Probably Gonna Be Worded Weird - Tumblr Posts
This. I am also both trans [under the umbrella, specifically under the nonbinary umbrella, lol] and alterhuman/nonhuman (I use both terms, as well as some others) and my gender and species dysphoria a lot of the time go together.
Also, my friend who is trans also sees how similar it is at times for gender and species dysphoria because I talk to him about my species (and gender but that's not the point here) dysphoria. [I hope this part makes any sense, lol].
Both my gender and species dysphoria fucking suck, I get a similar feeling from both. One [in my case] just feels a little bit worse. Cause to me, it almost feels like I'll always be seen as just a human even more than always being seen as the gender I am not. I am not a human, Idc what this body is, I am not my body. I am not my body in the way of gender as well, but I feel like more people respect that (not trying to undermine anyone's experience, hell I deal with transphobia all the time even if the people who are don't know I am trans). People seem to understand it more. It's something that makes more sense to them.
I really hope that this makes sense, lol.
I think the whole "therianthropy is a mockery of transness" lie did a LOT of damage to our community. We're afraid to draw parallels that are actually quite helpful.
"Trans" is an adjective that can 8e appended to words like woman, man, or person to add extra context. This is how I 8elieve alterhuman la8els should 8e used: "fictionkind Vriska" shares a little more context around my experience than just "Vriska", and "therian spider" shares a little more context around my experience than just "a spider." However, I don't really ever see people just saying "spider" or "Vriska," or any counterparts. You get the gist. There have 8een a lot of posts around this topic recently (most from me of course LOL) 8ut that's not it.
I also feel like this has made us afraid to discuss species dysphoria as anything 8eyond "I have this 8tw." Like, no? This isn't just a sad feeling that pops up occasionally. It is deha8ilit8ing. I am as much as a suicide risk as any trans person with gender dysphoria. This portrayal of species dysphoria has normalized invalid8ion IMO. Misgendering is never okay, 8ut... The alterhuman equivalent? It's fine! No hard feelings there. (Don't get transmedicalist a8out this, I'll 8ite you.)
I. Can't think of any more actually! So please re8log with any examples you have, I'd love to hear.