Pro Tony Stark - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

It’s funny how the antis blame Tony for “sending his friends to the Raft” like…bestie he was trying so hard to prevent that from even happening in the first place 💀 they literally CHOSE to not show up for Vienna and break international border laws like what were they actually expecting?

exactly! tony literally offers to intercept team cap because he knows it is either he does it or it is a bunch of soldiers who would not hesitate to spray bullets at them should they resist. in addition, team cap is full of adults who chose to break the law by violating international boundaries (even steve warns them that they are on the wrong side of the law should they follow him and they proceeded to follow him; and yes, wanda is an adult. if y’all also want to bitch at tony for bringing in a 14-year-old to web up team cap, i hope y’all extend the grace towards steve for bringing in a “kid” for that mission in lagos).

let us not even consider the accords at all in this case because i doubt they had been made into law (or whatever international bills become) due to the bombing of the un quarters, they were aiding a wanted man (innocent or not, you can be arrested for just that; and the government did have reasons to be scared of bucky given his history as the winter soldier) and they were illegally crossing borders to do just that.

that’s why i find it funny to see team cap stans, clint and scott bitching at tony for “throwing” them into the raft. like, my family in christ, y’all are there because you knowingly violated international boundaries 💀.

p.s: this is not a post arguing about the morality of the raft or the accords, go do that shit else where. my point is you cannot break the law while fully aware of what could happen and then blame others when the consequences smack you right in the fucking face.

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1 year ago

No because the way he welcomed them in infinity war was the betrayal of the highest order

the mcu also lacked rhodey roasting steve for treating tony like shit

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1 year ago

everyone always focuses on Sokovia and Ultron and Tony's involvement but no one ever thinks about how Bruce was also involved completely because they're both scientists. no one thinks about Wanda purposefully going in and digging in Tony's head, amplifying his PTSD and putting visions of all his friends dead in his head with the intent of making Tony create Ultron

Everyone always focuses on blaming Tony for the bomb that killed Wanda's parents but no one thinks about Tony being so shit faced he couldn't see straight at that time bec he was so deep in self-medicating his trauma that he could not even run his company and that it was Obidiah Stane that was the one in charge of the company and illegally selling the weapons that killed her parents

Everyone focuses on Tony selling weapons in the first movie but no one thinks about how it was Howard Starks company and that Tony was groomed from birth to run it and that he had tried multiple times to make something else of the company but was constantly shut down with guilt tripping until he was kidnapped and he forced the manufacturing to end

Everyone focuses on Tony being "conceited" and "arrogant" and not "caring about anyone but himself" but no one thinks about how every single action he makes in his movies are about protecting the people he loves and cares for. His biggest fear is his friends- not himself- dying. he goes into every battle he's in fully prepared to die and does make the sacrifice play many many times

everyone always focuses on what Tony did wrong, but no one thinks about how much he has grown and how he spends every single waking moment trying to be a better and better man who cares so deeply about everyone and is trying to protect everyone the only way he knows how- and that is with the brain and intellect that had been the only thing about Tony that was ever praised about

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1 year ago

I watched Infinity War today, sometimes I question why I liked it so much because half the things they do pisses me off. Especially Quill he pisses me off so much.

And STEVE, don’t even get me started on him. “We don’t trade lives,” JUST A MOVIE A GO YOU WERE PREACHING THAT WE NEED ACCEPT THAT IN YOUR LINE OF WORK YOU CAN’T SAVE EVERYONE. And than he goes ahead sacrifices a bunch of people (POCs) to save a ROBOT! Who mind you could be made again.

But I guess that only applies to faceless people. Not to the people you know personally and especially not if Wanda loves that person. I hate his hypocritical ass so much.

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5 years ago

It really baffles my mind that in the year of our lord 2019 there are people that think Tony Stark is a bad person and have managed to completely miss the point of the movies.

That man literally sacraficed everything to make sure the universe would be around without him.

That man spent millions of dollars on a 15 year old kid from Queens to make him multiple suits only to watch him die in his arms. And again on a little kid from Tennessee who he could have just left to rot.

That man went through hell and back for his team and received nothing but hatred in return.

That man’s trust was shattered not once, not twice, but three times by the people he loved and called his family.

That man risked everything to talk sense into the people he thought were his friends and even after they spit in his face, he kept them safe by stonewalling General Ross.

He’s suffered so much and yet we still have bitter Cap stans treating him like garbage.

I think all that is more than enough proof that Tony Stark has a heart.

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5 years ago

Far From Home

Honestly far from home was amazing and literally one of the only places I’m seeing negativity is tumblr because of course. I hate this hellsite.

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