved a bit until a shout from Tom reached your ears.

"Can you ask them to put sugar in the edges? Thanks, love!"

[ "C'mon Spider-man, c'mon," Tom's voice practicing his dialogue reached your ears as soon as you opened the trailer door. "Oh, hey lovie." he greeted you and smiled brightly at the sight of you.

"What are you doing?" you asked and dragged a chair over to sit across from him.

"Practicing my dialogues," he smiled proudly and diverted his gaze to the drink in your hands, exactly to the edges of the glass. "What's that on the edges?" he asked with great curiosity.

"Oh, it's sugar," you pointed to it and took a sip. "Taste better with this, wanna try?" you stretched out your arm so he could drink from the glass, but he pushed it back towards you.

"Take another sip and don't lick your lips," he ordered you and you did it immediately, not knowing why he told you that. "Great, now kiss me." he stood up from the other chair and put his hands on your legs for support and leaned into you.

"Tastes good?" you asked once you two were separated for a moment. He nodded and took the drink out of your hands, both of you knowing where this would end.

"So good." ]


"Can you call Tom for us? He's in his trailer." Joe asked politely and you nodded, feeling the nerves coursing through your blood.

You dragged your tennis shoes across the concrete as the wind whipped against your black jacket that covered half of your body.

You knew exactly what Tom's trailer was because of all the times you had spent in it.

The melody of a song filled your ears as you stood in front of the door, took a breath and knocked. No one opened, until the fourth time.

"Yeah?" Melissa opened the door instead of Tom, and that's when you could hear the words of the song well, instantly identifying it. Everybody Talks.

"Can you say to Tom that we need him in the set? We're gonna record some scenes, so yeah." you tried to say as quickly as possible so as not to make the moment more awkward than it already was.

"Sure, he will be there in a minute."

"Thanks." you thanked her and started walking as fast as possible back to the set, as you knew Tom would be out any minute and you didn't want to bump into him.

Tears began to fill your eyes as you remembered the words to that song and the reason why it was so special.

[ "Shut up and listen!" you pushed Tom's body away, causing his body to fall backwards onto the bed.

"I'm listening!" he shouted back and sat back up to listen.

Everybody Talks was playing in the background while you and Tom sat on the edge of the bed, paying attention to the beat and lyrics.

"Why do you like that song so much?" he asked and you leaned your weight on your hands, pressing your palms to the mattress.

"I like the beat, it's fun." You answered simply and started bobbing your head to the beat of the melody.

Tom didn't say anything else and just stood watching you, admiring the little moments passing in front of his eyes. He liked the way it was just you and him in that moment, and always.

"Wait!" The song ended and you immediately got up to walk over to your cell phone and put it back on play. "Let's dance!"

You stretched out your arms and with your hands you grabbed your boyfriend's, helping him off the bed so they could dance properly. His movements were not precise and he was just moving without any sense at all.

It was a sweet moment that you wanted to stay in for a lifetime. ]


"Y/N!" Anthony called out to you from behind the cameras and you looked up. "Did you call Tom?"

"I did, yeah." you nodded your head and continued to play a little with your feet since you were hanging from the harness.

"Did you really call him?" Chris asked at a volume where only you could hear him.

"I really did," you told the truth without taking your eyes off him. "I don't know why he's not here."

Some five minutes later, a disheveled and agitated Tom appeared in front of everyone. His suit was ill-fitting and traces of lipstick adorned his lips.

"Horny boy." Chris said in a whisper and turned away so he wouldn't see how they would tell Tom that he was misrepresented.

"Oh great." your lips formed a line and you started playing with your hands as you waited for Tom's harness to be put on.

[ "Tom, stop," you said between giggles and kisses as Tom was on top of you and wouldn't let you go. "Someone it's gonna see us."

"The door it's locked," he said in a whisper and with bated breath before moving to your neck to leave wet kisses there. "Just enjoy it, my pretty baby."

Tom's hands were positioned on your hips while yours were on his curls, tousling them a bit. He broke away, seeking your lips to kiss them again. Your legs wrapped around his hips making the separation between the two of you minimal.

Tom's soft lips felt cooler and cooler, his tongue beginning to sneak in between the kiss, asking for access. You opened your mouth a little wider to make the kiss even more intense.

You pushed Tom's chest a little to make him pull away from you, your hands reaching for the edge of his t-shirt, pulling it away and returning to his make out session immediately.

"You're so pretty." you murmured between his lips and wrapped your hands around his neck to pull him closer to you and reconnect your lips.

Your hands ran over Tom's skin slowly as your lips began to swell a little from the intense kisses you shared.

"Tom!" a knock on the door made you two separate instantly. "We need you in makeup in ten mins!"

"Seven more minutes of kisses?" ]


"Good morning, can i get a hot chocolate with extra milk and whipped cream? Thank you." you asked the cashier for your order and moved a little so you could wait and not get in the way of the line.

"Why i'm not surprised that you always ask for the same thing?" the unrecognizable voice of Tom sounded behind you.

"Hi to you." you turned and greeted him quickly, wanting this moment to end.

"Do you want to go to the set together? Melissa it's not coming today." he asked in the nicest way, was it necessary to name Melissa?

"Sure, just let me get my order and we can go." he nodded and headed for the door so he could wait for you outside.

Thousands of thoughts went through your head at that instant. Where is Melissa? Why is she being so nice? Should you walk out alone?

"So, how are you?" he asked to start a conversation between the two of you.

"Good and you?" you answered as dryly as possible so he could see you didn't feel like talking to him.

"Great too," he smiled and took a drink of his coffee, remaining silent for a few moments. "Can i ask you a question?"

"You already did." you shrugged and he just laughed uncomfortably.

"Why are you avoiding me? Did i did something wrong?" he asked innocently with a tone of concern. You clicked your tongue and shook your head.

"I'm not avoiding you, it's just," you lowered your gaze for a few seconds. "We're not a couple anymore, so."

"Oh, i get it."

"Can i ask you a question?" now it was your turn to ask, he nodded quickly.

"Of course."

"Do you get deja vu when she's with you?"

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2 years ago


You almost fell asleep and suddenly heard somebody gently knocking on your window.

How curious...your bedroom is not on the first floor, so who could that somebody be knocking, especially at night ?

-Open the curtains?-



Oh boy, I've never written POV or fics before so....😅 it is what it is

Anyways I just wanted to post this art of mine in an interesting way.

I'm going back to my roots~🎶

And will probably post more of UT & Au thingies.


That's all

Good day/night fellas~

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Imagine as you lay across his lap, he breathes hums of your favorite song that he memorized just for you.

Imagine as your vision blurs because he’s such a pretty sight to fall asleep to.

Imagine as a warm smile spreads across your face and you whisper your love to him because he has to know.

You don’t know why the urgency of your feelings is there but the warmth of his hand sweeping your hair across your cheek is enough to halt any thoughts. 

Imagine as his eyes grow teary because he loves you so deeply and he cannot picture life without you.

Imagine as he places a shiny ring on your finger because he never plans on leaving your side. 

Imagine as you smile warmly up at him and whisper ‘yes’ before you fall asleep to his gentle humming.

Imagine being in love.


Now imagine his point of view.

Imagine as he cradles your head with gentle hands like he's carrying glass.

Imagine him trying to steady his breathes long enough to hum your song because you look so confused and he just wants to settle your mind. 

Imagine he watches your eyes glaze over and his body strains to hold his weight and your own without breaking.

Imagine him glancing away to wipe his tears because your smile is slowly tearing him apart and you whispering your love is the same as whispering goodbye.

Imagine his eyes growing teary because you’re getting colder and colder and he can’t do anything to stop the slowing of your heart.

Imagine him placing a shaky hand on your cheek to ground himself and hold you one last time.

Imagine as he slides a ring onto your finger, the ring he was supposed to propose with tonight at your birthday, the ring that promises you'll be with each other until the end.

Imagine as sobs heave through him and he struggles to continue humming your song as you whisper ‘yes’, because he finally has his answer but this isn’t how he wanted it.

Imagine as his scream rips through the air when your eyes close.

Imagine being in love until death do you part.

Imagine breaking his heart.

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1 year ago
shadoesx - Your Wost Nightmare.

I could read 100 fics about Soap being told to shut up and trying desperately to change himself to the point of self-distraction and still not be bored of this trope.

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4 months ago
Raora Panthera Of Hololive Feeding You Meatballs...

Raora Panthera of Hololive feeding you meatballs...

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