Puggo Rambles - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Should I make a babygirl bracket tournament for every character in LL and The Arcana?

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1 year ago

Howdy folks, just wanted to say I feel like actual dog shit so the final round of the Arcana polls will have to wait till tomorrow when I'm feeling better. Okay thanks toodles

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1 year ago

Once again, I must say...dogshit. in my bones. Injected into my bloodstream. So the babygirl polls will have to wait one more day where I'm pretty sure I'll feel better. Toodles once again

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1 year ago

Ahaha~ vent post~ I'm on mobile so I can't put a cut~

Nothing inherently triggering, just me hating people

Apparently nobody knows how to shut the fuck up when it's 2 AM. To the room across from me: stop blasting Hercules. To the drunk people outside: stop yelling. To my roommate: stop fucking snoring. I can barely sleep as it is tonight, it hurts to swallow but I don't have any cough drops and can't drink any tea cuz the only receptacle I have keeps the tea too how to drink for 7 fucking hours. My bones hurt from sitting all day and not being able to do the fucking work I need to cuz executive fuckin dysfunction or whatever. I thought getting one decent night of sleep could help at least alleviate that but apparently not. I cannot wait until finals week ends and I can get out of here and never see these fucks again. Good fucking riddance. Thank you for making me suffer in the wee hours of the morning, you've been the highlight of the semester.

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1 year ago

PSA to anyone going to a restaurant: if you have a party of more than six, for the love of fucking god make a reservation.

Sincerely, a host who has at least five parties of more than six walk in and an empty reservation book.

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1 year ago

I think I'm gonna go on a writing sprint and finish all of my writing requests tonight so they can finally stop plaguing me and I can feel like a brand new person so if you see me posting a bunch of random stuff that's just me taking writing breaks since I'm sure I have like zero writing stamina

For the three people who have requested stuff from me, thank you so much for putting up with me! I'm gonna try and get better at writing since I'll be doing it more this semester, and hopefully I can do more of what I'm planning to do for the rest of my life lol

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1 year ago

Okay I'm gonna rant about friendships and romantic relationships and shit to keep myself from crying while making ramen on the stove

Why do I feel so...threatened when one of my friends has a romantic relationship? The second I hear that one of my friends has a SO I immediately want to punch them. I got no fucking idea why, the thought of it just makes me so mad. And I can't talk to anyone about this cuz most of my friends are in relationships and I don't get to speak with my school counselor until God knows when.

I don't think it's some sort of abandonment issue? I think it might be a "I have a really hard time making relationships" issue? Being both autistic and a military kid does wonders for having friendships. I've never had friendships that last more than a year and now that I have those, I don't want them to leave. I can't stand the thought of them leaving.

I feel like I'm drifting away from my best friend who lives in Virginia because she has a boyfriend now, and even though we don't talk as much as we used to since we're both in college and have jobs and stuff, I feel like I can't talk to her the way I used to. We had this RP that we did for years but she broke that off when I got to college, but even so we could still talk about our characters and it made me so happy. That's the main thing that makes me happy, thinking and talking about fictional characters that I made and that I love and that I see myself in. And I can't lead any conversation with that anymore because it feels like she's either uninterested or she doesn't answer until I say something else.

I can't talk to two of my friends when they're together because they're dating, and more than once I've been alone with the two of them and I want nothing more than to leave. As soon as one of them comes over and starts acting all cute and stuff, I want to hurt them and then run away. I have not and will never do that, but the thought is so prevalent. I can't...I can't be around my friends in romantic relationships, and it's so shitty. I hate it so much.

I don't know if I even want a romantic relationship myself. The idea of it is good, but the thought of actually opening myself to that is disgusting. Why can't I let others enjoy themselves? Why can't I let others be happy?

Ugh, I don't have the energy to keep talking about this...if you read down here, thanks for listening to my shit lol

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1 year ago

god okay so I'm thinking about doing a Genshin Impact babygirl poll and now I'm wondering if I should make a babygirl poll sideblog? open it up to the masses? I know I already did a poll asking what sideblog I should do but now I'm thinking of another idea and I wanna know if it's stupid or not

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1 year ago

you know, the more I think about it, the Genshin Impact storyline runs similar to a DnD campaign

Mondstadt: There's a dragon terrorizing the land! Help us, brave adventurer!

Fontaine: The world is going to fucking explode because of the gods' ineptitude. Here's some cake

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1 year ago

I'm in a very "fuck it we ball" mood regarding finals and I probably shouldn't. But here we are

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1 year ago

I know I was just griping about finals and asking for tips for actually doing stuff, but I'm gonna share what I find helpful during this crazy week before finals, and maybe it'll help some other folks out there :3

(this is definitely not me procrastinating nooooooo)

Get yourself some headphones! It can help put yourself into the mindset of "I'm gonna get some work done." Put some background noise on as well. I listen to Genshin music while I'm working on actually writing, and if I'm just copying down notes or doing something that doesn't require me to focus on words, I put on some lets-plays. Neurodivergent brain likes multiple things going on at once lol

If you're like me and you tend to game at your desk instead of work, don't actually sit at the desk. You're gonna be so tempted to stop what you're doing and go play some video games, and that's not entirely conducive to doing work. Go to your local library or another spot that's quiet where you can get some work done. I personally recommend somewhere that's at least a little public so that the space is full and there's stuff you can look at when you just need a little brain break

Okay I know I just said don't play video games when you're trying to get stuff done but. I've found playing Honkai: Star Rail and putting it in auto-battle and doing stuff while that's going on to be pretty helpful. I feel extra productive that way. I do it when I'm at home, especially when I'm cleaning or putting away my laundry, but if you have a game like that where it's easy to just grind, try it out!

Also. Clean your space. This is more a reminder to myself than me actually telling you to do anything, but it's also good if you need a brain break


Remember, we're all in this together. Take care of yourself, take care of others, and good luck! I believe in you!

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