Qsmp Foolish - Tumblr Posts

Counting Day 1 before they make the official wedding!
PS. this is for LAUGH only, do not harass anyone, let the streamer do what they want to do with their CCs.

I have so much fun, I hope they see how dedicated we are to this ship!

Day 2 of waiting for the wedding invitation
Reblogg so I can watch this when I feel sad
@halftheway *offers u 3 clips of foolish giggling about kissing vegetta*
somehow it never occurred to me that the deep dark could exist in the qsmp but i guess it does
I love how richarlyson's admin is trying hard to help Foolish in his lore of becoming king of the capybaras, i was sad that he is out of elections but this is also really interesing, I hope there's more of to this lore lol
Foolish is paying all the karma for scaring Cellbit at his castle and Forever at the ninho hotel LMAO
badboyhalo and foolish are my favorite dynamic rn. they just give "immortal minor deities who have known each other for too long" vibes. every time they talk to each other it's like "why the fuck are you still here" "why do I always have to end up in the same universe as you" but they trust each other with their kids and their lives. dapper and leo chasing each other as their parents argue yet again, completely unbothered because they know they love each other.
Bad is just used to Leo sneaking over at this point, and makes Foolish come all the way over to get her instead of sending her back, that way he can trick foolish into going on adventures with all of them
foolish and dapper playing pranks on bad + bad and leo playing pranks on foolish. nephew/niece bonding time. I can go on and on about their dynamic I love them. They're besties your honor
Average Landuo conversation:
Bad: Everyday is a mental battle,
Bad: But I’m fighting you, not me. 😇
(The dead fed in the background looked more gruesome when blurred somehow, if sensitive to blood / crime scenes / death please scroll past)
Foolish after finding the body at spawn-

Still losing it over this from earlier, man not only are the workers concerned for their fellow ranks but considered Foolish one of them and felt sad that he may have been a murder victim T^T
just christmas vibes here 🤙
[props to Tubbo]
I remember coming across a qsmp clip where Luzu talks to Foolish and BadBoyHalo, and they try to help him figure out who is his egg child and parent-match. One of them brought up the train, asking which train they were in, but then questioned if it mattered. What if the different train selection did mattered? so i rewatched the VODs and took notes. Train 1 Train 2
ElMariana WilburSoot Quackity Slimecicle Foolish iRoier BadBoyHalo Maximus DanTDM Philza Jaiden Spreen MissaSinfonia Vegetta777 Luzu FitMC
The answer to this question is yesn't. yes and no.
Ignoring the single parents, most of the matched parents were on different trains. BUT Fit and Spreen were on the same train. They were matched as parents but on the same train. Luzu has the same ticket as Quackity, so they were matched. But they were on the same train. They also are both Spanish speakers unless Luzu was matched with English speaking Quackity who isn't supposed to know any Spanish at all ... supposedly. (the 2 quackities is still confusing me)
and we are back with foolish dealing with cheating allegations
the man can get no rest
(and etoiles asked if he likes dilf XDD)
the dungeon is harder
and foolish is pole dancing ????
watching jaiden's pov. she crashed. switches to roier's. he also crashes. switches to cellbit, he also crashes.
swtiched to other s ans notixed that eEVERYBODY HAD CRASHED
Foolish betrayed them???? idk??? but the tazercraft both got kidnapped and imprisoned!!!! THE FUCKING SMILEY FACE, THEN TELEPORT TO PRISON!!???
I quickly switch to Foolish's POV and got the dinner. lagged so bad that i had to wait a few minutes to catch up.
But now he looks very very sus.
Tazercraft has morse code! GET IT!!
Everybody on Tumblr was panicking about the eventual Tazercraft kidnapping or whatever. but holy shit.
amidst the chaos of everyone accusing Foolish, Jaiden sings World is Mine.
rn is the interrogation. why is foolish sound like he's telling everything but what had just happened? just random events. nothing about tazercraft. and why is he saying "i'll share what i can. "
If the betrayal theory is true, I'll be shocked!