Pure Evil - Tumblr Posts
i want masc lesbians but they don’t want me sigh… 🤦♀️🤦♀️
How can such a little Autobot be so maniacally evil…
The Traitor Sirius Black
Sirius and Walburga Black by @das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh Regulus Black by me
[It’s the Christmas of 1974 and Regulus Black is home for the holidays in the middle of his 3rd year. Like usual, his elder brother Sirius chooses to stay locked away in his room or sneaking off to his best friend James Potter’s house instead of spending quality time with his lovely family.]

Walburga: No doubt the dark lord has great plans for her.

[continued under the cut]

Judge Doom!!! He's the scariest villain of my childhood....

A little more Judge Doom!

I really tried, so I hope you like it

mosquitsune miku
Maybe instead of studying how to be Princes Diana and lying about it she should have studied British protocol like she swore she was.

The worst time to get turned into a vampire would be if you were growing out your hair and had it at a really awkward length, or if it was way too long for you and you were just about to get a haircut, but even worse than that would be if the vampire interrupted you part way through the haircut. Or part way through shaving off a beard and/or moustache.