Rainforest - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

5 years ago

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1 year ago

Former Boeing 727 converted into a hotel, Costa Verde Hotel, Costa Rica

Former Boeing 727 Converted Into A Hotel, Costa Verde Hotel, Costa Rica

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3 years ago

Overwatch 2 Maps: The Amazon Rainforest

Alright! Welcome to: "Another cut-map that I wish was added to the game because we might have seen animated animals!" (Check out my posts on the Bayou and Galapagos in OW2. I talked about the environments and animated animals we might have seen with some other stuff). On the Overwatch Wiki, the Amazon Rainforest was a cut-map and I'm gonna talk about what it's like in real life and what it might be like in Overwatch 2. But first, the TLDR if you don't want to read under the cut...

TLDR: IRL the Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. It is found in northwestern Brazil; it is a relatively flat area with a lot of streams/rivers with thousands of animals living in it. In OW, it will probably be Control, but I hope it will be a hybrid or a push map. If it is either of those map types, the paths would be around and into an Aztec-like style temple.

Real World Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon Rainforest, like it says in the name, is a rainforest. It is in northwestern Brazil and extends into Columbia, Peru, and other South American countries. It is the largest tropical rainforest in the world that is home to a lot of different species of insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. Some of my favorite animals from the Amazon Rainforest are jaguars, Amazon river dolphins, giant otters, ocelots, and hummingbirds. The terrain is quite flat, being a rainforest and all, has a lot of trees, frequent oxbows, and thousands of streams. Now, to Overwatch!

Overwatch 2 Maps: The Amazon Rainforest
Overwatch 2 Maps: The Amazon Rainforest
Overwatch 2 Maps: The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest in Overwatch 2: The concept art shows that the main color scheme for the Amazon would be a lot of green and brown shades with some oranges and white. It is listed as Attack/Defend which I think means Assault/2CP. The art also shows that the attack/defend point would be an Aztec-like temple(It reminds me of the jungle temples in Minecraft), but since 2CP might not exist in OW2 I am going to talk about what map type it could be.

It would probably be Control, but I don't like Control that much, other than Lijang Tower, so I want it to be hybrid or push. If it is hybrid, the payload itself would be a truck/jeep. The payload route would start at a campsite, go down a path, parallel to the Amazon river, then go around the temple, and end up inside it. If it was a push map, then the robots would probably walk around the temple, with two roads on parallel sides of the temple being where they leave the area. I think that on a different map, the robots should look different. In city areas, like Toronto, they look clean while in a place like this they might look overgrown to match the map's vibe.

Overwatch 2 Maps: The Amazon Rainforest

Anyways, I will be posting about some possible new character soon, but I'm not sure when. I hope you all are excited for the May Melee, I really hope Florida Mayhem win!

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1 year ago
Landscape Retaining Walls In SydneyPhoto Of A Huge Modern Shade Backyard Retaining Wall Landscape In

Landscape Retaining Walls in Sydney Photo of a huge modern shade backyard retaining wall landscape in summer.

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1 year ago

Landscape Retaining Walls in Sydney

Landscape Retaining Walls In Sydney

Photo of a huge modern shade backyard retaining wall landscape in summer.

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1 year ago
Waterfall Spirit

Waterfall Spirit

by Pablo Amaringo


45.Waterfall-Spirit – Rainforest Medicine Gatherings

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1 year ago
Guardians Of The Sacred

Guardians of the Sacred

by Douglas Wolz

Fine Art America
Guardians of the Sacred Painting by Douglas Volz
Guardians Of The Sacred

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10 years ago
Around Five Football Fields Of Tropical Forest Have Been Illegally Cleared Every Minute Between 2000

Around five football fields of tropical forest have been illegally cleared every minute between 2000 and 2012 according to a new report.

Source: BBC News

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1 year ago

We need everyone's help right now to protect the rainforest and Indigenous People

The Amazon Rainforest is under a massive threat. I know you've heard this a million times, but this is different. There is a piece of legislation that will decimate the rights of Indigenous people of Brazil, who have been protecting the rainforest. It's unfathomably bad. It has majority support. And they're voting tomorrow. As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."

The thing you can do—and I know this sounds overly simple—is sign this petition—and tell your friends to do the same: SIGN HERE.

As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."

Again, this bill has majority support. You may be wondering, why will a petition signed by people who don't live in Brazil make any difference? Because it will give those opposing it political air cover. It will show the world is with them.

But we need a LOT of signatures.

Please do this simple act and spread the word.

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1 year ago

Landscape - Retaining Walls

Landscape - Retaining Walls

Photo of a large modern full sun front yard retaining wall landscape in fall.

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We need everyone's help right now to protect the rainforest and Indigenous People

The Amazon Rainforest is under a massive threat. I know you've heard this a million times, but this is different. There is a piece of legislation that will decimate the rights of Indigenous people of Brazil, who have been protecting the rainforest. It's unfathomably bad. It has majority support. And they're voting tomorrow. As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."

The thing you can do—and I know this sounds overly simple—is sign this petition—and tell your friends to do the same: SIGN HERE.

As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."

Again, this bill has majority support. You may be wondering, why will a petition signed by people who don't live in Brazil make any difference? Because it will give those opposing it political air cover. It will show the world is with them.

But we need a LOT of signatures.

Please do this simple act and spread the word.

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2 years ago
Former Boeing 727 Converted Into A Hotel, Costa Verde Hotel, Costa Rica

Former Boeing 727 converted into a hotel, Costa Verde Hotel, Costa Rica

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5 months ago
An Understanding Of The Natural World & What's In It Is A Source Of Not Only A Great Curiosity, But Great
An Understanding Of The Natural World & What's In It Is A Source Of Not Only A Great Curiosity, But Great

“An understanding of the natural world & what's in it is a source of not only a great curiosity, but great fulfillment.”

By, Sir David Attenborough

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9 years ago
Just A Few Mushrooms Growing Peacefully On A Log. :)

Just a few mushrooms growing peacefully on a log. :)

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8 years ago
Follow The Path Of Your Minds Curiosity

Follow the path of your mind’s curiosity

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